Human chakras: their value, cleansing, disclosure


In this articles, we will tell, for which chakras answer, give a detailed description and the value of each. This topic will be useful to everyone who wants to work with their own energy, to reveal the consciousness and know themselves better.

How to see the chakras?

What is chakras, why do they need and do there exist at all? After all, if the hands, legs, head and other parts of the human body are perfectly seen by the naked eye, then the chakras are something ephemeral. They cannot be seen, touch, measure.

But just as invisible to the human eye of radio wave of different frequencies. We every day we use mobile communications, Internet, radio, and also not capable of seeing their signals.

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In the figure, we showed an analogy between chakras and a Wi-Fi connection:

Chakras of man and their meaning

Calculate these very signals are capable of special devices. Similarly, with chakras: to see them, do real and tangible, special skills and techniques are required.

Chakras and their meaning

Chakras play a huge role in human life. If you submit a person in the form of an energy structure, then chakras - the center of this structure. They perform such functions:
  • absorb and fed into the body the necessary types of energy;
  • absorb valuable information from human surrounding person;
  • Unnecessary, unnecessary, negative energy is removed into the surrounding space.

In short, the most important and main function of the Chakras is the implementation of the information and energy exchange of a person with the environment. Side features - filtering and ordering of incoming energy.

Properly working chakras = healthy energy.

Without energy exchange with the surrounding world, the physical existence of the human body would be impossible. This explains the existence and value of the chakra. From food, we get only 20% of energy, everything else - thanks to the work of the chakras.

What chakra for what is responsible?

It is important to know where every chakra is located and what is responsible for. The figure shows schematically:

what chakra for what is responsible


  1. In the field of Temkeka is the seventh chakra of Sakhasrara. Responsible for spirituality, brain work, harmony in all spheres of life. The better the Sakhasrara is developed, the closer the person to God, the more spiritual and is unique.
  2. In the center of the forehead is the sixth chakra Ajna. Responsible for wisdom and memory, consciousness, the ability to feel the condition of other people. If this chakra is developed above the norm, a person is able to predict the future, it is very spiritually developed.
  3. In the area of ​​the thyroid gland is the fifth chakra of Vishudha. Call her throat, she is responsible for the ability of a person to express their thoughts through words. Shows how much he is able to defend his beliefs, prove the point of view.
  4. In the center of the chest at the heart level there is a fourth chakra anahata. Responsible for the emotionality and openness of a person. It shows how responsive it is sensitive, can love, be gentle. Responsible for the health of lungs, hearts and other organs located in the field of chest.
  5. In the area of ​​the navel is the third chakra of the manipura (chakra of solar plexus). It is responsible for the way the human body converts, absorbs, sacks and distributes energy. The more developed the 3rd chakra, the better the person has intuition. Stabilizes the energy shell
  6. In the pubic area there is a second Chakra Svadkhistan (sexy chakra). He is responsible for sexual energy: sensuality, sexual activity, attraction, attractiveness, magnetism. It is better developed in women than men. Men get such energy through women.
  7. And the first chakra of Molandhara is located in the area of ​​the crotch. It is responsible for the arrival of energy into the body, as well as for the conclusion of the remnants of this energy. Determines character, temperament, psychological type of man. Well developed in men. Women are practically not developed, therefore the energy of this chakra of a weak floor representative should receive through men.

Depending on the location, each of the chakras "oversees" the work of certain internal human internal organs. Therefore, with health problems, it is easy to determine which of the chakra "Halturite" and requires purification.

Cleansing and disclosure of chakras

How to reveal chakras?

A little to know what the chakras of a person, understand their meaning. It is important to be able to make the disclosure of the chakras that you "slow down". Working with the energy field can give enormous results.

There are several proven ways to disclose chakras. It is advisable to perform them in the complex, then the effectiveness will be higher.

Implementation of aspirations

Everything is very simple: to start the chakra disclosure process automatically, you need to learn how to put high goals. This is the first and very powerful impetus to the development of your life potential.

Therefore, we take a sheet, handle and write a list of 100 goals. The first 20-30 is unlikely to be "high", rather, these will be the objectives of the type: "Buy a fur coat", "buy a car", "Pay a mortgage." But the last 20, most likely, will already look more global, intangible and interesting.

The embodiment of the principles

To implement this practice, decide which chakra will work. If, for example, it is a swadhistan, you need to follow the principles of this chakra. She is responsible for honesty, sincerity and openness. You need to cultivate in your character the features of the chakra you want to reveal.

Self-pressure and meditation

There are many meditative techniques for beginners and professionals. Test everything, determine which most suitable for you. Not immediately, but gradually you will learn to feel both your body, direct energy into the right direction.

How to clean chakras?

Esoterics are considered as follows: if a person got sick, he doesn't get very fast in his life, which means that some of the chakras "scored" and requires purification. Let's talk to the value of the cleansing of the human chakra and its methods.

What does your energy channels pollute:

  • Negative emotions: coarse, graft, quarrels and scandals, rudeness, sarcasm and participation in disputes;
  • Negative thoughts: resentment, envy, disappointment, anger and other;
  • Negative actions, because of which you make badly other living beings.

Negative - a powerful destructive agent. What is more in your life, the stronger the chakras are clogged. Because of this, the energy balance is knocked down, a deficit is created, the physical condition of the person suffers from this.

More information about chakras you will find in this video:

To clean the chakras from the accumulated dirt, you need:

  • Put a clear goal and go to her;
  • Exclude the negative from your life: to stop being the source of the negative, stop communicating with people, which distribute it;
  • do soothing meditation, read mantras;
  • Examine special asians from yoga, which are aimed at cleansing the chakras.

It is advisable to consult with a competent esoteric. The topic chakras is very thin, if you act wrong, you can greatly harm yourself. So be careful.

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