Fire Opal: Magical Properties and History of Origin


One of the rarest and expensive minerals is the fiery opal. Thanks to its unique appearance, it has a huge value for jewelers and collectors. And the interest of lithotherapists and esoterics to this stone is due to his therapeutic and magical properties. In this article, I will tell you what secrets will be in themselves the fiery opal, how to distinguish the natural mineral from the fakes and who can be worn.

Fire opal

History of origin and field

For the first time, the fiery opal was discovered in Mexico, so it to this day is called Mexican stone. This mineral was incredibly popular with the Aztecs and Indians Maya - from it made religious objects and mosaic. Residents of those times believed that the fiery stone personifies sincere love, and also associated him with a paradise bird.

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Optic mining was suspended for many years due to the invasion of the Spaniards on Mexican lands. Only in the middle of the 19th century, the inhabitants of those edges decided to resume work. Since 1835, opals began to be mined at the industrial level, which made it possible to find new deposits of the mineral. The richest terrain is Mexican Highlands. Today, fire stones of South American origin are considered the most valuable, because They have more rich shades and a high degree of transparency.

Over time, residents of other countries and continents have learned about the noble opal. He gained particular popularity in Greece, ancient Rome and India, and all due to the presence of magical and therapeutic properties. Many legends and legends assigned to this mineral reached our days. For example, for the Romans, the firestone was a symbol of purity, the inhabitants of the eastern countries believed that he embodies the truth, and the Greek people in the ancient times believed that with it, it is possible to discover the gift of clairvoyance.

Today, noble opals are mined in a variety of planets, including in the Czech Republic, Japan and the United States. The largest deposits were discovered in Australia. It was there that a stone was found with a record weight of 5 kg. Russia also has mineral deposits, but they are too small to remove production to the industrial level. As a rule, the fiery opal is found in a pure chance next door to the origin of other valuable stones.

The story of the fiery opal

Physically Properties

The fiery opal is an amorphous mineral and for the most part consists of water, so it is impossible to call it durable. The stone can be damaged even with a strong compression in the hand, and it is enough to use a pitch tool for complete dissolution. In addition, due to sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity on its surface, cracks may form, therefore, the mineral needs proper storage and care. Given the listed properties, the fiery stone is used only for the manufacture of pendants and sewages, and it does not fit for the rings.

The noble opal has a high degree of transparency and amazing pearl brilliance. It can also have the effect of dispersion, bite or pleaism. The color of the fiery stone depends on impurities that are included in its composition. The most common shades are red, orange, yellow and brown. Minerals are extremely rarely found with the intestine, black, green and blue and blue. The most expensive copies are those who have a pronounced red color.

Fire opals are divided into 3 types:

  1. Fire opal is the most valuable instance that is distinguished by saturated fiery overflows of red or orange.
  2. Pinfire is a stone that is overflowing with various shades of red, yellow, terracotta and orange, which, as it were, flashed when changing his position.
  3. Contra-Luza is a kind of mineral, which plays a variety of colors and shades, regardless of position and lighting.

Decorations with fiery opal looks spectacular and fit almost any nardam. But it should be noted that rather large elements are used for the inlay products, because Stone processing is complicated by high fragility.

The physical properties of the fiery opal

Medical properties

From a long time, a number of medical properties were attributed to the fiery opal. It was believed that he absorbs ailment and negative, and in return fills a person with clean, healthy energy. Earlier, the mineral was used mainly to treat heart disease, but over time, its capabilities expanded significantly. To this day, this noble stone is successfully used to combat such ailments as:

  • Violation of the function of the cardiovascular system. In this case, it is recommended to carry a pendant with fiery opal, especially during periods of exacerbation of the disease or at the moments of poor well-being.
  • Problems with eyesight and eye disease. Colorful opal overflows and its powerful energy radiation has a positive effect on the visual apparatus. As a treatment, experts advise each day closely peeled in the mineral bowels for 10-15 minutes.
  • Strengthening immunity. Firestock forms powerful protection for its owner and enhances biofield, protecting it in this way from the negative impact from the outside. It helps to strengthen the immune system, due to the resistance to various diseases.
  • Treatment of diseases of the reproductive system. The prolonged wearing of opal is able to cure people from infertility, to normalize the work of the reproductive system organs, strengthen the libido and restore the previous potency.
  • Disorders of the nervous system. Depression, neurosis, mood swings - with all this with ease copes firestone. Therapy sessions can be carried out at any convenient time, for this you only need to take a convenient position, relax, peer into the flickering overflows of the mineral and periodically rub it.
  • Elimination of pain syndrome. When overwork, stretching, bruises and other damage instead of painkillers, the fire opal should be used. It must be attached to the place of pain, and already after 10 minutes you can feel significant relief.
  • Prevention of cancer. Lithotherapists argue that the energy that the fiery opal radiates normalizes the work of the entire body, contributes to the regeneration and rehabilitation of cells and tissues. Thus, pathological processes are oppressed, including tumors, and their appearance is prevented.

