What to do if depressed how to solve the problem


What if depressed? How to cope with the depressed state, when I don't want to do anything, and return your lucky life? We will understand these questions in the following material.

how to solve the depression problem

Where the legs are growing from depression

The first who mentioned the manifestations of depressive disorders was another famous leakage of antiquity of Hippocrates. It was he who allocated her symptoms from a huge number of moods. Over time, many experts were engaged in studying this pathological condition.

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To date, we can say that depression is well studied. But still still a large number of people from time to time exposed to a period of strong despondency, when I do not want to do anything, there is no motivation. What if you have depression? We will understand further.

It used to be believed that the depressive disorder is scary only for people who have an unstable psyche, losers. Today, scientists came to the conclusion that neither social status, nor life merit, no one could become 100% guaranteed that the despondency would not visit you.

And this is known a lot of confirmations - the stories of the life of celebrities, which have achieved success and world calling, but finished their life suicide, as they suffered from a protracted depression. It is also established that the most depressed is the female female professionally due to their natural emotionality.

Causes of development of depressive disorders

All factors provoked by depression can be conditionally divided into 2 categories: endogenous and reactive.

  1. Endogenic - Provocosed by genetic predisposition. In this case, in the brain there is a violation of neurotiator exchange. Neurotiators are special substances that are responsible for the process of transferring nerve impulses, plus affect the agreed activity of the excitation and braking process.
  2. Reactive - provoked by external psychotrauming situations: the rupture of relations, loss of work, the death of a native person and other similar.

And it does not have a special meaning, for what reason the depression arose. At the biochemical level, it indicates a violation of the media exchange, which, in turn, arises due to the lack of dopamine, serotonin or norepinephrine.

This information is important for the attending physician, as it helps to choose the right medicines to align the imbalance of mediators. But initially the doctor should figure out which particular mediator is in insufficient quantity. Symptoms of the depressive state come to the rescue.

  • So, in the event of a shortage of serotonin There is a disturbing disorder. Then the bad mood is accompanied by an unfortunate feeling of anxiety, concern because of the smallest detail.
  • Norainerenal deficiency leads to decay forces, lack of energy and too much fatigue.
  • Dopamine in his deficit It provokes a lost feeling of pleasure: all that previously gave positive emotions, now it seems fresh / tasteless / boring / non-darling - in general, it seems in extremely negative light.

Depression occurs more often in women

It is worth noting that representatives of the wonderful sex depression may be provoked by the failures in the hormonal field of the body. Therefore, before visiting the psychotherapist, it will not be superfluous to apply a visit to the gynecologist and pass the blood to the hormones.

The following factors also contribute to the development of depression:

  • Wrong sleep mode (its shortage or oversupply);
  • irrational nutrition (deficit of beneficial substances);
  • Permanent location in stressful situations that strongly exhausts: for example, nervous work;
  • bad relationships with relatives, no moral support;
  • loneliness in personal life;
  • Too much or, on the contrary, too little activity, when a person has plenty of free time, but he does not use it with the mind.

This list can be continued further, but now we will not sharpen their attention on the reasons for depression, making an emphasis on getting rid of it.

What to do when depression: recommendations

Before justifying the forums on the Internet on the Internet dedicated to this disorder, and to write to little: "Help, I have depression," try adhere to the general recommendations of psychologists. By the way, they will also become wonderful prevention of the problem.

Provide sufficient sleep

Available at least 7-8 hours a day, and in the right clock (it is desirable to lie down no later than 23 at night). It is important that during sleeping you no interference (light, outsiders, smells, and so on).

In a dream, our body restores its energy, so if we sleep a little, the energy membrane is gradually depleted, which causes depression.

In motion - life

If you have a handon, apathy, it means you need to urgently provide yourself more physical activity! Do not go on your ego that advises to turn into a sad seal and not to get up from the sofa, periodically feeding signs of life. Otherwise, the situation is only aggravated!

On the contrary, take a charge in the morning, arrange a jogging, sign up into the pool, the gym - all this will turn away the blood on the body, fill you with life forces and help again experience the taste of life.

Be maximally active

Walk in the fresh air

To aggravate depressive disorder can even an ordinary shortage of the Sun. No wonder the same aputical attacks are most falling on us in the fall and in winter, when there are not enough sunlight in nature.

Therefore, as soon as the weather on the street begins to delight, immediately go for a walk to the nearby park. And more often, arrange yourself shackles on nature with friends with hot barbecue and other types of pleasant pastime.

Fit right

Increase the production of serotonin, known as "hormone of happiness", will help the use of the right products:

  • legumes;
  • fishes;
  • eggs;
  • chocolate;
  • bananas;
  • orange and red vegetables and fruits;
  • spices;
  • Shrimps and other seafood.

Praise yourself

Suffering from depression, it is important to increase your self-esteem, love for yourself. This can be done if you regularly notice your even minor achievements and praise yourself for them.

Avoid others "depressing"

People - "radishes" are not the most suitable environment for those who are so in complete despondency. On the contrary, it is necessary to communicate more with optimistic, cheerful personalities, from which a positive aura is distributed in the air.

Communicate with nature and animals

Four-legged friends will be loyal assistants in the fight against sadness. Their funny behavior, cute immediacy will help forget about their own problems and charge positive emotions!

It is also recommended to find its natural "power plants" by visiting them every time when the wave of poor well-being rolling. It may be a forest, the sea, mountains, rivers and any other natural landscapes.

Showing a change in the situation

In the case of depression, it is very recommended to simultaneously change the situation. To this end, urgently purchase a trip to the overseas resort or remember the addresses of your passage relatives, to which it is time to get to visit.

Refuse inactivity

Interestingly, but very often Apathia and Kandra arise precisely due to lack of activities. If you think this is your case, solve the problem actively! Cut on a new interesting job, find a lesson in the shower, for example, thematic courses, in general, transfer the focus of your attention to useful things.

Find a useful job

Notice good

The human brain, as you know, cannot simultaneously think about two things. A wonderful reason to stop commemorating shortcomings in the people around people, making an emphasis on the merits!

Therefore, it is better not to scold your baby for a bad assessment at school, and sincerely rejoice in a beautifully drawn drawing. Noting more positive than negative, we will automatically move to the reality, in which depressed and bad mood simplicity does not exist.

Eliminate from your life alcohol and cigarettes

Alcohol and tobacco extremely negatively affect the state of the nervous system, which only aggravates depression. Look for ways to delight yourself without detrimental habits.

Love yourself and take care of yourself

It is important for a person to love and fill the energy not only his close environment, but, above all, itself. Therefore, show a little sound egoism and urgently go to shopping for a new collection of clothes or on a haircut and laying in a beauty salon. Let the depression be afraid of your good mood and go forever!

In conclusion, I would like to say that all the recommendations described above are suitable only for easy depression forms. If you are in a state of deep disorder, do not do without the help of a specialist!

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