Fortune telling in the wax: the value of the figures that turned out


The fortune telling was popular with our great-grandmothers. Over time, the demand for them did not significantly decreased. That is why today the services of fortune-law, magicians, psychics are relevant and find their consumers.

You can online to pay with wax free on the page Divination at the wax online.

But it is not necessary to turn to another person if you want to know your future. Having developed intuition, it is quite realistic to perform a fortune telling yourself. You can stay on a simple and informative prediction of wax. Divination at the wax: the value of the figures will learn from this article.

fortune telling at wax

Interpretation of figures

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Then the main values ​​of the figures are given. If you did not find in this list, what happened to you personally, try to use intuition and perform an independent interpretation.

  • Shade - You are cheating, it is worth the caution.
  • Auto - It is a sexy symbol, and also says that cardinal changes for the better have come to your life.
  • Stork - The symbol of family happiness, promises many children.
  • Alligator - You can not always correctly evaluate others, because of this, trouble arise.
  • Amphora - Anxiety sign, your chosen one is afraid of a serious relationship.
  • Angel - Promises a change in the inner world, moral adulthood.
  • Arch "Let's go to a new step in life, a trip is also possible.
  • Arch . Symbolizes the change of one situation second. She also foreshadows a trip.
  • Butterfly - To significant changes in life.
  • Banana - You are jealous, you may have traitors.
  • Bow - Pay more attention to close and colleagues.
  • Drum . Getting an important news. It is shown now to express your opinion.
  • Tower . The harbinger of the soon marriage or finding his calling.
  • Formal figure - Negative.
  • Crap - To loneliness.
  • A bracelet - Rass the unpromising relationship.
  • Bugger - We'll have to fight difficulties.
  • Letters or numbers - If clear, then good events, fuzzy - on the contrary. If with points - gain material goods.
  • Bouquet . Performs a very good sign promising a solemn event, happiness, receiving gifts. Sometimes indicates an ambulance wedding.
  • Boomerang . His appearance when you gadania promises that you will feel the "boomeranga effect" on myself soon.
  • Bottle - Do not abuse.
  • Bull . You are threatened with danger, show care.
  • Vase - Mental harmony.
  • Vareniki - Cases completed successfully.
  • Fan . The harbinger of flirty relationships.
  • Wreath - Your cherished desire will easily embody in life.
  • Rope - Symbol of life difficulties.
  • scales - Make yourself equilibrium.
  • Fork . You are surrounded by a false person, do not trust him.
  • Grape - A symbol of love, friendship, good luck and wealth.
  • Cello - Your favorite controls itself badly.
  • Padlock . Open - foreshadows some kind of surprise. Closed - will be a warning.
  • Balloon - Temporary difficulties.
  • Question mark - Symbol of indecision and uncertainty.
  • Crow - Going to the Spirit and get ready for trouble.
  • Volcano . Something soon "will explode." Take control of your emotional sphere.
  • Weight - Be more vigilant in life.
  • Guitar - To harmonious relationships.
  • Eye . Calls to be attentive, careful: a big threat to be deceived.
  • Head . Will be a familiar to get a higher position.
  • Pigeon - The difficulties will follow a harmonious relationship.
  • Mushroom - Sign of vitality, health and perseverance.
  • Pear . What has been started earlier will be completed successfully. In some cases, the pear tells about new happy relationships.
  • Caterpillar - Do not be frivolous, think about loved ones.
  • Door - The new part of your life follows.
  • Dolphin - Easy overcoming difficulties, help.
  • House . Performs a very positive symbol. You can interpret it in different ways: as a purchase of new real estate, a sign of family happiness or motivation to do new things.
  • Road with development - new opportunities.
  • The Dragon . The figure indicates that it is necessary to maintain his personality, independent of a foreign opinion.
  • Chimney . You have a fuzzy and blurred plan of the future.
  • Hedgehog - Show softness.
  • Raccoon - you are wrong.
  • Acorn . A new enterprise begins, a new idea is born.
  • Female - New friend.
  • Capital lite . Often symbolizes a specific person, which is important for gadgetting. But also can indicate the first letter of the country, meaningful for you or where you will soon go.
  • Lock . Symbol of new undertakings, for example, a new love union.
  • Star - Execution of the innermost desire.
  • Snake - harbinger of pathology.
  • Umbrella . Open - will be the harbinger of small unrest, and the closed indicates serious difficulties.
  • Turkey - Justice will prevail.
  • Fireplace . Symbol of home, home coat, good emotions.
  • Square . Heads about stability and comfort. Sometimes symbolizes about excessive love.
  • Dagger . People you consider friends, in fact, you are enemies.
  • Cage for birds . Closed - a man feels drunk in the west. Open - promises to quickly overcome difficulties.
  • Key - Promises the fulfillment of everything conceived, achieving goals.
  • Book . Symbol of new knowledge. Closed - tell about the secret materials. Open - foreshadows a new strip in life.
  • Claws . We will tell about the unfairly configured personality.
  • Wheel . In all cases, it acts as an personification of life stages: the end of one and started a new one.
  • Bell . Getting unexpected news. A pair of bells - a wedding sign.
  • Ring . Tell about ambulance, marriage and other solemn events. Availability next to it points - will indicate on business connections.
  • Comet . In your life there will be something unexpected and unplanned.
  • Ship . The harbinger of a happy trip.
  • Basket . Filled - you will give gifts, you will be lucky. Empty - loss sign.
  • Box . Receipt of the present.
  • Crown . Symbol of success, achievements, career growth. Also indicates a permanent public life.
  • Purse . Throws a purchase. If there is a lot of points next to him - get finances.
  • Cat - Unpleasant events, loneliness.
  • Crab . Take care of false buddies, rely on your sixth sense.
  • Cross - pathology with trouble.
  • Bed . Surrive dust and take a little break.
