Stone chrysolite - properties and to whom it fits


Chrysolite is a surprisingly beautiful mineral having a high value in the jewelry market. Name « chrysolite » It is formed by the ancient Greek words "Chrysos" - gold and "lithos" - stone. You can meet the gem on sale also under the names of Olivina and Peridot.

Chrysitis stone photo

Characteristic chrysolita

Chrysitis is a mineral compound, namely, is an orthosilicate of iron-magnesium. For gems, a spectacular green color, casting gold, pistachio, yellow or brown shades, is characterized. As a rule, chrysolites differ in pallhery, although you can meet bright variations. Usually the shape of the diamond crystal.

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Chrysolites are very fragile in nature, so they are almost not used in rims, like, for example, in rings. In principle, the mineral does not apply in the decorations for hands due to the high probability of damage. But with them, other varieties of products are manufactured - serving, suspensions and catals.

Historical Help About Stone

The history of chrysolite is very long and equals more than 6000 years. In those distant times, gem was popular for decorating the royal apparel, was used when finishing the chambers. And they were launched by icons.

There is an opinion that the mineral turned out to be brought from crusades on the territory of the European continent. And there is a very funny story. Allegedly knights brought chrysolites from hiking as a present to their spouses, and he had an enhancing effect on male potency. Therefore, the wives appeared at once two times for joy.

Nowadays, gem did not lose its popularity. The cost of the most elite copies comes to 300 dollars per 1 carat.

Interesting information. Olivine is the only precious stone that was found in meteorites. Since ancient times it was believed that meteorites are of particular force, since they were sent over deities. Therefore, chrysolit was also introduced into the category of sacred minerals: herages created from it, they used it in various rites.

Facts about Peridote

  1. According to historical information, the queen Cleopatra was crazy about Olivina. By the way, the first find of the stone was discovered in ancient Egypt. Moreover, the process of mining chrysolites took place exclusively at night, because they believed that it was unrealistic to do this day.
  2. Another legend talks about the Roman Emperor Nerno, who saw a fius in Rome and gladiator battles through Chrysolite lenses.
  3. The Slavs of Peridoto was used for the decor of church objects, icons and clothing.
  4. The most popular specified mineral begins to use the 19th century in France in the 60s. It was at this time that the story began to spread that chryolite products make men with tireless lovers, healing sexual impotence.
  5. Interestingly, even the Bible mentions about chrysolit. The holy book tells about the decorations of the stones of the robes of high priests.
  6. Incredibly beautiful olivine is inserted into the Russian crown (the storage place is a diamond foundation).
  7. Approximately 1000 peridot was used for the decoration of the Ottoman ruler's throne (stored in Istanbul).

Color versions of stones

Mostly in nature there are green chrysolites. Most of the gems are transparent, differ in a pale tint. Detect bright olivine incredibly difficult. Chrysolites have both uniform painting, and you can find options with specks, stripes. Interesting mineral - the colors "Cat Eyes".

Traditional green olivines possess such shades:

  • golden;
  • brown;
  • brown;
  • olive;
  • orange;
  • Yellow.

Today in mineralogy, there is no clear classification of varidot varieties. The degree of value of the stone affects its saturated color. But in the bulk of its mass found chrysolites - light green, not very valuable. Accordingly, the cost of them is within reasonable limits.

Light green stones are not too expensive

The following options are distinguished much more value:

  • Stars (they still say "with the effect of asterism");
  • Chrysolites Mesa.

And the following separation is present in quality issues:

  • Stones attributable to Marche A. are characterized by a yellow-green tint without brown additions;
  • Brand B. is represented by the rocks of the dairy shade, in which visible inclusions are traced.

Healing properties of stone chrysolite

Since the time of our grandparents, people enjoyed the healing force of chrysolites. And although official science cannot scientifically confirm the impact of stone on the body, it is also actively used by lithotherapists to save their customers from many pathologies.

For example, with Olivina is real:

  • Increase viewing, cure ophthalmic pathology. For this, it is recommended to contemplate mineral for a long time;
  • eliminate gastric, renal, liver pains, intelligible sensations in the bustling bubble, spine;
  • cure colds, fever;
  • improve the condition of cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • reduce neuralgia symptoms;
  • stop stuttering;
  • normalize hormonal background;
  • Faster to come back to normal, underwhelming diseases;
  • reduce pain in childbirth;
  • remove headache;
  • Improve falling asleep, secure a calm night's sleep.

