Stone Blue Topaz - Magical Properties


Blue Topaz without a doubt can be considered the most attractive and spectacular representative of the "family" of Topazov. The stone to the depths of the soul impresses with his heavenly tint and fascinates with a mirror glitter. What is the healing and mystical power of blue topaz? I propose to find out in the following material.

Crystals Blue Topaza

Historical certificate of mineral

There is no definite answer to the question: "Where does the name of the gem come from?" There are various versions, to establish the truthfulness of which is now not possible.

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According to one of them, the word "topaz" refers to the place where they first discovered this breed - on the island of Topazius (washed by the Red Sea). Although scientists argue that the island was carried out the extraction of another mineral - chrysolite, and he was not connected with crystals.

Another legend says that the name of the gem comes from Sanskrit, on which Tapaz is translated as "fire".

When excavations were carried out on the location of the ancient people in the Urals mountains, archaeologists have discovered many topaz products. Some of them were applied as decorations, and others enjoyed in everyday life. In addition, weapons made from this breed.

In the era of the Renaissance under the trees of the capricious fashion of those times, only a small list of precious minerals was allowed to wear - especially luxurious and frightened. It is quite obvious that blue topases were present in the specified list.

Decorations with these amazing sky-blue gems were popular not only in European states, but also in the Russian Empire. Possessing them signaled that a person is the owner of a great condition.

Where representatives of the mineral kingdom are mined

Today, from the main fields of the breed can be called such corners of the planet Earth:

  1. Ural Mountains (Russian Federation) - The main stones provider on the global market. No wonder because the gems are known as the "Ural diamonds". In the territory of the Urals, truly gigantic representatives of blue topaz are found, whose weight reaches several tens of kilograms. They have high quality and purity. Moreover, the Urals contain mining of minerals not only blue shade, but also other color variations: red-purple, greenish, light brown, transparent.
  2. Volyn (Ukraine) - Another large Topazy field. It was here that the record holder was discovered, the mass of which was 117 kilograms. Volyn minerals can be found in many jewelry collections and museums of the world.
  3. Brazil - The state in which the rich places of mining of gems of blue shades are also presented. It is noteworthy that in this country found the most massive topaz in the world, whose weight exceeds 238 kilograms.
  4. Sri Lanka.
  5. Afghanistan.
  6. Pakistan.

Stone Blue Topaz - Magical Properties 4497_2

Healing properties of stone

About the fact that gem is endowed with healing power, it was known in the distant antiquity. Therefore, they used both prevention from different pathologies. And also treated already existing diseases.

And to this day, lithotherapy actively uses the energy of blue topaz to eliminate many diseases, namely:

  • Nervous pathologies (psychosis, neurosis, sleep disorders - insomnia or nightmares, epilepsy, disturbing disorders);
  • Weak immunity (the mineral of the blue shade has a positive effect on the immune system, plus a positive effect on the general well-being of a person);
  • pathology of internal organs (liver, stomach, spleen and others);
  • disease disease (most of all helps at myopia);
  • Different inflammatory phenomena in the body (inflammation of the lungs, throat, bronchial asthma);
  • will benefit with female and male infertility and other violations of the reproductive sphere.

Magic properties of stone Blue Topaz

In addition to applying in medicine, the gem has always been in demand from magicians and mystics. What functions does it perform in this case?

  • Allows you to install where the truth, and where is a lie . You may encounter the opinion that blue topases are able to smash family bonds. In fact, it is not at all so, it is necessary to make a reservation that the gem brings various deceptions in the family to clean water.

In this regard, it is not recommended to use all those who suspect their second half in treason, but not yet ready for such a truth. After all, while all the secret very soon becomes clear.

  • Ability to influence people . Another impact of the crystal on the life of its owner. The mineral will add faith in its own strength, it takes a special inner charisma, teach to skillfully manipulate others. Therefore, Topazy Talismans will become a real find for all those who wish to make new ties, to liberate and find faith in themselves.
  • Makes a man more composure, gives a logical mind . Thanks to which Tophaza is very suitable for personalities, with difficulty controlling their emotional sphere, too impulsive, not consistent, which in life take non-decisive solutions.

The crystal will teach to think logically, and not with emotions, and not so much to delve into everything that happens and always make solutions meaningfully.

  • Add calm . Very favorably blue topaz affects people with nervous disorders. It adops the balance, allows you to perceive everything that happens more simply and joyfully.

