How to call the fairy of desires at the present at home


For the implementation of the dream, a person is ready to go on a lot and even turn to magical creatures, such as fairies. With their help, you can significantly speed up the execution of the desire. But to achieve the desired result, you need to know the rules for calling the fairies of desires and the formulation of the request.

If you have a cherished dream, and you want it to be done rather, then this article is for you. I will tell you how to call the fairy of the desires where you can spend the ritual, and what is needed for this.

How to call the fairy of desires

Acquaintance with the fairy of desires

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A small magical creature in a female case, with wings and a magic wand - this is a fairy of desires. She is pretty, kind and always ready to come to help someone who really needs it. This character is present in the folklore of many nations.

Unfortunately, there is no mobile number at the fair of wishness, therefore, to call it, it is necessary to spend a special ritual. But before this should correctly formulate your request for it. If you make an error, you can not only lose the possibility of the implementation of the dream, and and get off the wizard. There are a number of rules that must be observed:

  • It is impossible to desire harm to others, please should be kind and carry a positive;
  • It is not recommended to make a sudden enrichment, for example, a large winnings in the lottery, because Failers can not cope with such an order;
  • It is important to comply with tactfulness and politeness when communicating with a wizard, otherwise it will not help;
  • The desire must be sincere and come from the heart itself.

Fairy desires are not always ready to show those who cause it, so do not be upset if you won't see it. The main thing is to hear you, and will definitely fulfill the request if all the rules were met.

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How to call the fairy of desires at home?

There are several rituals, with the help of which you can call on a small wizard, performing the desires of yourself at home. For some of them, it is necessary to comply with the correct time of day, choose the most favorable day and be in a good spirit.

If you have a bad mood, then it is better to refuse this venture. It is also important to remember that the evil, insincere or the evil desire of the Fairy will not fulfill, and can even punish the trouble.

Ritual 1.

It is necessary to spend the ritual in the evening, preferably before bedtime, at a favorable day that can be calculated on the lunar calendar. You need to prepare a new pencil in advance, but not very sharp, sheet of paper and a satin tape with a length of 1 m.

  • The tape is tied to the pencil, and write a desire on paper. It should not sound like an order, but as a request, for example: "Let me be ..." or "Help me, please ...".
  • After they wrote a desire, it is necessary to pronounce it out loud and at the same time appreciate the satin ribbon on the pencil.
  • When the tape is completely wound on a pencil, you need to pronounce the following phrase:

Fairy desires

A sheet of paper with a written desire and a pencil with a ribbon is desirable to leave on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on them. But they can also put them on the table, and go to sleep.

Ritual 2.

Before you know how to call the fairy of desires to truly at home, you need to understand that the magical creatures show their activity in the dark time of the day, and they are hiding in the day. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct this ritual at midnight on a growing moon. For him, 3 candles, sweetness and a glass of milk or water will be needed.

  • Sit on the floor, place the candles around yourself in the form of a triangle, and burn them.
  • Concentrate on your desire, imagine that it has already been implemented, feel the joy of the resulting.
  • Then stand up, put a glass with a liquid in the center of the triangle, go to the window and say the phrase:

Fairy Ritual

  • Go to the candles and watch the liquid in the glass. If the ripple appears on its surface - it means that Fairy heard your request and approved it.
  • Repeat your desire aloud and thank the wizard.
  • Place the candles and leave on the windowsill sweetness for fairies.

It is possible to conduct this ritual no more than 1 time per month.

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Ritual 3.

This effective ritual can be held in the afternoon, but you can only ask for the most cherished and important, as it is urge to call for a minor request to implement a minor request. During the ritual there should be good weather, and you should be in good spirits. If you are angry or upset, then you should not disturb the fairy.

For ritual, you need to prepare chalk, 3 pieces of sugar, a note with a desire and 3 glasses with water.

  • Pick up a jacket or a sweater with pockets, and in the left pocket, place a note with a desire.
  • On the floor with chalk, draw a large circle, and put in the center of the chair.
  • Place glasses with water on the stele, and drop into each of them on a piece of sugar.
  • When sugar is melting, get into the circle next to the chair, and say 5 times:

Fairy Ritual 3.

  • Then clearly and loudly say your desire in the same way as it is written in the note.
  • Exit the circle, put glasses with water on the windowsill, remove the stool, and the circle will erase.

For greater efficiency, the ritual is recommended for 15 or 16 lunar days.

How to call the fairy of desires on the street?

In the open space of the Fairy with a greater hunting come to contact, so it is recommended to choose a secluded place in nature for the ritual, on a good sunny day. It may be a field, a forest or a reservoir coast, but it is necessary to have around anyone.

Ritual 1.

For ritual, you will need a bell and a note with desire.

  • Taking a bell in the left hand, and the note to the right, start walking along a small circle counterclockwise.
  • Having done 3 circles, stop and say three times:

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Do not doubt your words and actions, otherwise the fairy will not help you.

Ritual 3.

If there is no opportunity to get out on nature, you can simply go outside, find a secluded place where no one will disturb you and ask the Fairy about help. For this you do not need any attributes, it is important only to correctly formulate a desire, to pronounce it for yourself three times, and then read the spell:

how to call the fairy of desires 3

The next day, pay attention to everything that happens around. Fairy will surely give you signs and suggest what to do so that the dream is realized. Do not doubt the circumstances in such a way that you achieve the desired one.

Ritual 2.

To make a desire, you can refer to the flower fairy. To do this, find a glade with flowers in the forest or on the field. With you, you should take sweets. Conveniently addressed in the meadow, so that the flowers surround you from all sides, close your eyes and think about your dream. Imagine that she has already come true, feel joy from it, and say:

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Then you can leave, leaving behind the sweetness. The desire must come in 7 days, but sometimes it may be needed more time.


  • To carry out a cherished dream, you can seek help for the fairy of desires.
  • To call the wizard, it is necessary to carry out a special ritual.
  • It is important to correctly formulate a desire.
  • Fairy can be called both at home and on the street.
  • It is impossible to disturb the magic creature on trifles, because You can nourie trouble.

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