Torsion field: what it is and how to use it


Throughout the history of mankind, our consciousness was improved thanks to the knowledge and achievements of science. However, some information layers from the general public intentionally hidden, for example, the presence and properties of torsion fields. I had to meet this term in the scientific literature, but to the end did not understand their role in the life of people. So let's understand together.

Torsion field: what it is and how to use it 4455_1

Torsion fields - what is it

The world around us consists of a living and inanimate matter in visible or invisible movement. The person himself is a complex system covered by the frequency torsion field, which is generated by the torsion of space. Matter around us together with our sensations exists in 5 states - solid body, liquid and gaseous state, elementary particles, physical vacuum.

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In the course of studying the properties of the vacuum, a hypothesis of physically existing fields of a new type, named torsion, was put forward. Intangible structures arise as a result of rotation or twist (eng. Torsion) of any type of matter, which leads to the formation of microvihrey. The source is recognized as a spin, which is an option for the moment of angular rotation.

Due to the effects of elementary particles, nature is permeated with fields, and all objects - alive and inanimate - generate fields, among them there are also torsion:

  • a particle having a charge becomes the source of the electromagnetic field;
  • A particle having a mass surrounds itself by a gravitational field;
  • The particle endowed with the moment of rotation (spin) creates torsion fields.

The hypothesis about the existing physical field, generated by the rotation of the space, first put forward the mathematician Eli Kartan back in 1913. The theoretical substantiation of the guess of the scientist received in 1993, based on the existence of an elusive boson Higgs, which causes gravity.

Unique properties of torsion fields

Since live matter consists of electrons and atoms, inclined to rotation, the human body turns into a generator of its own torsion field, which has become an information card of external and internal aspects. In each our cell, data is stored on his mental and physical activity committed under the influence of field radiation.

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The man is penetrated by torsion fields, the foci of their invisible energy centers correspond to chakram. The higher the chakra in the body, the stronger the energy frequency of rotational radiation increases. According to scientists, the torsion field of a reasonable living object forms the environment, spreading information about the personality, which makes it possible to attribute them to the category of information structures.

There is a suggestion that torsion fields are two ways:

  • A positively oriented structure is associated with good thoughts and words;
  • The structure of a negative direction bears traces of evil thoughts and swearing.

It was scientifically established that for the torsion field of a person is characterized by right-sided rotation. Single cases of rotation on the left side are not excluded, but people have the ability to change torsion radiation. For example, the variations of the rhythm of respiration can be achieved by changing the polarity of field radiation, and increased the field strength to increase the field strength. The thinking process also changes the structure of the torsion field emitted by the brain, exposed, in turn, the influence of external spin structures.

What is the uniqueness of the vortex streams:

  • able to pass through any objects without losing their energy and without transferring it;
  • have a tendency to self-generation, but in the presence of an electromagnetic field;
  • always present in the composition of electromagnetic fields created by the instruments;
  • Possessing memory, can polarize vacuum, stabilizing it;
  • The magnitude of the potential of the torsion wave is not associated with the distance to the source of its radiation.

It has been established that hypothetical fields of the right-hand type contribute to improving the well-being of people by enhancing the exchange processes in the body. The vortices of the left-sided orientation, contributing to the deterioration of health, are present on the territory of geopathic zones.

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For household electrical appliances and electronics, left-hand radiation is characteristic. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the distance by placing instruments in the space of their housing.

Man in the center of influence of torsion vortices

From the mid-20th century, the study of vortex flows was engaged in Soviet physicists of theoretics G.I. Shipov and A.E. Akimov, but their conclusions did not recognize the scientific community, calling the arguments of pseudowdaore. According to Akimov, a person is not deprived of the possibility of physical contact with the absolute directly with the help of a unique tool - prayer. The most powerful appeal to God, with a special force of energy effects by vortex flows, is recognized as one of the prayers compiled by the optical elders:

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In a modern understanding, torsion waves generated by a living facility are its biopole that contains all information about the individual. Unlike an inanimate subject, also possessing aura, people are able to change the focus of their biofields with their own thoughts and words. For which the help of torsion technologies use:

  • To raise the veil of the future;
  • predict the fate of a person in his photograph;
  • find happiness, understand the meaning of life;
  • gain access to communication with the highest forces;
  • Get rid of diseases, get protection.

The unique property of the vortex flows is not only a positive, but also a negative plan against the background of the highest penetrating ability made it possible to erase the line between the images of consciousness and material objects. Under the influence of the theory of informational vortices, changing space, there was a fantastic opportunity to merge the human mind armed with the achievements of science, with faith in God, the help of higher strength.

For Tibetan monks familiar with the methods of interaction at the energy level, there was no complexity to cure many diseases, including madness. Thanks to the spiritual practices and techniques of meditation, as well as the theory of energy centers (chakras), Lama has repeatedly enhanced the potential of their own energy for the patient's biofield correction.

The ownership of exceptional skills, available mainly to psychic and clairvoyant, was used by the secretly and in our country. At the end of the last century, Juna Davitashvili was engaged in such practices for the use of torsion fields, whose services were used by the highest state figures.

The history of civilization keeps the memory of unique people, the torsion vortices of which rotated in unison with the strengths of the highest strength. At all times, they were called the Messengers of God, the Jesus Christ, Moses, Buddha, Abraham, Mohammed belong to them. The holy personalities of different nations have the ability to receive direct information on a subconscious level through the streams of torsion fields for presenting it in words in the form acceptable to the perception by the people of the time.

If the frequency of the torsion field is decreased, dissonance is observed with a similar structure of the highest mind. This leads to the appearance of the problems of mental and bodily type at the biological object. The person falls into alcoholism or drug addiction, suffers from a variety of diseases, fanaticism, not excluding anger and hatred. The subjects ranked without their own opinions turn into slaves or biorobots.

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At all times, there were people with high skill in various areas of life. This is the result of using all permissive energy flows. The correction of the torsion field in order to gain a gift or healing is a dangerous procedure available only to the present psychic or a healer endowed with Divine Voice. The lack of knowledge about the secrets of possession of high energies leads to severe consequences (karmic) for the person, in the aura of which the unqualified invasion was produced.

The process of twisting the vortex of the subtle world, storing information, our consciousness associates with the category of good, the fact of erasing information (spinning) is perceived in the image of evil. The opposition of good and evil exhibits a person's belonging not only to the physical, but also to the subtle world, the place of habitat of spirits.

Let's summarize

The idea of ​​rotating flows penetrating the matter contributes to solving the problems of consciousness and thinking to create a common picture of the perception of the world. The influence of torsion fields can be explained by the magic of events of everyday life. For example, the dejulum effect is the result of the prediction of the situation due to the energy vortex generated. They provide you with the desired information at a certain point.

Learn to organize your thoughts and installations so that life does not dare to materialize your fears. Psychics are known about the materiality of thought, scientists are already agreed with them, and the Commonwealth of Science with Esoteric will help the formation of a favorable reality for you using the effects of torsion fields.

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