How is the rite of weight loss, examples


All beautiful sex representatives dream of having an ideal figure, but not everyone gets to do this in a natural way. Sometimes the genes are stronger than our efforts, but do not rush to despair, because there is always a way out - this is a rite of weight loss, resorting to which you can easily make your dream to reality. From this article, you will learn how to perform a ritual to get rid of extra centimeters, and get effective examples of driving rituals.

ideal figure

Rules for compliance with rituals for weight loss

So that the action of rituals was more pronounced and you were able to get rid of hated centimeters faster, it will take compliance with a number of rules, namely:
  1. It is important, performing any magical actions, to be alone. There is also a lack of extraneous sounds (take care of this item, otherwise the sound of a neighboring drill or loud music will destroy your energy shell).
  2. The moon for weight loss should be in the decrease phase - thus, together with descending, the lunar disk you will get rid of extra kilograms.
  3. Sincere and unconditional faith in the result of a magical action, otherwise it will not bring the expected result.
  4. Before all conspiracies and rites for weight loss can not eat.
  5. When you read a conspiracy, say words as clearly and understandable - ideally to learn the text for memory. But if this item represents the complexity for you, it is worth writing the text on the leaf and read.
  6. Psychics advise to carry out rites for weight loss at the beginning of the week (on Mondays) or at its end (on Fridays). At this time, human energy is very powerful, which allows you to lose weight faster.
  7. In order for the ritual to be more efficient, spend it in the morning clock (until the sun goes away) or, on the contrary, late in the evening (after it is coming).
  8. Do not tell anyone about the magic actions committed. If you tell someone about the rite, immediately lose the particle of vital energy, which will greatly affect the effectiveness of the action.

Examples of rites for weight loss

Ritual with woolen thread

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To fulfill it, you will need to stock up with such a magical arsenal:

  • woolen thread blue;
  • crystal vase filled with water;
  • matches.

It is necessary to wait for the full moon, and when it appears in the sky, go out and carefully consider its lunar disk. Then turn on your axis and read the conspira twelve times:

Conspiracy for weight loss

Then return to the dwelling, ignite the matches and throw them into the water. Repeat the spell another twelve times, but now read it on the water.

Take the thread. It is necessary to tie it as an eight near the nameless and middle fingers on the left hand. Wear until the twenty-seventh lunar days come, and then burn (you can just wear thread overnight).

The conspiracted driver is consumed seven or twelve once a day. Also rub the problem areas of your body.

Slim ritual for weight loss

The body is flashed with lard, which is then given to pigs. In the process of spreading without breaks, pronounce:

"Salo to Salu, from me to him, from Sala to the pig."

The ideal option is to perform this magical effect in the countryside, it will contribute to a more pronounced action of the rite and the maximum weight loss.


When you smear the lard and give a piece of pigs, it will take that the dog smells fat with you. While she will do it, you will need to read the consultation:

conspiracy to lose weight
This ritual has a very greater magic force. Satisfied for him - Saturday, the moon decreases.

Very soon you will see positive changes in your figure.

Rite for weight loss with a candle

Time - full moon. The day of the week is Thursday.

  1. Ignor the candle from the wax of yellow color.
  2. Melted wax should flush into the bowl into which the key water is gaining, until the candle is completely fushed. During this action, a collapse is pronounced:

Magic words

Repeat the magic words 6 times, but do breaks at the same time. Candle is on all this time. As soon as she went out, the water is drunk, and the wax is going, sucked, and a new candle creates from it, but less in size than the original option.

On the next day, the manipulation is repeated, you also pronounce the spell, drip the water wax, and then collect it to repeat the ritual again. So it is necessary to do for fourteen days or less - it is important that actions are performed on a decreasing moon and while you will not end wax.

Rite with a candle

An important condition - every time you drink water, first, do not remove the wax out of it, and secondly, visualize that it is like a decrease in the volume of the candle lose weight and your body.

When the new moon comes, all the magical effects stop, and if at this time you still have wax, do not throw it away, but keep your perfect body as a "warranty".

The described witchcraft can be resorted many times, the main thing is to take into account the Phase of the Moon.

Rite for weight loss with bee wax

"How fast and forever get rid of extra kilograms?" This question is asked by many women and even part of men. We bring to your attention a very good ritual with a plot that will give you the perfect body in the shortest possible time!

Before starting to perform it, you will need to install your ideal weight you want to achieve. Then count what the difference between this parameter and your current weight. And then perform such actions:

  1. Prepare natural beeswax (permissible to melt the candle, but it is important that it is absolutely new, never got angry before).
  2. From wax, sausages are made, the thickness of which is equal to your little men.
  3. Put the sausage on the table and with the help of a sharp knife, cut slices from it along a centimeter long. Each time you say: "The first kilogram", "second kilogram" and so on. You need to cut such a number of pieces, for how many kilograms you would like to lose weight.
  4. After that, the slices are melted, of which one volumetric ball must be formed - this is a symbol of your fat from which you get rid of.
  5. The ball is putting under the pillow on which you will sleep.
  6. Wait until the full moon comes, and in it exactly at 12 o'clock at night, get a ball from under the pillow, graze it with your palms, cover your eyes and visualize that it is your excess fatty weight. Then imagine that you have thinned. Watch on yourself from the side, watch your movements, inform yourself, imagine how you catch the enthusiastic views of representatives of a strong floor.
  7. Then on the plot of the table, on which the moon light falls, a circle is drawn, and a ball is put on it.
  8. For the next day, cut a small piece of wax, we melm and visualize how your fat starts actively. The wax then pours out in the toilet or ejected.
  9. The rite is repeated daily. Calculate time so that when the lunar month is over, you spent all the wax. And if some part it still remains, wait for a new full moon and repeat the rite.

If you use the described rituals plus you will lead an active lifestyle and eat right, you will always have a perfect body!

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