How to stop jealous guy - Useful recommendations


Jealousy is a very negative, destructive feeling, which is sometimes almost impossible to curb. Jealousy is very poisoning the lives of a couple, introducing into her instead of positive emotions eternal distrust and suspicion. How to stop jealous of the guy, learn to trust him - let's talk about this topic.

how to stop jealous of your man

Causes of jealousy

Before trying to understand how not to jealous the guy, the root cause of pathology should be installed.

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Why does jealousy arise? There are several main reasons:

  • A jealous person wants to turn a partner to his property;
  • has a developed imagination that does not find decent use;
  • There is no confidence in the relationship.

The awareness of the cause allows you to address the problem.

How to stop jealous husband, psychologist tips

Refuse Province

Stop asshage that your favorite person is your personal "subject", like a car or something else valuable, for what you need "eyes and eyes". Still, love is a difficult thing, often very unpredictable. But one thing that can be said for sure - the groundless jealousy does not contribute to the preservation of relationships, and he will not be able to keep a person if he decides to leave.

Then why spend your nervous cells to worry about what does not happen?


You can jealous only a loved one who represents value for us. But it is much better to exercise your love with the help of other methods: sincere care, support, joy for the success of the second half, a fascinating joint pastime, interest in his hobby.

Try replacing scandals, surveillance, viewing messages on your phone, social networks with your love. But reproes, claims, quarrels are minimized to avoid loss of self-esteem, and not to humiliate a native person.

Not knowing how to get rid of jealousy, it is worth it for Aza, surrounding the beloved with his love and warmth.

Take care of your loved one

Set up for the best

Positive thinking is vital in human life. Therefore, stop winding yourself with all sorts of nonsense. It is likely that the beloved husband was delayed at work precisely because it was indeed at the meeting or something non-standard happened.

Of course, it may be that your suspicions are by no means groundless. In this case, try to find our advantages in what happened. So, life thus shows that you have chosen a person who has not been too looked at it.

Release it and look at parting how to create new, happy relationships. And the time will appear for self-improvement, search and incarnation in the lives of new ideas.

Learn to trust

Wanting to understand how not to jealous her husband, it is worth paying great attention to the issue of trust. Certain suspicions arise? Then, organize the maximum frank conversation.

At the same time, do not begin to reproach your faithful, expressing his suspicions and even more so - to increase his voice on him. In a soft, delicate form, discuss what is disturbing you, expand your fears and feelings.

Thus, you will demonstrate the chosen one's openness, readiness to improve your relationship, as well as to reasoning affecting many joint questions. Due to the frank conversation, you will forever stop the flow of misunderstanding and mutual discontent.

Hell appreciate yourself

Do you see a potential competitor in every girlfriend / familiar / neighbor or any other female person? Of course, then you will be "sitting on the needles" all the time. But it means that you have chosen a completely wrong strategy.

You should be aware of your own superiority to get rid of pathological jealousness. What will contribute to the increase in his self-esteem, and even thoughts about the fact that your chosen one decided to meet with you, and not with someone else. It would be unlikely that he did it without having serious feelings.

It will be useful to scroll together every day all the nice words that your half says you.

But you can benefit from your opponents. Think about why, in your opinion, are they better than you? Perhaps they are more feminine, sexy, beautifully dressed, are able to support an interesting conversation, have a sense of humor or something else?

Put yourself a goal to develop listed qualities in order to surpass the rivers. At the same time, and improve yourself.

Appreciate and love yourself!

Rechomitant fantasy

If your imagination is boosted and creates a picture of a terrible treason, you need to urgently correct the situation! Switch the focus of your attention to something else: sign up for courses, go to the gym, start visiting or trainings, make a pet and so on.

Your goal is to take your head with something useful, just not rolled bad thoughts. And your day should be filled with the help of the necessary and interesting cases.

It is impossible to limit your life only with love relationships. Cut the time with friends, learn, Improve yourself, which will help solve the problem, getting rid of jealousy.

Make jealous to yourself

In the event that your MIC likes a female society, it is easily flirting with unfamiliar young lady, while not sees in such a problem, try to teach it a little.

Just change with him roles, forcing it now to experience his feeling of jealousy. There is a lot of methods, the main thing is to remember that such a "science" can be fraught with poor consequences. Therefore, first think well how your boyfriend or husband will react to a similar one.

Deciding to apply this method in reality, when the "object" will show his discontent with what is happening, it is worth quietly to tell him that everything was organized specifically, so that he could feel your emotions to himself.

Most likely, the chosen one after this will take advantage of his behavior. And if not, then you should think many times, do you really need MCH, which constantly pushes you to feel negative? Or is it better to search for another candidate for the place in his heart?

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