Selenite: Properties Zodiac Sign


Selenite is an unusual mineral, which comes with a glow that attracts people to him. From the moment of his find, the crystal immediately began to attribute paranormal abilities. Therefore, it is so often used magicians and psychics in their practices.

In this material I prepared for you a detailed review of selenite and all its characteristics.

Stone selenit photo

Historical Information about Mineral

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The crystal, from which the mysterious radiance comes, was called in honor of Selena (in the mythology of the ancient Greeks, this is the deity of the lunar disk). True, the name "Selenite" officially exists only since 1817.

Until the specified time on the common mineral was known as the "Moon Kiss", East Alabaster or Egyptian Stone. Until today, the name "Lunar Stone" has been preserved. But from the Greek "Selenite" translates precisely as "Lunny". Although in mineralogy, the crystals are called differently - adulorary.

Interesting fact. The name of selenites affects the place in which they were discovered, and another color variation of the breed. For example, the stones found on the shore of the White Sea are referred to as BEAORTS, and the variants of the black shade give the name of Labradors.

Moonstone has an interesting story of its origin. So, archaeologists in the process of excavations found that selenite was used in the 8th century to our era. Then the dishes and decorations were made of it.

Also, of course, amazing minerals took part in ancient magic acts. In particular, Adulyara was an integral attribute of sacrifices.

With the progress of time, gem did not lose its popularity, as evidenced by the chronicles of the Middle Ages. They mention the use of crystals in the production of church items. After reviewing the canvas of famous painters of those times, you can observe them a lot of selenite interior items.

A little later, to the second half of the 19th century, Adyur begins to be in demand among the inhabitants of Russia. The snow-white breed was detected in the area of ​​Perm and was used as a decorative element of the Winter Palace (city of St. Petersburg). Since then, in each Russian house, they tried to have at least a small statuette of this amazing stone.

Figurines from selenita

Where selenites are produced

Cave of crystals (Mexico) is the place of deposits of the most massive selenite crystals. But since the gem is a diverse stone, which is part of the field spa group, the places of its production are located everywhere, where a clay sedimentary rock is present.

The biggest value in the jewelry world possesses those "moon", which were found on Sri Lanka Island.

A sufficient number of diverse copies can also be found on the territory of the Russian Federation, ABTPALY, KANADA, the United States of America, Gemnia, FPanation and Egype.

Color versions of gems

Natural selenit, as a rule, has a beautiful dairy-white color. However, in nature, it is also found in other color variations and can have pink, blue, gentle lemon shades. Very rare, but still detects crystals of green color, and the most rare version is black selenites.

Considering the structure of the stone, it should be noted its transparency and sufficient softness. In this case, the treatment of selenites does not represent a special complexity: they are easily grinding and polished their surface.

Note! Inherent in natural adulor, the presence of silky shine and spectacular overflow of the color palette (it becomes more noticeable if you look at the gem from another angle).

How to distinguish fake from the original

Selenite refers to the category of diverse minerals. On our planet there are many places of its prey, in connection with which the cost of Adulyara is not too translated. It may even seem that there is no need to fake with such an inexpensive gem. But even at the same time, you risk running into artificial variants of the simulation of selenites.

Synthetic selenite is a silicate liquid mass, in which impurities are present (necessary for longitudinal enclosures, so that the stone is reminded natural). Subsequently, the mass is converted to the state of an artificial crystal, and then the same as the original, subjected to grinding and processing.

If you do not want to run into a fake, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Suspiciously low price - despite the fact that the selenitis of natural origin is completely inexpensive, the price of fake will be generally funny (which should cause suspicion of you);
  • Indicators of strength - natural selenites are characterized by softness, they are fragile and with ease scratched with nails, unlike its synthetic copies;
  • the size - Of course, it is not possible to take into account this indicator in jewelry. However, when it comes to, for example, about statuettes, it is really distinguished, where the original, and where the skillfully faked figure of the figurines. In the first case, the figurines cannot be more than 30 centimeters (the fragile stone simply does not allow making more massive versions).

Even definitely pay attention to the place of purchase. Do not trust dubious attachments - very high probability to run into unscrupulous people and buy not at all what you want. Behind the decorations or objects of the decor from natural selenite, go exclusively into official jewelry stores (in them, at least there are appropriate certificates, and they guarantee the quality of goods).

Suspension with selenitis

Healing properties of stone selenit

On the healing abilities of lunar crystals were also known to the ancient Greek signs. The latter believed that it was a mineral given to people over, from the gods. He was called the "Crystal Apollo" and used to give a person to life of vitality, improve his state of health.

