What dreams Cat with kittens


To understand what a cat is dreaming with kittens, you need to open a dozen dream books, find a suitable interpretation and try to figure it out. To do not have to do this, I collected the most reliable forecasts in this article.

Dream Khasse

In reality, the picture of cat cats and small kittens causes only lunizing. But what can a similar dream tell about, is there always an interpretation positively? Read the forecasts to figure out.

What dreams Cat with kittens

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Interpretation by Dream Hasse:

  1. Nothing good does not promise a dream. He promises problems in the sphere of life, which at this time is most significant for you. And the more kittens were in a dream, the more difficulties would have to overcome. A source of problems will be a person from your close environment that envies you, hiding behind the mask of love or friendship.
  2. If you saw only an adult cat in a dream, and her children only meowed somewhere in the distance, this is also an unfavorable sign. You will get into a series of troubles, and you have to make a lot of strength, spend a bunch of energy to solve everything.

Important: Despite the negative forecast, do not fall in spirit. Small kittens - to small problems, just there will be a lot of them. But you can take hands and consistently, step by step to solve everything.

Dream Vangu

The most mysterious prosecutor of all time also treats such a dream negatively.

Kittens dreamy

Here is her predictions:

  1. Cat with kittens - the symbol of the negative. A very influential person will appear in your life that will be all forces to harm and interfere. And the more kittens, the stronger the risk completely spoil your reputation and experience this shame.
  2. If the cat-mother, among other things, was also very aggressive to you configured, it means that I will have to face the jealousy of your loved one. Someone will give him food for suspicions, and he will make you a lot of complaints, and confidence will take away from the relationship.
  3. If the cat scratched or tried to bite you, it means that in real life you are dependent on the approval of some person and cannot live without it. Such a craving will not lead to anything good if you do not take yourself in your hands and do not solve the situation.
  4. Black representatives of the cat, seen in the dream, warn: Soon there will be a powerful enemy in your life, which will begin to stick sticks into the wheels, spreading dirty gossip about you. Be alert.

Dream Miller

Gustav Miller did not just give the interpretation of dreams, but also gave recommendations. For example, he believed that if a person saw a cat with kittens in a dream, he needs to try to drive an animal mentally, compete with him. This will help in reality faster to deal with troubles.

Cat with kittens dream book


  1. A woman like a dream promises failures in a personal life. She risks contact a man who spoils her reputation and life.
  2. If in a dream, the girl took a small white kitten in his hands and began to play with him, then in reality there is a risk of being trapped, which will be created by her ill-wishers. But if she keeps vigilance, it will come out of the situation with the victory.
  3. If the cat's family dreamed of an entrepreneur, he should fear competitors. They started something unkind. In the near future, they can substitute for customers, which is why you can lose a large profit. You need to be alert to reveal a cunning idea in time and reflect attacks.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

The author of this treatise believed:
  1. A cute kitty with children dreams of financial problems. You risk losing a large amount of money due to an incorrect decision. To avoid problems, follow the motto: "Seven times will die - once again."
  2. If cats in a dream of an unusual color, which is not in reality, then the dreams are too trusting and is often scattered. This can cause spiritual experiences, so you need to learn to be more attentive and neat. Close to the surrounding - among your friends there are dishonest and evil people.
  3. If you have a cat, you have a cat, recently giving offspring, and it was her who dreamed you, this is an unfavorable sign. He says that you are too worried about the choice that you have to do. See how animals look like: dirty and thin warning of a possible error, clean and well-groomed foreshadow the right choice.

Dream Longo


  1. The yard animals are disappointing in the person you love. The chosen one will manifest itself from his worst part of which you did not suspect. As a result, you will stop trusting and understand that they fell in love with an image that does not correspond to reality.
  2. If you do not just see animals in the dream, but you kill them, this is the projection of your family relationships that you are not at all. Your discontent increases, and how to correct the situation, you do not have the slightest concept.

Different stories

In many ways, the forecast depends on the plot of the dream.

For example:

  1. If the cat with kittens dreamed of a married woman, then you should do a pregnancy test. It is possible that a new child will appear soon in your family.
  2. The young girl of the kittens will dream of a carefree and successful life. There is always a person who takes care of you.
  3. If the snakes crawl next to kittens is a sinister sign. In your environment there is an enemy, which was planted something very unkind. Perhaps this is a mentally ill person to beware.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Cat with kittens in most cases dream of troubles and problems. To understand what exactly choose a suitable interpretation from dream books.
  • To protect yourself from negative, try to drive animals in a dream or change the picture on some other image. It turns out rarely, but it is quite possible.

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