Shestopsalmia: Text of prayer in Russian, Psalm numbers, how to read


I consider the sixopsalum of a very important component of the morning church service, it consists of certain psalms. I read these texts daily and you recommend. Today I will tell the features of these prayers and their reading rules.

Shestopsalmia in worship

Daily during the morning service in the temples is read by sixopsalmia - these are six particularly selected psalms reading in a strictly established manner: 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142. In the general church choirs, sixopsalmia can be determined in minor sound and creating a particularly strict environment. In the church, the royal gates are closed, candles and light are stealing, all the gathered believers stand motionless, and the readers solemnly pronounces Psalms from the middle of the temple. In these words, the prayer of grief, repentance and hopes sounds.

Shestopsalmia: Text of prayer in Russian, Psalm numbers, how to read 4505_1

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Shestopsalmia is considered mandatory for morning worship, it continues all year round, with the exception of the Easter week. This fact speaks of the vast importance of Shestopsalmia. It is believed that it reflects the most important event in the life of humanity - the coming of the Lord into the world.

In the current form, Shestopsalmia entered the service of approximately 7th century. Mention of this can be found in the charters of monasteries and records of many priests of that era. According to some information it was believed that to some extent shestopsalmia could replace the entire psalrty. Until now, it is definitely not known who was installed sixopsalm. It is also not known for certain why these six psalms are included in it. However, the fact that they are united by something is the fact.

Structure Shestopsalmia

One thing can be approved by one thing: sixopsalmia is not spontaneously selected psalms. These are texts collected together, they have a common "melody", structure and differences. These features include:
  1. Psalms for Shestopsalmia are chosen evenly from its different places. Thus, it becomes clear that they seem to represent the entire sacred book.
  2. All chosen psalms include the life of the king of David and belong to the period of his life.
  3. The tone and the content of these psalms is approximately the same. The essence comes down to the following: the righteous is pursued by the enemies, and he relies only on God.
  4. 3, 37, 87 and 142 - Pets of deliverance from enemies, and 62 and 102 - thanks for this wonderful getting rid.
  5. Each is talking about the night and morning, which is why they are read in the morning service.
  6. There is a clear alternation of sad psalms (they stand in even places) and joyful (respectively, on odd).

Life of King David on Shestopsalmia

The inscriptions indicate that the author of these psalms is King David, he is a psalmope and the prophet. The period of his life is 1000 years before the Nativity of Christ. In the psalms, this is the fact that David from the young age was subjected to persecution of enemies, his whole life path was littered with the dangers, temptations and sorrow.

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It is mentioned that David never lost faith in God, even in moments of deadly hazards. At the same time, the king always put the Most High - the tone is the main for all six psalms. Unconditional trust and hope for the Lord sways in every line.

  1. In the 62nd - period when David found asylum from the enemy in the Jewish desert. This enemy envied David and feared for his throne - it was King Saul. According to some information, this psalm reflects the rebellion of the son of David Avissaloma. This uprising David perceived as a punishment of the Lord. Therefore, he did not see the right to force the rebellion of the treacherous son by force, but provided everything to the court of the Lord. It was for this reason that he did not raise his troops against the Son, and not at all of the lack of courage or from the lack of warriors. In this situation, David saw one possible way out for himself - to escape.
  2. In 37 psalm, it is most clearly to hear the repeated motive. During the writing period of this text, the uprising of Avissaloma was prepared.
  3. The 87th is very close to the previous content. His author is Eman Israelist, whom David made the chief of their choirs. Eman came into the closest environment of David, he knew him well and gladly separated all the life of the king. It's all and found a display in this Psalm.
  4. 3 and 142 Psalms are directly uprising Avissaloma, and it describes it very eloquently, especially how the son has pursued the runaway father of her. The whole text is permeated by the main thought - David firmly relieved only on the will of the Lord, but not on his own human strength.
  5. 102 Psalm - belongs to Peru of the David himself, but refers to a later period, when he entered a fairly old age. This text can be called gratitude to God for getting rid of Babylonian slavery.