Hindu mediums with the help of Adulyarov treated nightmares, provided heavenly patients with harmony and pacification in the night sirows.

Lithotherapists and are now actively seeking help for selenite crystals. It is believed that the stone contributes to mental healing, leads to a restless mind, eliminates aggression, anger and increased irritability.

Interesting information. According to ancient reference, if you put a piece of crystal under the rays of the lunar light, it will start using tears having healing properties.

Found a stone selenite application and in Tibetan medicine. So, lycari with the help of crystals performed wellness massage, put the bulls, made inhalations. And they also treated the pathology of the yellow bubble - the stones were taken out of it.

In ancient Egypt, a gem-rejuvenated powder was popular to the state of powder. Local beauties applied it to the skin of the face and body in order to maintain tone and elasticity. And the Suchmers selenites treated fractures and bleeding wounds.

How do mineral apply to date?

  • Lithotherapeuts improve the reproductive system with crystals, they are healing infertility;
  • get rid of psycho-emotional and mental overvoltage;
  • use for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder;
  • eliminate headaches, reduce blood pressure (separated to the state of the powder selenite contributes to a decrease in temperature);
  • Positively affects the stone on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Helps to put in order nerves, eliminate depressive states, apathy, despondency, gives a positive perception of the world;
  • if a long time to look at the crystal, visual acuity will increase;
  • still gem helps to strengthen bones and teeth, improving the mobility of the joints, elasticity of ligaments;
  • Healsing diseases of lungs, fainting, epileptic seizures.

In addition to the above above, selenite crystals are treated by the pathology of the endocrine system, useful for anemia (anemia). The wearing products with minerals with increased mental loads are shown.

Magic power of lunar gems

It used to be believed that selenites had an effect on a weak floor. Later they established its impact on representatives of the strong half of humanity. In this case, its influence will be different for the first and second:

  • Girls will give refinement, dreaminess;
  • Guys will make more decisive, brave.

By choosing earrings, a ring or selection with selenium, you will eliminate fears from your life, mania, learn the eloquence, develop the sixth sense and awaken the different hidden before that ability.

Earrings with selenitis

Interestingly, in India, the crystal was attributed to sacred meaning. Ancient beliefs say that mineral could wear exclusively Mesopotamian priests (they put the crystals for themselves under their tongue).

And in the full moon, ritual actions were performed, during which the curtain of the coming events was revealed. The predictions of Hindus priests have been preserved to our days due to the efforts of the chroniclers.

The modern esoterics are attributed to the gem of such mystical characteristics:

  • Stone with constant wearing develops a strong will and ingenious memory;
  • Selenite for family life is favorable: Revises fastening feelings, smoothes conflict situations;
  • Mineral owners become more optimistic, sentimental, dreamy;
  • If wearing a crystal in silver, develop creativity, strengthen imagination and fantasy;
  • Another crystal makes people more careful, warns them about predicted danger;
  • Allows you to identify liars and all those who have unclean designs.

Selenite is the lunar stone, so it will make a special benefit to all those who appeared on the light of the full moon.

Astrological compatibility

The National Association of Jewelers was drawn up a list of gems that affect the human body. It is not surprising that Selenite instantly ended up in this list (was first published in 1912).

True, astrology experts are in a hurry to warn - the crystal will benefit not all the zodiacal constellations.

Mineral Selena perfectly suitable:

  • Lions;
  • Aquarius;
  • Cancer;
  • Fish;
  • Scorpions.

Also bring the help of any constellation if its representative refers to the field of culture / art. It will be useful for clergy.

Since selenites are associated with a lunar disk, then they are ideal for cancer (for which the moon is a patronage planet).

The purchase of a selenite product is recommended to all those who suffer from a lack of finance. Mineral will have an impact on the worldview of its owner, and will also lead money problems for second place. Over time, it will contribute to the involvement of well-being and prosperity.

A person realizes that it is impossible to put only money for the first position in his life. It is necessary to learn to endure the focus of their attention to spiritual values, and not to material - then the soul will be in order, and the monetary state will noticeably improve.

Now you know the properties of the stone selenit, the zodiac sign to which he is most suitable. I would like to finally note that, although lithotherapy is very good and able to benefit the body, it is impossible to neglect and official medicine, counting only for the help of minerals, rites and conspiracies. Take care of your health with different methods, most importantly, do it with the mind.

In conclusion, I offer you to watch a video about selenite:

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