What is duality - how affects human life


We are taught since childhood what is bad, and what is good, so you can behave, and so it is impossible. There is good and evil, truth and lies, love and hatred. Many things explain to us precisely on the example of the opposites, coloring the world of the child in black and white.

All actions are evaluated as correct or wrong, and we ourselves are good, then bad. But in the world there are many other shades, so is it necessary to reduce everything to different poles? Let's figure it out what duality is and whether the eternal choice between dark and light.

The concept of duality

Duality is polarization, separation against the opposite. They say that we live in the world of opposites: the day replaces the night, good wins evil, the heat drives cold. We are imposed on one of the poles as the one to which you need to strive, and learn to look at what is happening around exactly from this position. We appreciate others and ourselves, try to compare everything with some absolute, but is it really?

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All opposites exist only in the mind of a person. In nature, the opposites go hand in hand, there are just events, and all the assessments give a person. Wolf ate a hare is good or bad? Wolf is good, the hare is not very, there is just an action and its consequences.

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Darkness is always associated with evil, light - with good. However, if there is no darkness, there will be no light, since one pole cannot exist without a second. Such poles are the extreme points of our estimates of what is happening. The opposites are attributed to a constant struggle, but they are on the same scale, so the victory of one over the other is impossible.

Assessment of any event is subjective. The same act can be evaluated differently: someone will see in it a manifestation of good, the other - evil, the third will not customize what happened under one of the poles. The third position is the right one, as it implies an objective look at things.

Good intentions

Everyone heard that the good intention paved the road to hell. This is also one of the manifestations of duality when people wanting to make a good act cause more evil. Often, in this case, some good idea is put in the head of the corner, but the real circumstances and possible consequences are not taken into account. For example, the desire to keep the family with her husband-tyrant so that the children had a father, leads to the fact that children grow in constant stress and with beatings, mother sits on antidepressants, and in the end their life turns into hell. But the idea of ​​good!

Any good quality, any initially correct thought can be brought to the absurd when it has no benefit from it, one harm. So in the times of the Inquisition, many innocent women were burned and burned, and all in the name of the Savior, in search of virtue.

How duality affects human life

Opposites firmly live in our heads since childhood. Evaluation of all events from the position is good-bad at all does not help to build a normal life and make a good relationship with people. After all, all actions are painted in white or black tones. In this case, the same act may be caused by different circumstances. Too categorical estimates deprive the possibilities to see the picture entirely, make a person with demanding and limited in views.

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Consider some manifestations of duality:

  • Desire to do everything right. It seems as if there is nothing wrong with that. But the assessment of any action from this position makes it guided by generally accepted installations that are far from always appropriate. This desire, rather, demonstrates the fear of being not as everyone, fear of adopting responsibility for their own decisions. Here it also lies, unwillingness to take even the possibility that their "rules" may not be as correct.
  • Errors are bad. The conviction also laid down since childhood: to do it right - well, wrong - bad. Some fear of mistakes grow in a desire to do nothing, just not to make mistakes. But we are learning so much. Moreover, it is sometimes impossible to separate the error from subsequent changes in life. A bad marriage that led to the divorce is a mistake, but a favorite child then a consequence of this mistake? You do not need to customize everything under black and white terminology, you need to be flexible and perceive the events as they are.
  • There are good qualities, for example, kindness, generosity, sensitivity, are bad: stubbornness, worn, stubbornness. However, the matter is not in the qualities themselves, but to the degree of their manifestations and situations in which they are used. So, the stubborn can bring you to the attack, defending its right. But he will also stubbornly follow his goal and will show the purposefulness, which, in fact, is the same stubbornness. Sensitive nature can empathize people, feel beauty, find themselves in creativity, but they can easily hurt the offensive words or for a long time to deal with some events.

What to do with duality in your head

Man often does not recognize the presence of dualities. For him, there is one of the poles, and he does not pay attention to the second. For example, a person wants freedom. But in his subconscious, there is a second pole - non-free. The stronger the person seeks to freedom, the more she feels incomparable. Agree, the freedoms most want slaves most of all, and there will be no free to think about freedom, she has it. It is fed by the one who is hungry. Who thinks about wealth - he feels poor. If there is a strong desire of something, then inside there is a second pole.

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Such a manifestation of duality often use religions, public leaders, sects to attract people to their side. At the same time, one of the poles erected into the rank of the absolute good, so much they talk about the need to achieve it, that man begins to feel deprived of him. It blinds and makes it sometimes terrible actions in the name of the good idea.

In order not to get into such a trap, you need to know about the presence of dualities and be able to work with them. Free from the influence of opposites and objectively look at the surrounding world you will help you:

Ask your questions:

  • What is important to me?
  • What do I want to change in life?
  • What do I want?
  • What am I afraid?
  • What do I think about myself?
  1. Highlight what is most important for you at the moment. For example, be rich. This will be one of the poles relevant to you duality.
  2. Pick up the second pole. It must be the opposite of the first. In our case, it will be to remain poor. Or become poor. Options may be different, you need to listen to which one is caused by the strongest feelings inside. So you have a duality "to be rich - to be poor."
  3. Conversations are usually sent to dualities that interfere with achieving goals. In the process of working on them, many information and memories may emerge, which seemingly nothing to do with these poles, but they also need to work.
  4. You can work with dualities both independently and with a specialist. Independent work include drawing up the lists of opposites, meditation, affirmation and other exercises.

Main conclusions

  • Dualities exist only in our head. In the world, everything is interconnected, and events are not divided into black and white.
  • The assessment of the world from the standpoint "Good-bad" prevents adequately to respond to what is happening and limits the horizons of man.
  • The same character quality can be considered as a positive or negative, depending on the situation and point of view.
  • For an objective assessment of the world, you need to find relevant dualities in your head and work them.

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