Lapisy stone - properties and to whom


The lazer's stone is impressive with his amazing deep blue. It seems that this is not a mineral withdrawn from the bowels of the earth, but a piece of heaven himself, so beautiful! By nature, lazuli is a relatively inexpensive diving stone, but its real value is enclosed in amazing abilities, more about which we learn in this material.

Bracelet with lapisite photo

Historical certificate of origin of gem

In ancient times, marble was mined between Afghanistan and Tajikistan, from which antique palaces and temples were erected. Randomly workers discovered in marble boulders pieces of rich blue shades in marble.

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The rulers of that region did not miss the opportunity to get rich on such a find. Therefore, the mineral was declared a huge rarity, the price of which reached the prosecuted heights. Emirs (so in the east called rulers) they thought out everything so well that they were ordered to stuck the slaves who mined lazuli, to the walls of the mines to avoid theft of gem.

Since then, the stone has gained great popularity and respect. Nations living in the eastern steppes and mountains associated nuggets with their chief god - Tengri-Sky.

Initially, bright blue mineral was used to facing them the palaces of noble people and churches. Gradually, the stone from the territory of Afghanistan began to spread the world: first he was in Persia, then in ancient Egypt. And then reached ancient Greece and Rome, from where he got into Europe and in Europe.

In each of the states, Lazarith was given a great mystical significance. For example, the ancient Egyptians considered him a symbol of their main god of Amona. Gem attributed the property to help the heavenly justice. In this connection, the judge in ancient Egypt was supposed to wear a stone icon on the chest, on which the word "truth" was carved.

Lazurite products used as a decor of the tomb of the rulers of ancient Egypt. The fame worldwide, the funeral premises of Pharaoh Tutankhamon abounds with decorations with this stone.

In ancient China and other Asian countries, Lazurites symbolized the power of the monarch and the sky, which is absolutely the same for everyone - for the rich, and for the poor. And one of the believes, lazuli served as the basis for Moses, which the Prophet wrote the famous Ten Commandments.

In addition to use in the field of construction and symbolism, the stone has enjoyed in great demand among the ancient painters that in the east, which in the West. It is triturated to the state of the powder, and then the ultramarine was made from it - a bright blue dye having a resin, aquatic or a packer base.

How did mineral get his modern name? It happened not immediately. Initially, the Persians were known as "Heavenly Stone", or "Lazhvard". And the Europeans, in particular, the Russians up to the 18th century called it with the help of the Latin word "Lyapis-Lazur".

An approximate version of the version appeared during the reign of John the Terrible. Then, gem began to refer to the "lazuric" or "lazeric", which gradually and transformed into the word "larzit".

Place of Birth

The initial place of improving gem is the territory located between the Northern Afghanistan and Tajikistan. In the province of Badakhshan to this day, this gem is actively produced.

Starting from the 18th century, lazuli began to find in Russia - on the coast of Slyudyanka River (southern part of the Baikalia). Finding the stone there was an order operating at that time Empress Ekaterina II.

breed from which mineral get

Another deposit is located next to the Afghan deposits, in which they originally found this breed of amazing blue. It is not far from the Pamir Mountains. It was found at the beginning of the 20th century.

In addition, several mining sites of Lazurita can be found in China, Chile and Africa, but they are much more modest than their fellow.

Color variations

Not in all cases, the lazuli has a heavenly shade. You can detect bluish and thick-blue, closer to black minerals. Also there are options for greenish and purple-lilac instances.

Plus, the shade of gem can be homogeneous or completed with spots, stripes and various splashes. Lyapis-azure, having a polespot streak, is the lowest material. And the greatest value is the Badakhshansky lazuli.

The national heritage of Afghanistan in nature is found in 3 basic varieties:

  • Nieli. - Such pebbles have a rich blue. Can either be monophonic or contain pyrite bodies.
  • Asmani - The gem of the fascinating shade of blueness. Light blue variations are also known.
  • Cyfces - azure, casting a greenish tint and containing a variety of splashes.

The most elite version of Afghan stone represents Nieli. According to the cost, such processed pebbles in the jewelry will cost approximately ten American dollars per gram. And Sufxi acts as the cheapest subspecies.

Nugget, found in the territory of the Baikal, in its color resembles Badakhshansky mineral. And the Pamir and Chilean Lazoeviks are not so bright.

