How to meet your love - to arrange a personal life


A happy personal life is the key to gaining internal harmony, optimistic perception of peace and success. It may sound strange, but two halves of one whole together achieve much greater heights than one way.

"How to meet your love?" - If you ask this question and want to find an answer on it, then I propose to get acquainted with my next article.

How to find your love?

Love, where are you?

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In the modern world, we are witnessing more and more cases when people for years, and sometimes even decades are looking for, but they cannot find their soul mate. Some, having survived the experience of several unsuccessful relationships, completely desperate and went to work with their heads or something else.

But there are those who do not surrender and continue to believe and hope that one day a big and bright feeling will knock on their door. A very reasonable solution, because everything in our world is based on faith. If it is not, desires do not come true.

However, I want to talk about why the meeting of love is such a big problem in our society?

Personally, in my opinion, there are several reasons for this:

  • People in principle lost the value of the concept of "love", do not seek to find a soul mate, prefer to live in the world of carnal utees, and not spiritual intimacy.
  • Negative beliefs in the subconscious. Once again, it is precisely the faith that acts as a strong force that helps your desires to become a reality. And if a person wants to find a bright feeling, but he had a negative installation in his head, that "this will not happen in his life", "Love is the waters of the chosen" and so on, then it is quite clear why he still stays alone.

Negative blocks may have another character. For example, the person is convinced that "all men are bastards (change, drink, beaten and so on)" or "All women are selling (only money they need)." For its part, the Universe regularly sends him confirmation of these installations. So it turns out that all kinds of unworthy personalities are attracted, and true love bypasses the tenth road.

  • Karmic causes. Karma is the law of cause and effect. Each action committed by us in past incarnations is fraught with their consequences in real life. The reasons for failures on the personal front often leave their roots exactly in the past, about which you do not remember the mind, but it is recorded at the level of the soul. It is necessary to work out his bad karma, go through the experience of many personal failures, if necessary, before you get to meet your happiness.

Alas, I will not work out and get around the karma - until you feel personally personally, all the wrong pain, which in past incarnations other people, you will be forced to stay alone.

Fortunately, there is a good news - the karma of most people still allows them to meet the soul mate. The main thing is not to despair, when there is another personal defeat, but to perceive it as a lesson necessary to increase its spiritual awareness.

Surgerate karma is impossible

Tips, how to meet your love, your soul mate

Immediately it should be noted that in such a fine question, as a personal life, there is no default, there can be no "universal recipes of happiness." We are all bright individuality, and that is absolutely unacceptable for one person, for the other, it represents the full norm. What are the rules of finding love in principle to speak?

Add here the fact that everyone has their karmic root causes of personal failures, the life mission is greatly different - in general, it is clear that it is impossible to "mow everyone under one comb."

But there are a number of general recommendations that can help in the arrangement of personal life and speed up the attraction of love.

A wish

You know what is the most important thing when it comes to finding anything (no matter, love is it, money or, for example, the ability to dance cool)? Of course, desire!

The initial promise that begins to move the problem from the dead point is sincere inner desire to find love. Without a desire, you will not be able to allocate energy to what you need.

Therefore, learn to want, and want to correctly (visualization will help in this very help). Imagine how a big and bright feeling came to your life, how are your relationship develop? How do you spend your free time? What emotions are at the same time?

It is important to try to feel the most that you will feel when you find personal happiness. Try not to dwell on the material things like an apartment, a car or account in a bank, but visualize those feelings and emotions that love will bring in your life.

Love for me

It's no secret that, so that someone loves you, you need to first love yourself. Many have great difficulties with this. Often a person is easier to love someone else than himself. Here is such an interesting paradox.

Many internal reasons for themselves do not care. Perhaps their origins come from distant childhood, complex relationships with parents, classmates. It is important to learn to let go of the past, do not focus on the failures that "there" happened, and create a happy present and future.

Think that you are not at all the same people who were ten, five years old, even a year ago. Of course, you have our drawbacks, but they are absolutely from everyone. The main thing is to learn to be aware of them, take and be able to "be friends" with them.

Love yourself and you will love others

Pay attention to your appearance: take care of well-kept hair, leather, beautiful clothes and shoes. All this increases self-esteem, love for yourself and makes you more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Also pay attention to your internal filling. Read interesting books, watch movies, find yourself some kind of hobby and improve your skills in it. Let them be interested in communicating, have their spiritual values, learn to produce a good impression on others.

Do not stop in your self-improvement and always go only to the best version of yourself.

Love ... to loneliness!

Yes, oddly it sounds, but the love of his personal space will help to find the second half. Make so that you are, first of all, itself is good and interesting in alone.

Why does it work? When you love your loneliness, you are in a state "Give", and not "take", because you do not strive to arrange a personal life "if not to sit yourself," so that there is no boring "- that is, literally, wanting to fill with energy another person, but from mercenary motives.

And any harmonious and healthy relationships are based on the principle of interaction, and not consumerism. That is why it is so important to first find harmony in your life on your own.

Think also that you can personally give your partner? How can you take care of him?


Of course, you can make a whole plan of what kind of person you need, come up with a long and happy life together with him in your imagination, but so that something happens, you need to attempt for this.

Dream of personal happiness? Then register on the dating site, more often go into public places, agree to drink a cup of coffee with a pleasant stranger. In general, take active actions that will help improve the situation, and not sit on the spot.

unsuccessful dates - not a reason to stop

And do not believe that love is impossible to meet in the Internet, this is another negative installation that blocks such a completely real opportunity.

Taking failures

Most often, people experience several unsuccessful attempts in relation to real love. Of course, it also happens the perfect development of the situation when love is found immediately, but today it is more exception to the rules.

It is important not to succumb to despair every time you survive the next personal failure. Keep faith in the best, even if it is not easy to be given.

And do not dwell on the bad - just let go of a negative situation and go on. Believe that in the future you must be waiting for a large and mutual feeling.

Be realistic

Of course, all girls dream of princes on white horses, but it would not hurt to show a share of common sense. How many of them, princes, exist in nature? And how many real girls who want to create relationships? Yes, and to conquer the Prince, you need to be at least a princess ...

The example with the princes is definitely exaggerated, but the fact remains a fact - you need to keep realism in search of love. Do not think that you will suddenly fall on your head and everything is ready for this and for this you will not have to apply at all efforts!

Or that "love will solve all your problems." It is nothing more than an illusion and a negative installation, which is as if blocking the arrival of the desired to life.

Therefore, do not seek material things, in the end, you are looking for, and not money, isn't it?

Work on bugs

Analyze your behavior in previous relationships. What did you do wrong? Maybe they were too aggressive, were constantly jealous or paid to him / her not enough attention?

It is not necessary to make the same rake every time at all. To do this, you just need to find the main mistakes in the past and try not to repeat them in the future.

Appeal to experts

If it is difficult for you to independently understand your life, you are tired of loneliness, but you cannot find a true problem, you can recommend contacting a specialist. Under a specialist, I have a form and a qualified psychologist, and an expert esoteric, for example, a person who can predict the future and identify the problem with the help of cards.

Perhaps opinion on the part will bring you great benefit than constant internal self-erases, and will help tune in to the right way.

I hope my article was interesting to you and helps you find a big and bright feeling!

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