Human vital energy - where we waste our vital energy


Vital energy is the driving force that makes us wake up daily in the morning, perform certain actions, work, learn to be new, love and rejoice in every day of your life.

True, sometimes it happens that a person has little vital energy, it breaks in an unknown direction. Then we feel exhausted, do not want to do anything, we are in a state of depression.

In this article, I propose to find out 10 holes through which life forces leave.

Vital energy - where does it go?

Human Energy: Where does it go?

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Doctors Eastern Medicine Ancient times in the treatment of diseases make an emphasis not only on physical aspects of health, but also on spiritual health. After all, it is actually it is the initial cause of the disease.

And physical manifestations are already secondary consequences. That is why it is so difficult to treat many chronic pathologies, because the true cause is not in the body, but in the head.

All diseases arise due to improper thinking. Also, they provoke a lack of vital energy.

And the present healing is possible only when a person with effort will take a solid decision once and forever overcome the disease. And begins to revise his life.

Special attention should be paid to ten areas of their lives, which will take away the maximum of vitality:

  • Started but not completed . Every time you start a certain event, but do not bring it to a logical completion, the consumption of material and energy resources is wasted.

This can be compared with how the unclosed window remains in the computer, sometimes even unconscious, but constantly fed by your attention and forces.

Therefore, it is always important to fulfill what we promise if you take money into debt, be sure to give. And under no circumstances to give things to half the way.

  • Lie down to the most surrounding people . It only seems to lie easily. In fact, when people are cheating, they waste the enormous amount of energy to create and maintain a fictional image in the imagination.

In addition, in this case, the stream of energy from the throat and heart chakras occurs. In this regard, and there is an expression "shower". Under the influence of the lies, our spirit really becomes curvatured.

How to solve the problem, it is easy to understand. It is necessary to simply refuse the manifestations of hypocrisy, self-deception, not to build someone who you really are not.

harmful to lie and yourself and others

  • Resentment, closure, self-insulation . A person from nature is an open energy system. In case of isolation, it becomes weaker inevitably from society. This is similar to the city, the port or country is under the blockade.

If you areolate any individual on a physical, economic or simply information level, it will gradually just wage.

In what situations from our daily life happens like this? When we stop maintaining related ties, I do not remember about our ancestors, neglect your native land, homeland. And also - if they are overwhelmed with all humanity, for life or something else.

If a person does not apply to a specific community or group of people, he also becomes weaker. Loss of communication with their egregor, that religious, which is cultured, also provokes energy loss.

  • Manifestations fear, distrust, hostility . These negative emotions are equivalent in their effect on the body offended. They provoke an excess consumption of energy resources, as the body is constantly in the "battle mode". Preparing either attack, or run away, which is extremely exhausting for the psyche and our aura.
  • Physical, emotional or informational overwork . Or, on the contrary, insufficient physical activity, little time is carried out in nature.

With excessive overload, work, eternal experiences, scrolling in the head of negative scenarios is rapidly consumed by a lot of strength.

The brain spends energy when processes unnecessary or negative information. Due to empty experiences, there is a constant overrun of hormones of adrenal corthes, which as a result can provoke renal failure.

  • Defective or incorrect sleep mode . Another course of school biology tells us about the importance of sleeping in certain hours and a certain duration of time. When you sleep is not enough or at an inappropriate time, there is no full-fledged recovery by the body. Many toxins accumulate in it, it happens in biorhythms, the brain is constantly overwhelmed by the information that cannot be absorbed correctly.
  • Region, excessive use of alcohol, cigarettes, narcotic substances . As a result of the listed actions, our body is forced to waste energy to neutralize and remove toxins. There is an overload of the nervous system, kidneys and intestines. All this is necessarily reflected in the bioflasp state.
  • Unbreakable chatter that with other people, that keeping internal dialogue, manifestation of fussiness . You may decide that this cannot harm you.

Empty chatter harms health

You are mistaken - in reality, speech spent enormous energy resources, often absolutely meaningless. Understand this will help the performed practice of silence.

  • Diseases, psychological injuries, impact of negative external circumstances, parasites, energy vampires . To this point we include unpleasant "toxic" personalities from your environment, frequent and long stay in geopathic zones, industrial pollution areas, psychological difficulties, and so on.
  • But the most powerful channel of energy loss is overference in sex . Due to the low sexual culture, misunderstanding the true meaning of this process (with random intimate contacts, frequent self-satisfaction), there is a surge of the most powerful energy reserves of the organism - sexual.

To replenish the latter, it will take an unrealistic large number of vitality. And the harm from spending this variety of energy is the most serious. Therefore, it is so important with the mind of using the specified resource, showing reasonable savings.

Now it is clear why it is so important to follow my physical body: it is easy to eat, limit alcohol, enough to sleep and pay attention to psychosomatics: do not save the resentment, negative emotions, do not lie, do not fall into sexual sophistication.

After all, otherwise it is consumed that it is extremely difficult to restore, but without which we all cannot fully live - our vital energy.

At the end of such an interesting topic, I suggest you view an additional video. Footage:

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