What dreams a living person dead


How to find out what dreams a living person is dead and is it worth scaring such a dream? I gathered the most reliable interpretation of dreams so that you could figure it out better.

Esoteric dream book

Esoterics are suitable for the interpretation of dreams in a special way. They believe that such dreams are not just a mystical sign, but also transmit important signals over the clarification channel. And they need to pay attention to them.

What dreams a live man dead

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Here are their forecasts:

  1. If a random acquaintance with which you practically do not communicate, was dead to you in a dream, it is just a change to the weather. So you are a meteurically sensitive person, and thus the unconscious transmits information.
  2. Close people will be removed dead as a warning signal. In reality, you need to be careful not to happen trouble. Danger towes where you wait for the least. The very "deceased" threat is there any.
  3. Saw in a dream dead father? This is a favorable sign. The appearance of Dad will support you in solving some kind of complex problem, will help and will show maximum participation. Feel free to seek help.
  4. See the dead mother - I will catch the wave of colossal good luck. All your undertakes will bring incredible success, so feel free to start achieving the goals to which they have been striving for a long time, but lacked the Spirit to start acting.
  5. If other close relatives dreamed dead, it means that a turning point came in your life. It is necessary to stop and reconsider their views, values, worldview. Perhaps now you do not follow your true destination.
  6. If the dead man in a dream offers you a gift or money, the main thing is that you do not accept it. Otherwise be trouble - you can seriously get sick or take the negative karma of this person.
  7. If the dead called to go with you and you agreed, the situation will happen in which you will be subjected to fatal danger, but will be saved. It is better to avoid extreme or followed in the near future.
  8. If the deadman came to life and tried to treat you something, most likely you got sick. The disease does not yet make it felt, but it is better to undergo a doctor examination to discover and cure a disease in an early stage.
  9. If in a dream your friend died, and then risen, this is a favorable sign. In the near future, fate will provide you with an excellent opportunity for success and self-realization. Use this chance and try not to miss it.

Egyptian dream book

The authors of this dream book give more favorable forecasts. For example, if you saw yourself in a dream, this is an incredible good luck and longevity. You will live a rich and interesting life.

What dreams a living person dead

Here are other interpretations:

  1. To be at the funeral in a dream - to the emergency victory over enemies and ill-wishers. They make a mistake, which will not be able to harm you. And your authority and reputation will only be strengthened.
  2. Live in reality, but the dead in a dream will notice the return of money or lost things. For example, you can return the debt, which occupied several years ago. Or you will find a long forgotten jewel, which is desperate to find.
  3. The deceased parents will dream of a big trouble. It can fill a major conflict with someone from loved ones, which will lead to a complete rupture of relations. Either to a dangerous situation from which you will be difficult to get out.
  4. If in a dream the dead man rises their graves, it is a good sign. In the near future, your energy potential will increase, enough forces to implement the global task. Therefore, begin to put bold goals, even if you do not even believe that they will come true.
  5. If the dead man in a dream cremates - to the disease. It will be very long and exhausting. Most likely, you will find yourself unable to work and actively live. But this is the necessary life stage that you need to withstand and pass.
  6. If the dream is cremated you, you should expect problems at work. Perhaps even the dismissal will happen. But you will very quickly find a new, more profitable place and will work to work for money, but for love.

If the dead man in a dream is trying to buried alive, it means that your ill-wishers are activated. They will try to take advantage of your weaknesses and harm your reputation. Be vigilant and do not succumb to any provocations.

Details of dreams

Depending on how the scenery plot unfolded, it can be interpreted in different ways.

Dead Live Man Dream

For example:

  1. Talking corpse - to dirty gossip and rumors. You will try to slander to spoil the reputation. In order for the forecast did not come true, in the morning after waking, you need to drink a glass of clean water immediately.
  2. Mummy dead man dreams of negative change in life. And trouble will touch, first of all, your personal life. The second half someone will tell about you impartial things. And even if they find themselves wrong, no one will believe you, alas.
  3. A lot of dead people who reveal alive and healthy can dine headaches. And she will be very strong, right up to serious migraine. You need to go to the doctor to find out the cause of the illness.
  4. If you are present at the funerals that pass unusual, so it does not happen in reality, it's for fun. In reality, you will be invited to some solemn event with a large number of guests.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Do not worry if a living person dreamed dead. In real life, nothing threatens him. But you can be if the interpretation is negative.
  • Try to remember the plot of dreams to the smallest details to choose the most reliable prediction and not mistaken.

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