Venus in the fishes in a man and women


Venus in the fish in a man or woman gives rise to extraordinary personalities. Thin feeling, living with emotions and experiencing a huge need for love. Read astrological characteristics to figure it out better.

Venus in the Fish in a man

This man reveals his best qualities through love, in a relationship with a woman. He is almost the perfect partner for a family capable of making his chosen to truly happy.

Venus in the fish in a woman

What is characteristic of such a man:

  1. He will love his chief sincerely and truly to relate to her with tenderness, trepidation. This is a person who will listen, will sympathize. Next to him you can feel real emotional intimacy and understand what is sincere, trusting relationships.
  2. His life is the endless feelings in which he plunges completely. He constantly listens to himself, to his feelings, analyzes the needs of the soul and fulfills them.
  3. His main desire is to find the second half and completely dissolve in it. Always open to dialogue, compassion, even pity. He loves and understands women like no other.
  4. And women like the same - capable of feeling pity, sympathy and compassion. Bought on tenderness and ability to forgive small disadvantages. It is married only by love, there is never a caustic or calculation in his actions.
  5. It is very appreciated by creative abilities in people, it can be surprised by talents and burden to art. He loves to experience all shades of feelings and experiences, so his woman should give him the whole range of a variety of emotions.
  6. Never fail to communicate your chosen with former men, will not forgive lies on trifles and frank deception.
  7. It often idealizes the elect, attributing to her non-existent advantages, and then disappointed. Loves to dream and fantasy, but may not make a single effort to achieve your goals. Therefore, ambition and grandiose financial success does not have to wait.
  8. But he loves his own woman and takes absolutely anyone - not painted, patient, hysterical. Will be advantageous in any manifestation and will adore until the last sigh.
  9. It is able to find a positive in any situation, an optimist, sees in people mostly only good, trusting. Therefore, it is easy to deceive, because of what he is often brutally disappointed.

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Venus in the Fish in a man

He is suitable for his wife who will not expect material benefits from him, which only love and tenderness will be enough. Wishing, as a rule, is not enough, because women are looking for in a partner not only recognition, but also stability. Therefore, it may be in eternal search.

Venus in the fish in a woman

Venus in the fish teaches the abandonment of its own ego and interests for the other person. Therefore, such a woman is prone to self-sacrifice. It completely dissolves in the elect, often forgetting about their own desires.

Venus in Fish

What is characteristic of her:

  1. She is able to experience the whole range of emotions. Feelings is experiencing unusually deep and saturated. Creative person, who is committed to love all life. Gives more than getting, which is often suffering.
  2. Trust people just like that, she does not need evidence. A priori for her whole world is a fabulous place, and others are kind and miles. It can be said that it lives in illusions, so it can often be disappointed after a collision with brutal reality.
  3. The relationship is inclined to idealize the chosen. May not notice the shortcomings in it and ignore frankly unworthy behavior. Often dependent on the lover, falls in love with sincere in those who are absolutely not ready to answer the reciprocity fully.
  4. To love for her - it means to sacrifice, regret, compassion and give, forgetting about yourself. It is important for her to learn to openly talk about their own desires, needs, about what I do not like. Otherwise, she can become a victim of Tirana, which will disappear, using her sincere feelings.
  5. It is usually gifted by creative talents, but may not be shown, immersed in a new novel. It is such women who throw a career or a favorite thing for the sake of a man, and in a mature age regret it when children grow up.
  6. Adores romantic films and dreams of the same love that happened to the main characters.
  7. Such a woman must need to learn from the state of an enthusiastic girl, toward, grow up, get rid of the illusions and become a wise woman. And this is very difficult to do it, units are coping.
  8. Lives emotions, completely in them plunging. Eternal dreamer. Believes in the magic and the strength of thoughts. And, despite the fact that the benefits do not fall on it from the sky, faith does not decrease. At all, I do not know how to make money and achieve your goals with wield efforts.
  9. She needs to learn to put himself in the first place, his interests and desires, love himself. And only then, from the filled and resource state, fully implemented, to seek relations to share your love and happiness with the chosen one. In practice, everything happens to an even account on the contrary.

Astrologer Council: To ensure that such a woman can build truly harmonious, adults, she needs to openly look at reality without illusions, grow up and become more independent.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The main life value of men and women with Venus in fish is love. They are looking for her all their lives and strive for her, forgetting everything in the world.
  • For harmonious and happy life, they must first be implemented in creativity, and only then look for a partner. In this, the main "appeal" of such people, because more often they first come into relations, they become dependent on them, and self-realization is moved to the background.
  • They are not careerists, all that can give is sincere tenderness, love and romance. But their partner may not be enough, it is important to understand. Dreams, dreams and feelings are great, but I want to eat too.

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