Indian horoscope: what he can tell about you


Indian horoscope is another variety along with traditional zodiacal and oriental. It did not gain so widely popularity as the previous two, but it does not become less interesting or reliable. How to find out who you are in the Indian horoscope, consider in this material.

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Indian Astrology: What is it?

Astrology in India has existed over 5000 years. In the preparation of horoscopes, local astrologers took into account not just the position of the Sun, but paid special attention to the "lunar parking" (Noskhatra).

Unlike the usual separation for us on 12, in Indian astrology a year is divided immediately by 27! Twenty-seven - not just a number from the ceiling, exists 27 main positions-covers.

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Indian horoscope about what will tell

All of them are particles of the lunar cycle, speaking symbols of various living beings. From when you appeared on the light, the impact on the features of your behavior and the whole life in general.

To find out, under the auspices of which animal you are, it is absolutely not difficult. To this end, just compare the date of your birth and the Indian calendar.

Interestingly, a totem animal in Indian astrology is closely connected with human karma, represents his spiritual conductor. It is also noteworthy that in this horoscope, the main focus was made on the amourous subject.

Indian horoscope by date of birth

Ashvini (April 13-27, totem animal - horse)

The worst thing for these individuals is to find themselves in society. Moreover, it means not only personal life, but also loneliness in general. From the other side, Ashvini people enter love relationships only with those who are ready to accept their independence and personal space.

People under a totem horse distracting little that and who will think about them. And if they experience sympathy in relation to someone, it will necessarily manifest it. Ashvini perform excellent lovers, characterized by charming and elegance.

Bharani (April 28 - May 11, totem animal - elephant)

The ambitiousness of these personalities is simply shrinking: they put themselves exclusively global goals, without expanding on trifles. On the other hand, we always retain common rationalism.

Bharani in nature protruding hunters, they are not accustomed to take what he goes into hand. But they can quickly lose interest in their chosen one (choices). Wishing to conquer them, you will have to keep a constant distance in the relationship.

Crittica (May 12-25, totem animals is a sheep)

Crittic is characterized by tenderness and sensuality. The love is focused on loyalty and harmony. Choose partners who are affairs, and not words demonstrate their feelings capable of long-term relationships.

The personality of this totem is distinguished by natural energetic, but also impulsiveness: their emotional state changes greatly during the day. Often, crittics are implemented in creativity.

Rohini (May 26 - June 8, Totem - Snake)

Rohini act in real perfectionists. They are absolutely not capable of being in the conditions of disorder. Refer to the category of romantics, falling in love, always openly show their emotions.

Rohini people prefer to public their own opinions. This is characterized by intelligence, good manners. Like the previous totem, often go into creativity.

Rohini - True Perfectionists

Mrigassir (June 9-21, Totemny Animal - Snake)

Representatives of the sign of the snake are distinguished by secrecy and closure. Learn on them that they actually feel, is not possible. Murigassira is inclined both to self-control, and to control the surrounding.

May create an impression of arrogance and arrogance, which harms in building a serious relationship. They simply wait for her "her" man who will reveal their inner kindness and love.

Ardra (June 22-July 5, sign - dog)

Ardra characterizes tenderness, kindness and sincerity. For them, a loved one is always in the first place. They retain loyalty to him to the very end. In addition, the Arrand is endowed with powerful sexual energy, although they are often disappointed in love life.

Not prone to manifestations of egoism, they show attention to the concerns of other people.

Punarwasas (July 6-19, Sign - Cat)

The cat does not feel joy if she does not pay attention. Moreover, she needs a lot, even if it has a stable relationship.

For Punarwas people absolutely not accept any control over himself. They are very impregnable. Another feature of such people is the ability to control their sexual energy. Melt the ice of the heart Punarwas will have to still try.

Puffy (July 20-August 2, Live Creature - Baran)

Representatives of the Baran sign are characterized by closed and restraint. They do not let others go into their soul. Often, despotism is shown, rudeness in relations with his beloved (or lover).

For a while, people are fascinating in sex. For this reason, it is not solved for a long time, change partners "like gloves".

Ashlesh (August 3-16, Sign - Cat)

Ashley is personalities, one day losing the location of which, you are hardly back it back. They are distinguished by congenital fretsidia and reclamation.

In addition, cats are very secretive and insightful. First listen to others, analyze the information and only then open their soul. Absolutely not amenable to unauthorized control. True, with the right approach to itself, over time, turn into incredibly gentle, sensual and faithful.

Ashlesh - Cat Sign

Magha (August 17-30, Sign - Rat)

Magha seeks to get everything from life, because of which they find consolation in carnal pleasures. They differ in the inner force and power, in the forces, in the forces, in the partner there is a real passion.

Such personalities definitely fits the role of the leader and the head than the subordinate. In addition, Magha - conservatives for which very important family traditions.

Purva Falguni (August 13-13, Animal Totem - Mouse)

Perhaps you will not say, but people of this sign are needed reliable, "real" relationships. They are not for the entertainment on the side. To preserve your union, Purva Falguni will donate anything, though, exactly as much as interest in his person.

The emotions of these personalities are often excavated, they are also sufficiently jealous. When you are angry, they can do what they are later repent.

