Psalm 142: Text of prayer in Russian, for what read


An amazing poetic book - a psalter consists of a variety of chapters (150) and is part of the Old Testament. Her original was in Hebrew. All Psalms have their own numbers, represent poems, have a certain rhythm and rhyme, but when converting to another language, naturally, they disappear. In Russian translation, only a semantic value takes place, and the system itself is not transmitted by translators.

Psalm 142: Text of prayer in Russian, for what read 4500_1

About the history of Psalm 142

The collection has several authors, but most works, including 142 psalm, in it included, belong to the poetic thought of the king of David. The text is very touching, this is a kind of complaint of a suffering father. At the same time, he is awesome, since the offender is his own child.

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It is known that his son was Zhaden, sought to rampant power and honors. Not only did he kill his brother and hid from his parent. Being already forgiven and approximate again to his parent, he wanted to destroy and his conspiracy against him and collecting the hordes of the soldiers. As a result, the unfortunate father was escaped. In this situation, David wrote his 142 song among others.

Today there are hundreds of translations for different languages, including Russian. There is modern and synodal translations. This psalm consists of several semantic moments:

  • memory;
  • Finding to protect God;
  • repentance coming from the soul;
  • petition for wisdom;
  • disposal of enemies;
  • Admission to the right road.

Interpretation of Divine Text 142 Songs

There are a number of published interpretations specifically on Psalm 142, and the interpretations of the collection in general.

The initial lines immediately make it clear that the author captured despair, except God, help him to ask for no one, and the words addressed to him that he does not hear it point to a desperate position. God for him is a comforter and a defender, the king tells him about his grief, about that dark condition in which he is. The exile pray for its protection, about returning the former regalia and the punishment of enemies.

Psalm 142: Text of prayer in Russian, for what read 4500_2

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Praying perfectly realizes all his inconsistency in front of the Creator, and in Psalma it clearly reflects the idea that it does not save the law, but only God's mercy and the love of the man of the Lord. This thought of David finds its continuation on the pages of the New Testament.

The text is very thinly shown the verge of the author from the undoubted confidence due to God to Gorky despair. This is shown unrestrained expressions and bitter cry of the soul. David is very afraid of his enemies, although his fate is simply filled with all sorts of miracles.

How to read

Given that the Psalm is in Russian and in Church Slavonic, you can choose for yourself the most convenient option. However, it is better to use Russian translation or reading at home. In the temples on Church Slavonic. Usually reading is included as part of six-pin, and the text sounds during the evening service among the final chapters.

Some clearly limited special rules do not exist if you read it yourself. If only it was in the morning or evening.

In what cases are resorted to 142 psalm

A person can read this song David in the following situations:

  • enemy or ill-wishing environment;
  • overwhelms many problems;
  • It is terrible to think about the future;
  • powerless before enemies;
  • Full despair;
  • The desire to pay and comfort.

Psalm is not forbidden to read at the time of prayer. You can contact him every day. The main thing is complete concentration on text offers and sincerity.

Why read the song 142

Orthodox culture will assign a worthy place to Psalm. They are often published by a separate compilation. In the old days, Christians memorized the entire psalter by heart. Today, if someone is not able to do this, then at least you should know several texts from the book for memory. This psalm is used in worship very often:
  • on great and small vintage;
  • as a component of six polesalmia;
  • With amusement.

Interestingly, when reading six-pin only reader himself uses a burning candle. The rest are in complete darkness. And all for the concentration of the words praying on the final words.

How disgusting

According to the saints, the essence of the prayer can not be grapted without thoughtful reading and understanding. Each who appeals to Scripture should be worn to be understood by the meaning of the written meaning. Specified 142 Psalm read:

  • When you get into a difficult situation and the help of God is simply necessary;
  • in the state of the happy woman's waiting;
  • during repentance
  • In mournful clock.

What is the meaning of 142 psalm

As you know, this is a call for the Lord, when it is especially difficult. However, it is important that, writing this song, David was looking for the Most High, first of all, the salvation of the spiritual, his grace, although he feared for his destiny. The request for forgiveness for sins, for which David himself considered, he was expelled.

The Psalmopevets argues that none of the living, did not commit decent God. Be he righteous. According to him, a person tries to write off his weaknesses on God, he always needs some loopholes to justify their own weaknesses and sins. The king himself completely completed and thinks only about the departing of the Lord.

Psalm 142, the text of which is full of a wide variety of epithets, is saturated with wonderful images. It's a soul, as if drying arable land, and good, which is compared with full grains. However, without the sincere strength of the Holy Spirit, no cereal will not give everrigations in the prayers.


  • In Psalm, an example of communication with the Lord is given, it should be a frequency and honest, without any conditions.
  • You need to contact God only about his attention to yourself, since without it there is no full-fledged life for a person.
  • The author is looking for a righteous way, because the true road is not always visible.
  • Not all people are able to comply with Christian laws alone, God's help is needed.

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