  • Jug . Tell about great well-being. Sometimes it foreshadows a pleasant friendly communication.
  • Swan - Get a good news.
  • a lion . Sign of strength demonstrates very courageous person.
  • Ladder . Life is changing for the better. It is possible that you will be raised in the work.
  • Lines . Travel signs. Wavy - they will tell about indecision.
  • Leaves . They personify prosperity. And if they are somewhat immediately, they promise great happiness.
  • Face or face . Happy - denote joy. Frown - enemies or competitors. Many people are preparing for a noisy party.
  • A boat . He will tell about a short trip or will be a symbol of help in trouble.
  • Spoon - To guests.
  • A car . Go to a small trip, meet with buddies.
  • Medal . For your actions, get a reward.
  • Bear - To failures in their dullness.
  • Mill - Empty chatter.
  • Broom . Indicates the need to remove everything over his life.
  • Hammer . To the end stand on your own.
  • Bridge . Signals the receipt of over a happy chance.
  • Hoe . Acting decisively, you will handle the barriers, most importantly, do not overdo it!
  • Man . Symbolizes visitor. If you can see in the figure of his hand - get a present or the opportunity.
  • Fly . Something takes out a little. It is foreseen.
  • Ball . The ideas are actively implemented.
  • Handcuffs . Elimination of problems with the law. Occasionally told about bad addictions, dependencies.
  • Knife . Due to conflicts, the breaking of the relationship is not excluded.
  • Scissors - Do not quarrel with loved ones and friends.
  • A monkey - You lie.
  • Cloud . Get ready for difficulties. When surrounded by its points will be worried about money.
  • Blanket - Symbol of spiritual heat.
  • Window . Look at the situation or your relationship under a different angle. And if you help you - listen to someone else's opinion.
  • Eagle - Dreams will turn into reality.
  • Glasses - Take a look at the situation differently.
  • Peacock - You are too worried about your appearance.
  • Tent . A adventure journey sign. It is not excluded that some information is trying to hide from you.
  • Coat . The symbol of final parting.
  • Parachute . We can safely deal with all the difficulties on your way.
  • Spider - a symbol of finance and tricks.
  • Hourglass . Stop postpone all for later!
  • Rooster - Positive changes in life.
  • Cave, Yama - To serious pathology, death.
  • Pyramid . Your soul is disturbing something secret, about whom it is impossible to tell anyone. It may also point to the state when a person on one side overwhelms material needs, and on the other - spiritual.
  • Gun . Symbolizes the conflict and warns about the danger.
  • Horseshoe . The figure will tell about a very successful fate!
  • Stand for egg . Getting rid of minor difficulties.
  • Train - Successful implementation of new beginnings.
  • Parrot - We are gossipped about you.
  • Package . Getting a gift, surprise.
  • Bird or birds . Flying - wait for good news. The presence of points next to them will tell about a strong quarrel.
  • Bee - symbolizes hard work.
  • Child either fruit . The new thing begins. In some cases, symbolizes the appearance of a real kid.
  • the Rose - Dreams will be reality.
  • Hand . Write a good lover either a faithful friend. Compressed in a fist - a quarrel sign, revenge.
  • A fish - Easily pass adaptation.
  • Airplane . Promises a trip. In the direction of his nose, the book will tell about the disappointment, unfulfilled dreams.
  • Lamp (shade). You will be able to reveal what has been classified, or solve the problem of the past.
  • Candle . Heads about a significant period in life.
  • Heart . Index of long-term relationships, real love.
  • Sickle Moon . It begins something new.
  • Rocks . Get ready to cope with difficulties.
  • Shell . Getting a good news.
  • Dog . Sign of a faithful friend. Standing on the hind legs will tell that some person needs help.
  • Owl . Sign of illness or betrayal.
  • The sun . Symbolizes everything good: happiness, creativity, success. Sometimes he speaks of children's appearance.
  • Spiral . Elimination of fraud.
  • Cup . Spends on unimportant well-being, increased vulnerability. When the glass is not alone - get ready for a festive event.
  • Arrow . Getting bad news.
  • Chair . Soon will increase you.
  • Steps . Elimination of success, career growth.
  • Feet . You will need to make a decision.
  • Telephone . Get important news. In some situations, it testifies to moral negotiation to express their opinion.
  • Axe . Complexity, controversial issues. Without handles, he will tell about an unreal task.
  • Cake . Celebration sign.
  • Shamrock . Your life will be happy, lucky.
  • Magnifying glass . Examine all the details of what is happening.
  • Forefinger . He himself does not bear the semantic meaning. The important thing is what it shows. If the ads are addressed, tell about the failure of the plans.
  • Snail . It is important to imagine a rush.
  • Ear . You should listen and perceive what you are mentioned. It is possible to obtain fateful information.
  • Torch . Symbol of knowledge.
  • Flag . The harbinger of danger is worth being attentive.
  • Vane . The surrounding strongly affect you. It is worth showing more objectivity.
  • Camera - promises popularity.
  • Fruits . Sign of wealth, happy fate.
  • Chain . Tell about strong emotional connections.
  • Church . Getting an inheritance. At the same time, performs the personification of different oaths, promises.
  • Numbers . Tell about a specific time: weekly (located in the middle), days (while being closer to the rim). More numbers indicate finances.
  • Watch - Wasting time.
  • Cup . Elimination of happiness and feelings of emotional pleasure. In the reversed form tells about the rupture.
  • Turtle - Wisdom and longevity.
  • Ball, ball - Indicates perfection.
  • Hat . The main value is the present. But according to her form you will learn more. For example, the cap is a jester will tell that a person will create the illusion of who he is not.
  • Apple . The situation comes back. Occasionally symbolizes temptation.
  • Egg . The implementation of new ideas will be very successful. This is a sign of the birth of something, both literally and metaphorically.
  • Anchor . Get ready for the seabed. Lying on the bottom - you hold anyone or anything.
  • Pit - Bad symbol, indicates death or serious disease.
  • Lizard - Meet an unpleasant personality.

