Love symbols: Overview of the most popular options


Love is an inexplicable scientific phenomenon that makes the heart beat more often next to the object of adoration, and the soul gives true pleasure from this process. Symbols of love help express a bright and elevated feeling or attract it to your life.

Symbolism of love

To date, many different amur attributes are known. For example, the most famous act: hearts, a pair of wedding rings, pair products (gloves, shoes and so on).

which symbolizes love

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Love symbolism is actively applied on postcards, in the process of preparing for the wedding, a romantic date. And just with the aim of showing a loved one, as far as he is the roads.

Next I propose to deal with popular love symbols, dividing them by category.

Classical symbol

Love language is rich in various recognizable symbols of love and loyalty. Consider them.


What image immediately pops up as soon as it comes to love? Of course, heart! What they just do not adorn: gift cards, make in his form of valentine, use for home decor, clothing items and so on.

The heart is a symbol of love and happiness. It causes an association with delicate and deep feelings. What is the story of his origin? You probably noticed that the traditionally drawn heart is far from similar to the real body.

According to one of the theories, initially depict the symbol of love in the current form began in Greece. The Greeks have always given the body of a special meaning, eating it into the cult. And allegedly in ancient Greece, there is a symbolism of the modern heart, the goal of which is to touch the beautiful female ass. There is no scientific confirmation of this theory, so believe in it or not to believe - it is already personally your business.

Interesting information. The heart is the main body in the human body, who does not know the holiday, nor at night. Never a tired motor acts as a symbol of life, it is honored as a repository of the human spirit.


Or rather, not one, and a couple of swans performs another common symbol that can tell about eternal love and devotion to each other.

It is not surprising that the swans began to personify the beautiful and sublime feeling: these birds create one pair for their entire lives. Together care about yourself and their offspring.

The bonds connecting swans are so strong that if one of the birds dies, the second remains alone in memory of the deceased love. But, as a rule, the swan does not live long without a couple - he is either reset from the rock, bringing accounts with life, either dying, having longing to half.

Swans - a symbol of love


The pigeon is the title of "Birds of the World", and a couple of pigeons protrudes another symbol of love. In various sources we find the personification of birds of different variations of feelings. So, for some, they symbolize the carnal passion, sexual desire. And for another person, they are associated with platonic attachment, love of youth.

What kind of values ​​you personally take the doves, it does not matter. The main thing is that these little birds are actually very similar to the pair of beloved. Just observe how they are doing with each other, they touch the kelners, clean the pins of each other. It is not surprising that "doves" are also often said about lovers.

There is an opinion that the pigeons have no reason to symbolize love. Allegedly they liked the very Aphrodite (the goddess responsible for the sphere of feelings, patronizing everyone who was in love).

Wedding rings

Colepko - another amure attribute. In their form, it resembles the eternal flow of time. And when the young fasten themselves with the marriage of the altar, they put on each other on the finger of the ring, giving promise forever to love and be faithful to their half to death.

Not just so wedding polls should be worn on the nameless finger on his right hand. After all, it is from this finger who comes right in the heart.


The Deity of Love Cupid also enters a popular love topic. Little mischievous cups and arrows decorated postcards and cars of newlyweds. Wherever you see this image, immediately understand that we are talking about a beautiful bright feeling.


Babes are the creation of love and happiness of two hearts in love. In the ideal development of events, the baby appears in the case when the love between two people is so strong that they need someone third, who could be given it.


The traditional picture is a stork that is serving in his closure. According to believe, it is the storks that personify the birth process of the kid, plus they make the relationship of young parents happy and harmonious.

Red Rose

Rose of a saturated red shade here for hundreds of years has been performing a symbol of fervent feelings, love. Her color points to the passion, flaming in a couple of lovers.

Red rose in flask

Where did the rose come from how to personify love, it is impossible to reliably. According to one statement it is believed that its occurrence is an ancient Egypt. There, roses were considered plants of Isis - a female deity responsible for love, motherhood, family and female attractiveness.

Another romantic legend finds Aluu Rosa as a memoir about the unearthly love of Venus and Adonis. Venus was the goddess of love, and she herself had the opportunity to survive a strong feeling - to the beautiful young man Adonis. Adonis showed reciprocity to the goddess, but soon he died, hunting on a wild beast. When the funeral was held, the grave began to appear and bloom the flowers of the same red as the blood of a young man. They symbolized Venus's eternal love.


It is absolutely not necessary that love is associated exclusively with earthly, real things. It can personify the creatures from fairy tales, myths. For example, the legendary Phoenix bird.

Ancient belief reads that the bird comes from the Shernya himself. With its inner light and warmth, it will be able to melt ice in the hearts of even the most heinous personalities. And on their wings, the famous Phoenix carries not only immortality, but also universal love.


Perhaps you heard that on the day of marriage you need to tie a wedding ribbon to a tree or plant a small tree. In the future, the feelings in the family will only increase in accordance with the growth and power of the plant.

At the same time, as "love trees" is called: ate, oaks, Ryabin, Kalina, hawthorn, pine.

Amur symbolism of various states of the world

In addition to the above amurids, hearts, flowers and aging of doves, there is also a national love symbolism. Let's talk about it in more detail.

  • Egypt. During the reign of Pharaohs, Egyptian love symbols were red roses, as well as precious minerals: rhinestone, turquoise and emeralds.
  • Residents of ancient Rome The attribute of high feelings believed stones diamond and sapphire. These gems and to this day personify deep feelings. Therefore, they are used as talismans to harmonize their pairs.
  • Japanese and Chinese Also there is a symbol of love - it is butterflies. Moreover, the image of one butterfly suggests that young features recently fell in love and did not have time to fight his beloved by all his charms. Relationships only develop. During the image of a couple of winged wizards, you can talk about mutual love. They act as a family faith.
  • In China In addition to butterflies, love is also associated with a tangerine tree. It is believed that solar fruits make a relationship more passionate. A couple of clarine-tangerines on tradition is presented as a gift to newlyweds as an impersonation of tenderness.
  • French people The royal Lilia is honored on the love field. There is a special custom on which the bridegroom presents his bride daily by one lily.
  • Scots Invented your love symbol - this is a brooch "Lacenbut". She always decorates the wedding dress of the bride.
  • For residents of Great Britain Gorusta personifies loyalty and devotion to his second half to death.
  • Russia. In the Russian Federation, family values ​​and feelings personify the unremarkable flowers - daisies. Although they are simple outwardly, but filled with deep symbolism. So, the white shade indicates purity, blamefulness, and the yellow middle reflects the homemade hearth. Petals - protruding the symbols of all the relatives gathered together.

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