Psalm 67: Text of prayer in Russian, for what read


Psalms play a huge role in my life, as well as in the religious life of Orthodox Christians and Jews. I always appeal to them in moments of grief, misfortune, joy and gratitude. With their help, I can spill all my emotions. Even Jesus Christ himself often quotes the psalm lines. The last of his words during the crucifixion on the cross were exactly rows of Psalms. Today I will talk about the features of Psalm 67 and explain why he is reading for.

The meaning of psalmov

Teachers of the Christian church wrote a lot of wonderful words. For example, Athanasius Great said that Psalms covered human life, even the thoughts and state of the soul of people. The teacher of the Eastern Church of Vasily Vasily said that neither a religious book had such a magnificent glorification of God as in Psalrty. In their opinion, it is from Psalms that a believer can draw courage, generosity, kindness, prudence, humility.

Psalm 67: Text of prayer in Russian, for what read 4501_1

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In the book of psaltyr) contain 150 psalms. The psalter can rightly be called the most voluminous book of the Old Testament. There is a division of the psalter for five books, at the end - a bit of the sloop. Each of the presented books is characterized by distinctive features. The fact that this separation exists is clearly indicating that individual psalms are repeated in different books - in whole or in part. Also used their terms.

For example, in 4 and 5 most often sounds "Lord", in 2 and 3 - "God." There are also some stylistic differences. In 1 book, you can hardly find refrens (verses of verse or row of poems at the end of the stanza), 2nd is very rich. The word "Aliluya" is found exclusively in the latest books. From this we can conclude that these psalms were earlier in the collection of some hymns.

In the literature there is not one classification of sacred texts. Often, a common division is the allocation of psalms of wisdom, messianic, complaints, stalls and others. Not every person can immediately determine how type refers to the Psalm. In order to understand this, you need to read the Psalm, answer the questions:

  1. What is specifically expressed - thanksgiving, complaint, edification or praise?
  2. What person is written - "I" or "we".
  3. Is the author of himself, or this is the story of the prophet, the priest.
  4. Is there a priest's dialogue in the text with someone.
  5. Is there a mention of the king and his relationship with the Lord in Psalm?

Many researchers argue that the types of psalms depend primarily on their content. It is important to understand the logic written. Without this, the psalms may seem in heterogeneous texts, where complaints are replaced by plenty and so on. However, only believers know that this is the logic of prayer: a person complains, but at some point he understands that he is heard, and begins to thank God for it. Or, on the contrary, praising the Lord for his grace, a person understands how much he himself is insignificant and sinny, and begins to repent and repent.

Psaltry - Collection of songs

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Not everyone remembers this, but the psalms are not least the hymns for liturgical execution. Even in the texts of many psalms there is a direct indication that they should be used precisely for liturgies. On the individual psalms there are specific inscriptions by day of the week or holidays.

Psalm 67: Text of prayer in Russian, for what read 4501_2

But the music that has accompanied in the long-standing execution of psalms has already been lost irretrievably. In addition, it is very difficult to interpret the inscriptions to the Psalms that concern music. So it happened because the apogee of the development of musical art was for the period of the first temple. When this temple was destroyed, the music never returned to his previous level, as well as some musical instruments were used. When the Greek version of the Bible was created, even the importance of these musical instruments was not familiar to translators.

Musical instruments are also mentioned in the Psalms themselves. It often happens that many psalms are performed on melodies from secular songs. People who are not first present in worships, they immediately notice.

Authors Psalmov

On the authorship of Psalms, hot spores among theologians and biblebists are still underway. Of course, the main one is King David, besides him - Asaf, the Sons of Korea, Solomon, ETM, Eman and others. In Judaism and early Christianity, all the psalms were attributed to Peru King David. This may be an explanation - it was when David Psaltry was finally assembled and edited. Although some psalms do not have the slightest hint of whose authorship.

It is believed that even if there is an inscription "Psalm David", then this is not a direct indication of its authorship. Modern Jewish theologians argue that most Psalms are written by the authors who lived much later than David, and their names remain unknown. The problem with the establishment of authorship is inseparable intertwined with a similar problem on the dating of Psalms. According to liberal theories, David and his contemporaries only marked the beginning of writing and singing Psalms.

God in Psalmmas

God according to the Psaltry is the Creator of all that is not the earth, the creator of the visible and invisible. He is the one who listens, forgives, angry, loves, repent, regrets and constantly watches his creation. Any of his court is justice, truth, mercy is not deserving, but by grace. God punishes for sins, but forgives sincere repentant sinner. According to the Psaltry - God is always close to the person and to the people, he always knows all the thoughts, it is not possible to hide from him, since he is omnipresent.

Holiness of God occupies a special place in Psalms. It is a mysterious, frightening, comprehensive, and everything is experiencing almost superstitious fear. She is God's essence. In addition, God sanctifies everything that chooses. This God's holiness demands from people the same, obliges them to give away from sin.

All psalms and prayers are built on faith in the holiness of God. This is especially seen in Psalms with Messianic theme. According to different researchers, these psalms are 7, 9 or 20. These figures differ in connection with the fact that Psalms are essentially one and complement each other, and the methods of presenting the Messianic theme have differences.

The psalms are also symbolicly described the suffering of the Lord on the cross, his rejection of the Israelis.

Psalm 67.

The author of this Psalm is the King David, it is indicated by his style, a method of execution and even recommendations on musical accompaniment. Music occupies almost a dominant place in this case, because it can be said that this is a psalm-song. Each storage of the song begins by execution on musical instruments and is supported by the singing of the choir.

Psalm 67: Text of prayer in Russian, for what read 4501_3

The content of the Psalm eloquently testifies to the time of his writing and occasion. The historical period described in Psalm is the moment of transferring the Ark of the Testament of the Jewish People in Jerusalem. The text is the glorification of the victorious God's kingdom. However, despite the exact fact, the fact is not possible to accurately determine the time of what is happening. According to one of the versions, the ark was moved to David to Zion, on the other, he was returned to the mountain after some significant victory. In favor of the second version, a larger number of votes is inclined. In any case, one thing remains that one thing - in Psalm 67 describes the procession for moving the ark of the covenant to the place where worship should be done.


The most important thing is mentioned in the 67th, - all the great acts of the Lord, perfect for Israel. David writes here about his milles and tireless care of the people. More detailed interpretation is as follows:
  1. From the very first stanf, the description of the trip with the ark in the desert and the watering of it on the mountain. Also marked the words of Moses about this event and especially praise the Lord and hope that he will continue to keep his people.
  2. In verses 3 and 4, the defeat and death of enemies are described - this personifies quickly disappearing smoke. Very good here are their own thoughts of David, for this, very bright images are used. Here there is a separated reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, for this reason the Psalm 67 is mandatory at Easter services.
  3. In verses 8-11, there is a glorification of wonders, by God during the captivity of the Jews.
  4. Poems 12 and 13 - directly a description of the victory of Jews.
  5. Poems 14 and 15 are a description of the long-awaited world after the war.
  6. 20-21 Poems - the statement that God is always ready to help to help a person.
  7. 22 verse mentions sinners who do not want to repent and are in constant misconception.
  8. 33-36 Poems are the glorification of the glory of God, its grandeur and magnificence.

Psalm 67 is especially recommended for reading with severe ailments, difficult births, with its help you can express requests for healing. In addition, it will be useful if there are unsolvable problems, as well as in order to obtain a higher blessing.


  1. Psalms can rightly be called literary and musical works.
  2. Disputes about the authorship of Psalms.
  3. The image of God in Psalms.
  4. Psalm 67 is a prayer for healing, praising gentlemen.

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