What happens to a man's soul after death


Death is a phenomenon that is firmly associated with everyday reality. Every day someone leaves our world, and someone, on the contrary, comes into it. But what happens to a man's soul? If the body is created in the womb, and after disappears, what happens to thoughts, character and habits? We will help you to figure out and understand: What really happens to a man's soul after death?

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How were the path of the soul after death various religions?


In the Bible, this is described as follows: "The dust returns to the ground, from where he appeared, and the Spirit is to the Creator, who gave it ..." That is, the body of a person is indulging in the earth, and the soul goes to the creator. However, we know that there is a terrible court before finding peace. There will be the whole life path, all kind and evil deeds will be evaluated, and in the end it will be decided, it will fall in wai, purgatory or hell.
  • Paradise is a place full of harmony and peace. Here are only the cleanest soul or those who sincerely repent of the mistakes of earthly life. Here everyone will find their place and will be happy.
  • Purgatory - a place for those who committed mistakes in earthly life and are ready to fix them. In purm, all sins are rewarded, and only one who sincerely understood everything will be able to go further and earn a place in paradise. However, only the easiest sins can be forgiven here. Purgatory is also often referred to as a place of justice.
  • Hell is the worst place on all white light. Here the souls are circumscribed on centuries-old torment. All sinners feel horrified here and suffering, several times superior to those that they created in the earthly life. What goes here doomed (otherwise not to call), you can not describe the usual speech, not a single epithet for the exact transfer of the nightmare and fear, enveloping this place.


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The soul of the deceased person takes the angels and deliver the Almighty. If a person lived a righteous life (I prayed, I observed the post, I did good actions and did not succumb to the temptation of sins), then on the way all the angels admire her, praise the will of the deceased, his welfare. If this is a soul of a sinner, no one pays attention to it. Allah welcomes the soul and orders to attribute it back to the grave, where she will have to answer Munkir and Nakira questions.

In the grave, everyone talks to them and answers questions: "Who is your God? What is the name of the prophet? What faith confessed? " If a person believed, he could answer these questions. Later, the body begins to decompose, but not completely. The remaining particles God leaves the day of the resurrection.

In the end, the soul remains in Barzach (by the afterlime world). Here, depending on the number of good during life, a person will see different paintings. The righteous - will be in the house with buddies, the windows of which go to the paradise gardens. The sinner will be where there will be a lot of fellow comrades and terrible creatures on the type of scorpions or snakes. Each will be reputed to merit and affairs!


In Judaism, there is no holistic idea of ​​the place where the souls come after death. However, it is known that there will be no thirst, hunger, war, and so on. The righteouss will be near God to enjoy the afterlife.

Antique Greeks

Antique Greeks believed that after the death of the soul hits the islands of blissful, where everything was created for the afterlife. Fruits grow three times a year, the earth fertures, the river is full. Here the dead and to live eternity. Sinners will have to suffer, because the bad people will not be able to build something great. Same fate will not allow them to do it.

Nordic tradition

Faithful comrades, the paradise of life and recall on the former exploits - this is what the brave wars is waiting. They will enjoy the etern spent here. Sinners and traitors expect unaccifically life, complete torment and wandering around the world.

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Aztec believed that after death, a person falls into paradise. However, they had them as many. In the lower paradise, ordinary inhabitants come to the lower paradise, who long-long years will enjoy life and have fun.

Paradise for priests - here spiritual servants lead a semi-massative existence and deliver the pleasure of the spirit.

The house of the Sun (Supreme Paradise) - only those who have reached perfection come here and watch the supreme gods for the life of people.


Good and terrible deeds are identified in the form of black and white stones, the number of which is compared on the scales. Then the soul is determined by the judges on one of the six ways, each of which will lead to rebirth. However, only the most righteous souls were born again, sinners became animals and insects. Therefore, in Buddhism, it is customary to wear a cane, with the help of which the road was cleared of various livelihood, because she could be familiar or relatives who reborn in this guise.

Indian mythology

Yama, the leader of the dead, allows good souls to get to the paradise, where they will be eternity to enjoy life there. All kinds of food and the execution of any desires - this is what the rest of the truly righteous person meant. Sinners wander around the world, watching the sadness and suffering of human life.

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Egyptian civilization

The trial of the souls took place in a place called the "Hall of two truths". The court was held, headed by Anubis. Sin souls, whose carriers led their lives, complete murders and a mismune, devouring amatets, a huge three-headed crocodile. Righteous picks up Osiris with me to the kingdom of pleasures and rest. Only there the soul could find his paradise where the infinity can conduct.


Of course, to know exactly what awaits us after death is impossible. However, if it is based on the experience and knowledge of world religions, then you can definitely declare that only righteous people will get a happy end. Do not sin, and in that light you will be rewarded, be sure!

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