Human spiritual development: how is it, its features


Spiritual development is something that should be done to each person. Many forget about its need, making an emphasis only on primitive needs and needs, which, of course, greatly harms the soul, prevents his life mission to correctly.

how to learn spiritual development

The meaning of spiritual improvement

Why did God create our souls? To get an answer to the question, as well as comprehend the real harmony of your body and soul, you need to learn to penetrate the spiritual world and learn space laws.

Truth is hiding even deeper - at the level of the immaculate spirit (level above the soul). However, he rarely visits us, as most of his people have a hollow psyche, the wrong, distorted consciousness, they are unable to perceive everything that happens to them, correctly.

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The same in the root is incorrect, too simplified relationship is often observed to spirituality. People tend to deceive themselves, believing that they have a special strength, but in reality they have lost contact with their Spirit. The latter with all justice finds human souls unreasonable and only in very rare cases is ready to let them in to themselves to shed light on many things. It is frightened by dangerous and crazy actions of the "younger sister".

The soul instead of the "organs" enjoys aspirations, feelings and understanding. The desire is similar to desire, but is the level above. For example, with the help of desires personality aware of what to do, and thanks to the desire determines with the direction of movement. It is the desire who acts as a conscious spiritual impulse.

What kind of aspiration can be considered the most important? Of course, the desire to self-improve and develop spiritually. But the spiritual development of man (more precisely, the need for it) occurs only in those people who have developed the upper energy centers (chakras). Otherwise, the most basic body needs (food, water, shelter, sexual pleasure, money) are put on the fore.

Like the soul works to get a new experience

In the case of disclosure of exclusively lower chakras, the need for spiritual growth is absent. But it is with its help that an individual through his own aspirations "pushes" in the right direction in order to create the living conditions for him in which he will survive those or other obstacles, but will receive valuable experience. The soul is in dire need of this experience to learn how to improve yourself.

Pyramid of human needs (oil)

At the same time, the human brain and the ego can perceive the current situation, life conditions as good or bad. But what is unfavorable for a person may appealed what his soul needs.

The most important moment in the process of spiritual development is the ability to realize your life lessons, analyze the experience of the past. Here there is an introduction of a more dense and strong personality energy in the soul, which provokes its change.

Therefore, often people are committed at first glance completely insane actions, often harm themselves, make themselves suffer. In fact, the goal of all this is to develop spiritually through new experience, develop new identity qualities.

Feelings are similar to emotional experiences. The excited energy center on thin levels is perceived by us as feelings. Of the psychology, the difference between emotions and feelings is known: the first are short-term, they mainly provoke external causes, the feelings are preserved for a long time, their origins should be sought inside. And although feelings, as a rule, are not so rich and bright as emotions, but they have much greater importance.

The higher chakras (top) are open in humans, the less egoism will be in it and the more he exists altruism. Plus is distinguished by deep feelings and loyal understanding of life. If the upper energy centers are open, a person is aware of his soul and a thin world. Not all people are currently interested in something further than their nose. The reason for this is the closure of higher chakras, which is badly affected by spiritual development.

The soul in his knowledge of the world enjoys the force of the "third eye". That is, it is assumed the ability to clearly see, hear and understand what is happening. If we speak scientifically, then "clairvoyance" is equivalent to "insights" - that is, there are outbreaks of intuitive insight.

Thanks to clairvoyance, a person receives knowledge, not concluded in a specific form, protruding in the form of words, images or concepts. Such information design is important more for the human mind, as it allows you to fix it in memory and share it with others. And knowledge may affect any sphere of life - ranging from household and ending with universal issues.

Spiritual development is a big job

The soul regarding the human person is a control authority. However, as a rule, its signal is not so intense, as all that "noise", which create our desires, thoughts and personal reasoning.

In this connection, the soul cannot directly affect a person, and the latter even creates the illusion of its own independence, "autonomy." However, when an individual begins to behave inappropriately: Makes unworthy actions, it turns out to be in a state of disharmony regarding the unreasonable requirements of his soul. This manifests as shame and remorse of conscience - the signals over the explicit problem and the need to change their behavior.

Conscience remorse - signal over

If the personality is long and hardly implements the desire of his soul, then deep inner dissatisfaction develops, depression. Such states are often quenched with alcohol, tobacco and other entertainment. You can actually cope with them or something else, but only starting your spiritual development.

In everyday life, the process of self-improvement is the result of personal experiences. And the latter are due to the difficulties of life arising when the desires and desires of the soul are being implemented.

This takes place from well-known human defects. People who have reached the high level of development experienced many states transforming their consciousness.

The person actually acts as a certain "system", self-development, a change in consciousness and the physical body of which is important to carry out in the complex: developing his soul and spirit, as well as transforming their identity, making it unique.

At the end of such a difficult, but interesting topic, I suggest you view an additional video. Footage:

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