Suspension with blue topaz

Price for nugget

If we consider crystal from the position of a professional jeweler, then this is a semi-precious stone. However, in the jewelry world, the minerals include great reverence, which allows you to perceive it almost like a precious nugget.

At the final price of the product (as in the case of any precious or semi-precious mineral), 4 main criteria affect:

  • color indicators;
  • purity;
  • cuts;
  • Weight of stone in decoration.

Speaking about color characteristics, it should be noted that blue topases in nature are found in several shades. And on the basis of this, the price for them is also varied, the truth is not very significant.

What kind of blue versions of the mineral can you find?

  • London Blue Topaz. - The most elite and expensive version of the mineral. It has a saturated blue tint. London-Topaz or London-Blue is inherent in a little more winning properties than its similar "counterparts". As for the cost, it varies from five to ten American dollars for one carat.
  • Mineral Swiss Swiss Blue - It is distinguished by a little longer tint of blue.
  • Sky Blue - This version of the topaz has a more transparent hue.

The price of two last varieties of stones depends on the cost of cutting and refining mineral. Therefore, the cost is changing, and in large limits.

Astrological compatibility

Who recommended to wear decorations with gems on the sign of the zodiac? Astrologers unconditionally agreed that scorpions. The properties of the blue topaz and its characteristic is ideal for scorpion. So, representatives of the constellation Crystal will make more decisive (this is a weak line of constellation, because of which they often suffer).

Moreover, they can not dwell only on blue topazes, but to give their preference to all shades of stone. For the very young scorpions, gem will be useful to filling their valuable life wisdom, in which they also have a deficit.

It is no secret that to withdraw such a person is very simple, but in anger he is able to lose control over emotions. In this case, the Blue Topaz will also provide his assistance - it will help to restore the relationship lost in the rustling, reconciles, puts the broken relationships with other people.

The stone comes into very close contact with the energy of scorpion. Due to which he motivates the representative of the water element to constantly know the new, improve its spiritual sphere of life and interact to harmoniously with other people.

Most suits scorpions

Men's half of the sign, using Topase, will become more restrained and wise, and female will strengthen its natural charm and charm.

But, although the blue topaz and the most than all, the scorpion scorpion is on the sign of the zodiac, almost all constellations can be applied. With the exception of all three characters - scales, calf and fish.

  • scales - Risk to join the energy of the mineral to the conflict, which is fraught with a feeling of internal disharmony.
  • Taurus - Also must stop your choice on some other gem, because his sign is directly opposite the constellation of scorpion.
  • Fishes - They are perceived by blue topaz very neutral, it is unlikely that the crystal will positively affect them. Therefore, if you feel about the last, twelfth constellation, it is better to refrain from wearing decorations with topazami. Otherwise, they can negatively affect your family life.

But back to those constellations that can and need to seek help to gem.

These are representatives of the fire sign Sagittarius. Especially the mineral is shown by the features of a wonderful gender: they will develop such qualities as softness, friendly perception of the world, peacefulness.

It is noteworthy that the ladies of Sagittarius can stop their choice on the topazh of any colors, guided solely by their personal preferences. Blagovolite topaz and men-to-shooters: helps to curb his difficult character, teaches to be more restrained in food and alcoholic beverages.

At the same time, the male semi is suitable for saturated dark versions of the stone. They increase their self-discipline, add personal charm, which provides many victories in amur life.

Aries and lions do not even enter conflicts with blue topazami. But in their case, the stone will no longer affect neutrally than positively. This constellations, if they still want to wear topaz, should choose reddish and golden shades, and not blue. With great love it is precisely to cold colors to stay on the stone of purple color.

Blue Topases act perfectly on twin women: get rid of frequent depressive disorders and rapid mood changes. Also, the gem contributes to the harmonization of energy and psychological well-being.

Earth Capricorn and Devs should choose lilac, green and transparent variations of stones.

Astrologers believe that the degree of hardness of blue topaz, supplemented by the influence of the sign of Scorpio, is able to awaken the objective perception of the world in any person, to learn to notice what previously was hidden from the gaze. This will help the special energy of the stone.

It is not surprising that Blue Topaz shows such a favor to scorpions. And the Archers in the zodiac are located next to the first constellation. Therefore, it is clear that the blue crystals are most compatible with these two signs.

Such he, charismatic and attractive blue topaz.

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