It is believed that with a deterioration in the state of health, the noble opal begins to fill up, so he warns its owner about the problem. Therefore, if a product enjoyed by this mineral has lost its shine and the former game of paints, then a complete medical examination should be taken immediately to identify pathologies.

Therapeutic properties of the fiery opal

Magic properties

The fiery opal from ancient times was assigned magical abilities, so it was often used for various rituals and making talismans. Many legends and beliefs reached today's days. People believe that this noble mineral has an incredible force and energy capable of doing wonders.

  • Protects against negative - bad incidents, magical impact, evil eye and disease.
  • Protects its owner from natural disasters and various kinds of trouble.
  • Embeds extrasensory abilities and a gift of privacy.
  • Helps to understand its purpose and uniqueness.
  • Promotes the development of intuition and hidden talents, especially creative.
  • Signs the right solutions in ambiguous situations and directs to the right way.
  • Strengthens human energy and gives self-confidence.
  • Provides support in any endeavors and helps to achieve the goals.
  • Gives comfort and peace of mind who survived a serious loss and grief.
  • Helps to preserve love in relations and warmth of the family hearth.

The only drawback of the fire stone is that it assists absolutely everyone without parsing. Regardless which human thoughts are kind or evil. But it should be noted that some people the noble opal can harm. His powerful energy will bring chaos to the life of calm, balanced personalities. Such a mineral is more suitable for an active person with a strong character, who is against the rules and wants to independently retire his destiny.

Any product with fiery opal is not only an extravagant ornament, but also a powerful faith, that's only his power depends on the rim. It is believed that only gold and silver are able to strengthen the magical properties of this mineral, while the other metal can determine its energy to some extent.

Magical properties of the fiery opal

How to recognize fake?

The noble opal with a fiery coloring is among the most popular stones, so it is not surprising that not only natural specimens are found on the market, but also fakes. And some analogues are so good that they can only recognize them. For the manufacture of synthetic stone, the glass and brilliant elements are most often used, due to which overflows are created inside the product close to the natural structure of the opal.

There is also another, more complex way to create a fiery stone, which consists in growing and densely combined with silica balls, which are subjected to special processing. This technique allows you to produce high-quality opals, so in 1964 a patent was released on it. Many connoisseurs of this mineral consciously choose artificial products, because Their external characteristics are not inferior to the original, but at the same time they do not need to provide special conditions for care and storage.

To avoid deception when buying decorations with fiery opal, you need to know the main distinguishing features of natural stone.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to inspect the gem under the right sunlight. If the light is not refracted, but passes through, staining the fingers of a person holding bright colors, is exactly the original.
  2. Coloring should look homogeneous regardless of the angle of light.
  3. Each mineral has internal patterns are unique and never repeated.
  4. Considering the stone with natural light, inside you can notice a light strip. If it is dark or not at all, then before you are falsification.

Buy high-quality products inlaid by natural fiery opal, is recommended solely in jewelry stores where there are necessary authentication certificates.

Storage of fiery opal

Care and storage

Fiery opal requires careful circulation, because It is rather fragile and unstable to negative impacts of the external environment. In order for the mineral to maintain its attractiveness and integrity as long as possible, it is necessary to create the right storage conditions for it and ensure careful care. Jewelers recommend the owners of jewelry inlaid by fiery stones, follow the following rules:
  • It should be stored in a room with an increased humidity or at all in water tanks, otherwise the mineral will gradually dry, and cracks are formed on its surface.
  • Bear from direct sunlight and bright light sources.
  • Do not allow interaction with chemicals or household cleaning agents.
  • Catching up household goods, be sure to remove the decoration, because The stone may be damaged even with a non-stroke or squeezing.
  • Decoration and polishing decoration should be professional using special tools and tools for this. At home, the stone can be washed in warm water and wipe the soft cloth.

What signs of the zodiac is suitable?

Energy of the fiery opal is so strong that not every person can cope with it. According to astrologers, this stone is suitable only to those who are strong and morally, is not afraid of risking, prefers to be in the center of events, does not stop before difficulties and always reaches the goals. The noble mineral will be a faithful assistant and a powerful faith for the following zodiac signs:

  • Scorpio will find a way to realize its potential, will increase performance and strengthen its own energy.
  • Sagittarus will add targets, and will also provide reliable protection against trouble and negative impact.
  • Capricorn will gain unshakable faith in himself and in his strength, so that he will be able to achieve tremendous success in life and implement any plans.
  • Lero will give emotional stability and prudence, teach him to keep himself in his hands and tells an effective way to get rid of the negative.
  • Aries will get rid of impulsiveness and acquire a clear understanding of what is really important for him and what he wants to get from life.

Let's summarize

  • Fire opal is a rare gem with unique magical and medicinal properties.
  • Natural mineral is often forged, but, knowing its features, you can avoid buying falsification.
  • Products with opal need special care and storage conditions.
  • The stone is suitable only for several signs of the zodiac, which have a strong energy and solid character.

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