How to find out whether the wife changes or not


Already eighteen years I have been working as a psychologist. During this time, I studied different moments and worked with different cases, but ultimately focused on one sphere - family psychology. Ten years of your practice, I worked with family couples, mainly by those who have long been together.

Do you know what the most frequent reason for the appeal to a psychologist? Treason. Moreover, if earlier it concerned more than men, now the girls and girls also destroy their own family. In general, situations are very often similar - for several years of marriage, especially with children, partners are slightly cool, and women pull on fresh impressions. They often can't control these feelings and very clearly give their secrets to behavior. In this article, I will describe signs that may indicate that the wife changes you.

Are there passwords on gadgets?

In the era of phones and social networks, it was very simple to learn about treason - enough couples in the social networks of the partner. If a person has unexpectedly sitting in the phone and does not leave him anywhere, it means that there is something to hide.

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Pretty typical and very obvious sign.

  • Previously there was no, now there is. Your wife had no password all my life. In her phone, the memory occupied photos of children and cats. And now she installed the password and asks for a personal space.
  • Previously stood, and she refuses to speak. It is not very clear why live with a person who refuses to request your social networks. Probably the trust between you was not from the very beginning.

How to find out whether the wife changes or not 4420_1

Sharp change image

Classic and strict things changed bright and trendy things? Training pants suddenly changed to dresses? Think about - why such a change? Most often, men like it - the wife becomes beautiful and bloom. It is important to understand, this happened for some external reasons or was she just fell in love and tries to be beautiful for someone else?

Strangers to you friends \ friends

Your wife had three girlfriends with whom she saw once a month. And now, many others appeared unexpectedly - Mysterious Masha from the gym, Katya from the child's kindergarten. If the wife has new friends, seek them to meet them, be friendly and open. If she refuses you to get acquainted with them, they either do not exist and it is lying to you, or she shakes you. Both are a reason for questions.

How to find out whether the wife changes or not 4420_2

She stops swearing with you

A trap in which men regularly fall. Wives suddenly cease to be aggressive megars and turn into affectionate and stopped. They do not shout, do not drank and do not swear on trifles, begin to keep track of the house and talk to a quiet and affectionate voice. Men believe that the relationship has been established and relax.

And the reason is actually the fact that the woman is in love and satisfied, small domestic issues cease to worry it. She is not so acutely perceived by your shortcomings or does not notice them at all - this is the reason for such a sharp change of character.

She appears new things or decorations.

An obvious sign - if your wife appears, especially regularly and a lot, new dear things - ornaments or clothes, then you should definitely ask the question where they are from. Men often miss this sign simply because they really do not look at their women and do not distinguish one dress from the other.

Be careful, because expensive gifts just give only sweetheart and relatives. If the wife refuses to say where she has a new pendant or earrings, then, most likely, they gave them a lover.

The sex preferences have changed dramatically.

If you are already together for a long time, then you probably know about my wife everything. What poses she loves, what pace, what speed and how often it wants sex in general. The moment that should be perhaps the moment - if it changed sharply without visible reasons. Options for what exactly could happen, in fact three:

  • Does not want sex at all. This regularly occurs in families and without a lover, but if the wife did not give up for five years, and then suddenly began to start the reason to ask questions. First specify, there is neither her problems with intimate health and whether she feels well. If she says that everything is fine, it may have a lover.
  • Wants unusually many. The other side of the medal is your wife, which for the last three years agreed for the sex once a month, began to sharply like him several times a week. The reason for this does not always become love or lover, but this option is quite possible.
  • Change preferences. For the past ten years, you have sex from behind, and now she asks you to be top? She never liked the pose of rider, and now she wals on you herself? It may be possible to change her tastes to change her other man.

How to find out whether the wife changes or not 4420_3

Briefly about the main thing

  • Remember that even all these signs are not 100% accurate. If you have suspicions and you noticed some of these signs, it is better to talk with my wife's pupil, perhaps she admits herself. Note that the cause of unusual behavior can be anything: a change of work or a hormonal failure. Therefore, do not hurry to chop off your shoulder and blame my wife only if you are sure.
  • You should alert any sharp changes if you do not see them the reasons. If the wife sits on the decret, nothing has changed in her life and she suddenly changed sharply and noticeably, it is a reason to think about it.
  • Do not score to my wife, even if she doesn't swear with you. Speak with her, find out how are you. Perhaps this will not help save marriage, but you will definitely notice treason in time.

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