Comparison of psalmov

For no accident, the sixopsalmie is read with extended candles, at that time when the dawn begins through the morning sky. It symbolizes the transition from the Old Testament Mraka to the Evangelical Light. It was already mentioned that the topic of the night and morning found a mapping in all six psalms. It is noteworthy that such alternations are growing, and at the end - the bright hope of God's mercy.

Shestopsalmia: Text of prayer in Russian, Psalm numbers, how to read 4505_2

In addition, the tonality of poems and the content is homogeneous. In four psalms the topic praise God, the author undertakes prayers, and the Lord hears them. Strengthening effect comes from a constantly duplicate word "hear". From this there is a sense of continuity of prayer, as well as that she is really heard.

The subject of persecution is also traced in many Psalms Shestopsalmia. It was especially noted that among the enemies there are many people who were among the approximate kings of David.

All that happened - the anger of the Lord. This is especially celebrated by the author in the texts. David speaks about it in the saddest psalms - 37 and 87. This is his interpretation of all his misfortunes. However, a change in the mood of David is traced: if at first he pray does not handle him anger, then he humbly accepts such a punishment and sees in him the expression of God's Will.

Hope on God is the main topic, it goes through the entire Psaltry and Shestopsalm. The idea that he does not come with justice, but by mercy. In 102 Psalm even mention that the Heavenly Father takes care of his sons more than the Earth Father. He always knows how to do to be better than his children.

Features composition

The main features are:
  1. Shestopsalmie consists of two parts, as a link is used as a sall climax in small quantities.
  2. The alternation of joyful and sad psalms (in some interpretations they are called morning and evening, major and minor). Moreover, the peak of joy falls on the end of a major odd triad, and sadness - in the middle of even. From this, according to the researchers, the general optimistic tone of the sixopsalmia depends, even despite the moaning.
  3. The seside-pin unity betray that the first and last of his psalms are more than anything else.

An important meaning is played by the insertion of words between psalms, although the interpreters are not inclined to give them any importance. Moreover, they influence both the composition itself and the general meaning of Shestopsalmia. These words are binding links uniting Psalms together. They give the melodicity with six-pin, why it turns into a continuous long prayer.

Spiritual meaning

Even thoroughly studying the history, the content and composition of Piselmia, it is not always possible to immediately comprehend the spiritual meaning. In it, as well as in Psaltry, two main directions of spiritual consideration are traced:

  1. Messianic theme.
  2. Spiritual moral component.

Themes are inextricably connected with each other. The Messianic topic is revealed to the fact that King David, being a prophet, constantly, throughout his life, declared the Most High, his authorities, a terrible court.

Shestopsalmia: Text of prayer in Russian, Psalm numbers, how to read 4505_3

Each of the mentioned psalms somehow contains the prophecy of the Messiah. It looks like a separate poem of a prophetic character, intricately woven into the texts of Pisces. In a spiritual and moral topic, the same prophecy is reflected - the Psalmist shows the worldview of a Christian man in Psalms.

Reading rules

As mentioned at the very beginning, Shestopsalmia requires a special approach to reading. Reading in the middle of the temple contributes to the creation of the most solemn atmosphere. The same can be said about the covered lighting, cracked candles. The twilight should help the gathered believers to penetrate the readable, prevent distraction for foreign objects. Newbies cannot immediately contact the essence of what is happening and sometimes abide in bewilderment - for which all these manipulations are held. Gradually, they will also reach the hidden meaning of all these actions.

According to the charter when reading six-pin, special reverence should be expressed - no extra movement, whisper, not to mention the conversation. It is believed that sixopsalm should be read like prayers, and not as cafes.

It is allowed home reading six-pin, it is also possible to listen to it on audiomers.


  1. Shestopsalmia - six psalms, combined together.
  2. The association of psalms is not by chance - it has its own meaning.
  3. Special reading rules must be strictly observed.

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