Rules for carrying out the wax

It is necessary to comply with them to achieve the most correct result:

  1. Purchase natural beeswax . On it, you can get more information than from artificial material. You can find the real wax in people who are engaged in breeding bee, or in specialized beekeeping stores.
  2. Using the easiest way to predict wax (just dripping candles into the water) - you need to try so that the wax will swell in one place, because it forms a figurine. In incorrect is the fortune telling when the wax is collected in water in the form of droplets. Remember that if the figure is not created from it, the wax broke, respectively, will be quite vague.
  3. Water is a carrier of information . For fortune telling, old water or poured from the tap is not suitable: it is notpiced by energy pipes and treatment facilities. It is better to replace her bacherskoe (if any). Otherwise, fill the bottle with ordinary water and send to the freezer for a couple of days. On the day of fortune telling and melt. Thala Voddy has an excellent energy structure, which will additionally allow to achieve a better result.
  4. Wanting to achieve even more effect , It should be put on the bottom of the ass, in which you guess, a small mirror. It is necessary that the wax pours out clearly above it. The mirror is in itself represents a mystical object, it will reflect information flows, will not allow their spreads around. All this will provide a clearer and information-filled casting.

At worst, if there is no possibility to get the wax, you can buy a pair of church wax candles. Then remove the wick, melted and use in the process of divination.

How the divination is performed

The ritual itself is carried out like this:

  • The bowl is filled with a cool water, the candle is set on fire on the table.
  • Wait until the fire turns out, tilt the candle over the water, and then pour the pre-melted wax into the water.
  • Wait for the mass and formation of figures.
  • Remove the resulting image and start to interpret it.

The characteristic of the figures, which collected from fortune telling the wax, is similar to the value of the prediction of Cainks or thicker from coffee. Therefore, you can use the same values ​​in the listed technicians.

Interpretation of waxes

Listen to the value of the figures that have been guded. They are designed to warn about the nursing troubles or delight with a pleasant news.

And finally - useful video:

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