In lithotherapy, use a special powder from this mineral. It is used both inward and in the form of ointments (for the treatment of dermatitis, psoriazes and other skin pathologies).

Magic Properties of Stone Chrysolite

Ancient people believed that the Sun gave chrysolitis a special power capable of protecting from the disastrous exposure from the outside and any unclean. For this reason, the magicians were supposed to wear amulets with olivines. And to increase its abilities, the stone was framed by gold. Peridot is indeed a very strong energy mineral.

Possesses such mystical properties:

  • contributes to the establishment of relations, their strengthening, in particular, friendly connections;
  • eliminates envy and nervous voltage;
  • increases respect from your owner respect;
  • able to return the lost joy of life, eliminating depressiveness, longing and melancholy;
  • Intellect and sixth sense;
  • will allow solving difficult life situations;
  • facilitates legal processes;
  • helps to think and do health;
  • protects against fire;
  • Gives your owner insight;
  • Fencing from ill-wishers;
  • Makes men more attractive in the eyes of women, strengthening potency.

Ring with olivine

Astrological compatibility

Stone chrysolite, or rather, jewelry with him, generally admissible for almost all zodiac constellations. But astrologers allocate several signs of the zodiac, which gem will bring the greatest benefit: fish, lions and virgins. But from the wearing of olivine jewelry will have to refuse to aquarian, cancer and scorpion.

What kind of impact is the stone on different constellations? Let's find out.

On fish

It will contribute to the adoption of deliberate, faster and right decisions, will protect against conflicts. In addition, this gem will make fish confident in its own opportunities, increasing their self-esteem. But it is from this fisher people suffering the strongest.

On Lviv

Fire Lions Olivine helps to do correctly. Such personalities are crazy about public attention and victories, but sometimes they have a shortage of internal forces and faith in yourself.

In addition, the product with chrysolite will make lions even more charming, contributes to the manifestation of its most positive qualities. And what is the most need a lion for complete happiness? Of course public recognition!

For virgins

Virgo is a practical person, but also incredibly demanding that to himself, that to others. Often they need to learn a little relax control and less demand. In this help, they will come peridot.

Plus it will improve the already developed intelligence, attention and memory of the Virgin. And, no doubt, wearing the decoration with gem adds to representatives of the constellation more personal attractiveness, internal charm.

On weights

The dual sign of the zodiac should choose chrysolite for itself to establish personal relationships, harmonizing family life. Additionally, the gem will reduce the disturbing weights anxiety, imperidity, fears and melancholy.

On Tales

Pets of Venus are another people who can take advantage of Mineral's magic. Such personalities from nature are incredibly stubborn and selfish. It is very difficult for them to make concessions in conflict situations.

Olivine promises to make Taurus more generous to others and teach him to go to reasonable compromises.

Earrings with olivine

On twins

Gemini are people who are always completely sure of what they really want. This constellation is perhaps the most controversial in the entire zodiac. It is difficult to get along with such a character, first of all, the twin himself, not to mention others.

Chrysolit will perform for children of Mercury real sedative pills: add internal balance, teach the mood to change not as often as it is usually.

On Ovsov

Aries - representatives of the fierce element. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are too hot-tempered. From this often deteriorates the relations of Aries with others. Olivine will help remove nervous excitability, tension. In addition, a trust will add a trust, make it more perfected.

Original or fake?

Peridot, although it is a precious mineral, is distinguished by a small value. At the same time, fakes still meet in jewelry stores. It is worth knowing the rules of differences from the original from the copy:

  1. Spend on the surface of the mineral with something sharp. In the case of a fake from her chips. Natural mineral is inherent in a high degree of hardness, so you will not see any flaws on it.
  2. Imitation is heated much faster than natural gems, also longer she remains warm. A distinctive feature of this chrysolite is a pleasant coolness.
  3. Pay attention to the Olivine parameters. Natural stones differ not very large.
  4. Property Characteristic For Peridoto: Green Tint, High Speedness, Specific Shade, Inclipts of Yellow Color and Priced Oil Glitter.

Now you know all the properties of the stone Chrysolite, who is suitable, and who does not.

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