Plank wish: how to do and arrange collage


Each person has dreams and desires to which he is striving and who are in one degree or another are executed. Some succession to achieve their desires to achieve faster, as there are all prerequisites for this, for example: rich parents who gave start-up capital to develop their own business, or a successful marriage that has justified all hopes at once.

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Approach the fulfillment of desires and dreams can every person with special equipment - it is called the boards of desires. This is a bog between magic and psychology, which helps to realize what I want the most in the world. Desires can be a few, and most importantly, this way really works.

How does the desires visualization board work

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Your brain is designed so that, the more you think about something, the more intensive work is working, or rather, processing this information. If you are tormented by the idea of ​​buying your own housing, the stronger the thought works on how to implement it. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to fall asleep because of the thoughts of his thoughts, these are natural data of the brain - to find the way as soon as possible from the current situation.

When you concentrate on specific positive changes in life, in addition to your will, there is a scrolling of parts, solve those or other issues related to the desire with its embodiment. New ideas and possible options for solving the issue are generated. This is the process and is called visualization. For example: You dream of buying a new car.

In the mind you already imagine how it looks like, what color and brand has, you mentally manage your own car and feel a real buzz. Visualization allows you to experience temporary satisfaction and get confidence that this is how it really will actually. The desires receive a realization, at least mentally, they are visualized.

Well-being and happiness are those two major dreams that every person dreams of. However, with negative thinking, the embodiment of desires occurs. Only a positive attitude can help achieve the goal, negative thoughts of their dematerializes.

So that the negative does not interfere with a beautiful picture of a dream and did not confuse you, it is proposed to make a board of visual desires. Everyone can make it, you just need to be patient, to show accuracy, to have an optimistic attitude and believing in the realization of the planned one.

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We make a card of desires do it yourself

Do not collect puzzles in your hollow. You should prepare for the manufacture of the board and be sure to find inspirational photos, pictures or pictures. Think of your desires, select the strongest and concentrate on them. Let them be the first and implemented during the year. It is not necessary to think about prospects, start with small, and after successful implementation, you can think about global plans for life.

Important and unrealized

Do not think that the goals are difficult to implement or, on the contrary, are easily achievable. Guide such principles:

Does it make sense to add to the map what without much effort can be executed? The little thing will only distract and interfere with the visualization of real dreams. You should not add a photo of your girlfriends to the board at a party, as you can see them in the nearest weekend.

What is already available is also not needed to add, for example: you have a great relationship with your spouse, but you decided to post your shared photo on the board. What for? Do you miss happiness? It is better to analyze the relationship and simply add a highlight to them. But if you are watching your overall photo against the Maldives background, then this is a completely different alignment. But for this you need to want to go to these very islands.

You can post on the map of desires the most bold dreams, bags with dollars, huge cottages, even a meeting with the president, if you really want it. Do not be afraid of obstacles, if you really want, everything is implemented.

Collection of source material

  • The base of the card must be dense, it means that you can take either Watman or a piece of cardboard. The design of the foundation with their own hands will enrich it with your energy, will allow you to absorb the strongest mental desires.
  • Some practical individuals make the basis of a magnetic or cork board. This allows you to quickly update the desires after their implementation and add new dreams.
  • For those who have been spending a computer for a long time, can be an acceptable digital version. Then you will need a graphic editor and online service.

The first two options can be housed at home in the office and constantly remind you of yourself. For their design, we need beautiful thematic pictures, photos from a personal or family archive, cutting out of newspapers or other periodicals. Prepare pencils, markers, markers and crayons. All that can come in handy for colorful content of desires cards. For background screensavers or collages, colored paper or white landscape sheets are useful. In addition, be sure to have glue and scissors at hand.

Be sure to select a time when no one distorts you and does not distract, take a good mood. You can enable your favorite melody or music for relax. Try to concentrate your thoughts on what you want very much. During work, imagine yourself in the picture, try to catch smells, sounds that are coming from the place where you dream to get.

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If possible, try to be relaxed, free and positive so that thoughts not only have reflected on the map, but also rose to the universe.

Feng Shui: one of their requirements for registration of desires

The methods of Chinese equipment Feng Shui great help harmonize the energy of the environment. If you place the photos in certain sectors of the card, which correspond to the life spheres, the attraction will only increase.

How to choose the right space and fill it:

  • The entire card field must be broken down by nine equal sectors. In the middle of the central sector, and from it eight additional areas.
  • Select one sector and fill it first, without being distracted by others. Concentrate at a desire and fill it with the appropriate color.
  • Do not take pictures carrying negative, or texts with a negative particle "not".
  • All sectors must be decorated.

In the center, place your photo, choose the most successful and beautiful you like. It is necessary that you radiate happiness on it, it will be the center, the core, the embodiment of all the desires. The central sector is a zone that personifies health. If you dream to lose weight, you can glue your head to the body of a well-known model, it is not scary.

  • The southern sector is glory, recognition, honors. The desires associated with professional and personal growth, creativity should be located here. You may want to lay out here the collage on which there are celebrities with you.
  • Top corner from above - a block of money, wealth, well-being. You can place photos of the villa, yachts, mansion or steep car. Collages with your photos Against the background of the last car model, what is needed for this sector. Do not hesitate your own fantasies.
  • Upper right corner - love, family, personal relationship. If you are not married, then you should put any wedding pictures here, but without other people, they have nothing to do with you. It can be any wedding attributes.
  • The family sector is located below. In it you can post a photo of native people.
  • This is followed by a zone responsible for children for their implementation in life. If your dream is a baby, then the theme of the pictures must be appropriate.
  • Career is in the north. Your desires in career growth may come to life here. Stick here logos of companies or organizations where you would like to work.
  • Northeast Angle - Intellect, Knowledge. For students, diplomas or certificates of graduation, for other books, scrolls or other attributes of wisdom will be relevant.
  • The lower right square is the most beloved, he is responsible for traveling and traveling. Place photos of those places where you dream. Usually this sector is filled with pictures and desires, beaches, scenery and beautiful views of various cities.

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Where to position the map of desires

After the card is completely filled, you do not need to clean it on the upper shelf, in order to look at it periodically. It should be in sight, but not for outsiders, but for you. The excellent location will be the wall above the desk at work or at home, over the bed in your bedroom. Then you can program yourself every evening and morning.

Self-changer people are better not to see the map, even friends or relatives can negatively respond to it. Therefore, at the time of visits of foreign people, it can be removed.


  • Map of desires is an important component in achieving desires, it helps them to be realized.
  • The board with desires helps you visualize your own dreams and reminds that faith in success solves a lot.
  • Such an interesting phenomenon in psychology and magic, as a map of desires, works, despite the statements of skeptics. It is worth just once to try to create it and make sure that we are one whole with the universe and the universe, and thoughts have material embodiment, subject to a great desire.

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