Uttara Falguni (September 14-27, Animal Totem - Buffalo)

All their lives seek to achieve ideal and justice. Uttara Falguni generies, kind, generous, have a "wide soul."

In love affairs they are not needed easy victories, interested in long-term and interesting games with the opposite sex. And they still need a passion.

Hasta (September 27-October 10, sign - Buvolitsa)

For Hasta, a typically too non-permanent mood, anxiety, internal vulnerability. But at the same time people sign are not greedy, sincere, adore fun. They are inherent in common practicism.

Hasta is looking for a partner from which enough emotional support will receive.

Chitra (from October 11-23, a tight animal - tigress)

Personality data differ pronounced charisma, cause admiration for others. Plus possess high moral values.

In the whole of Indian horoscope, this is perhaps the most faithful and devoted signs. If necessary, they will go to any deprivation, if only feel reciprocating. But they can turn into cold and detached disappointment.

Chitra - Tigritz sign

Wati (October 24-November 6, Animal - Buffalo)

Mobati is practical, independent and independent. For them, family values ​​are unusually significant. The main negative feature is permanent internal contradictions.

In love, there is an increased jealousness, live with them under one roof - the mission is not from the lungs.

Wishah (November 7-19, Animal Tiger)

To please Tigra - the task of hardhable. As a rule, he is a pronounced pessimist, prone to focus on the bad. But at the same time it has an external attractiveness, internal force, determination. Such a person does not scare difficulties.

And he also has a huge sexual potential. Looking for sexual pleasure, Wishah is capable of treason.

Anuradha (November 20-22, a sign - deer)

Relenikha is experiencing an acute need for love. So strong that is capable even for a crime, just to gain a big and strong feeling. And in relations for Anuradha, spiritual feelings than a sexual connection is more important than a sexual connection.

From nature, being a spiritually developed personality, seeks to achieve perfection. Alas, but with all the positive people, the signs often suffer from depressions and change their mood. Extreme straightforward.

Yestea (December 3-15, Totem animal - deer)

People-Yeshta are inherent in pronounced sexuality and sensuality. Such personalities are prone to power, differ in the inconstancy of character.

Their sexual energy is poured through the edge, which sometimes delivers many problems. From the nature of Yeshet, high intelligence, ambition and simply unrealistic purposefulness were obtained. In their lives, often a white strip is replaced by black, but they do not lose faith in the best.

Moula (from December 16-28, a totem sign - a dog)

Moula deserved the title of "strange" in the Indian horoscope. They are absolutely not interested in secreted norms. But prone to non-standard thinking than sometimes shock the surrounding (as well as their hobbies).

Moula is crazy about risk and new experiments, but they strongly suffer from banality, serness and routine. In love, it is important for them to maintain enough personal space.

Purva Ashadha (December 29-January 11, Animal - Monkey)

Such personalities are passionate and tireless lovers. But when they find their love, the maximum loyalty is shown, without even thinking about someone, except for their beloved person.

By contacting the Purva Ashadha, you will not know the needs in finance.

Purva Ashadha - Monkey

Uttara Ashadha (January 12-24, Totem animal - Mongoose)

Mongoshos are very complex natures overcrowded by contradictions. They are important for life to be non-standard and exclusively on the terms of its rules.

In the love of Uttara Ashadha is capable of serious relationships, but only with the condition that the partner will fully control them.

Shravana (January 25-February 6, Totem - Monkey)

Incredibly delicate people. Their positive characteristics: playfulness, charm, wit, sympathy to the world around. And negative: difficulties in manifesting their feelings.

Therefore, often people-shravan give the impression of cold, smooth and detached, although in fact it is not. The ideal candidate for personal relationship is the one who will allow periodically alone with him.

Dhanishta (February 7-19, Totem animal - Lioness)

The lionesses are very demanding of their partner. Will be loyal and reliable beloved (lover) if their expectations are justified.

By nature, very morally strong and responsible. Have an inner charisma, love attention to yourself. But also distinguished by a rally. One day quarreling with Dhanishta, you will long break the consequences.

Shatabhyshak (February 20th March 4, Totem - Horse)

The sign is distinguished by exposure and rigor outside with internal dreaminess and passionality. Create relationships will be able exclusively with those who will be more initiative and will help Shatabhyshak cope with internal doubts. For them, everything is sensual perceived as weakness, and they do not want weak.

Purva Bhatra (March 5-17, Totem - Leo)

Tell to see in his beloved man only good. Love is very important for such personalities, so they do not regret the forces to create an ideal union.

Purva Bhatra is extremely brave, active, have special sexuality. Always are on a positive. True, in some cases, they are solved on treason with their second half.

Uttara Bhatra (March 18-31, sign - cow)

Emotional to the limit, but also tender, caring. It will easily take on the role of a warrior and a defender, eternally improving himself and eliminating their own shortcomings.

Throughout life is trying to create a perfect union. And if it does not go out, turns into ascetic single.

Revati (April 1-12, totem animal - elephant)

Revati is without doubt the most generous and sacrificing personality in the Indian horoscope. They are characterized by a large patient, goodwill and generosity.

True, an increased jealousness is expressed when it comes to serious relationships. We need a person who will understand their needs will help cope with any doubts.

Sometimes Revati is tested for loneliness, they should be remembered by their chosenses.

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