Healing properties of stone lapis

Lithotherapists are recommended for maximum activation of the properties of the Lazurite to use it as balls for massage, as well as apply in the form of our jewelry (beads, necklaces, suspensions, and so on).

What can help the stone striking to the depths of the soul?

  • contributes to the normalization of blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system will perform the prevention of colds;
  • If you suffer from insomnia, it stands on the night to put a few pebbles from Lazorovik under the pillow: then you light up faster, and it will become easier to wake up;
  • helps the gem can cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as allergic;
  • Epileptic, constantly using lapis, are encountered with attacks much less often;
  • Women in position it will be useful to eliminate toxicosis, will provide a prosperous pregnancy;
  • allows to reduce pain symptoms in rheumatism;
  • Psychics use lapisite powder to remove parasites from their body;
  • And one more valuable property of the stone is the wearing sewer with it allows the beautiful semi to have thick and strong hair.

The main ability and healing power of the Lazorovic is the return of positive energy and protection against any negative.

Suspension with lapisite photo

Magic Properties of Lazurit Stone

It is impossible to doubt that the nugget has a big mystical force. With it, it is really not easy to heal, and radically change your whole life.

What are the magical properties of the gem?

  • Lazorovik symbolizes sincerity and kindness. In the European countries, it is customary to be presented to their close surrounding to their close surroundings in order to attract well-being and kindness. The stone has a powerful positive energy, but it is ready to share it exclusively with good sincere personalities.
  • It can be used as a talisman. In this case, the gem will protect its owner from different negative impacts, will help forget and release offense, negative.
  • Takes the role of a mentor. Gives a man life wisdom, teaches him to live according to the concepts of justice.
  • Attracts changes. Therefore, if you have been dreaming for a long time, so that something in life has changed (work, friends, place of residence, and so on), take the lazurite beads or bracelet. Soon your desire will be.
  • Lyapis (one of the names of the gem) successfully treats such detrimental habits like alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction.
  • Useful in meditation. The crystal energy contributes to getting rid of any internal blocks, prohibitions, at the same time activates human strength, increases intuitive abilities.

Very good, the mineral is suitable for teachers, doctors, psychologists, librarians. However, all those who adhere to the established lifestyle, it is not shown: violates the usual life.

The crystal is greater value for strong sex. The latter makes more confident in themselves, eliminates fears.

The original or a fake?

As a rule, under the guise of Lazurites, painted painted minerals of other origin (Chalcedones, Jashem and Kakholongi) are trying to sell painted minerals. As an imitation, glass cabochons of similar colors are still used.

But there is one effective way that allows you to distinguish where the fake, and where is the real stone. For it, it is necessary to lower the crystal in the water capacity:

  • From natural lazurite, the liquid flows uniformly;
  • Numerous small droplets will appear on the fake.

Also look at the shade of the mineral under different types of lighting. Natural nurses are beginning to fill in the light of the lamp, and under the sunny rays, on the contrary, the maximum reveal their shade.

Beautiful bracelet with lapisite and crystal

Astrological compatibility

People studying science about the stars say that the Zodiac is a Lazoweevik for all constellations. The difference lies only in the fact that it will have a different effect on various constellations. And to get a maximum of help from the heavenly mineral can only those whom it is perfect.

  • Aries - First, you must find a common language with the azure. If this is crowned with success, get a worthy remuneration from stone. So, he will teach fiery representatives to the completion of the cases started, and will also begin to change their lives for the better.
  • Teltsy - together with Lazariths and fully agreed harmony. Nugget will help Venusian pets to increase their income and in general, improve things.
  • Twins - Not the most complainable mineral sign. However, wearing azure jewelry, a dual twin will be able to radically change their reality. Also, if the stone still decides to favor them, it will save from pathologies, will save from anxiety and negative, improve vision.
  • Raki. - It is those people who can count on maximum crystal support. Thanks to the energy of the gem of cancer, will reveal his abilities, it will believe and will use universal love.
  • Proud Lev. Under the influence of Lyapis, it will be able to get rid of congenital aggressiveness, negative thoughts. Take control of my emotions.
  • Virgin - More pets of Lazurita. They will save them from emotional grip, improve communication skills. Plus, he will eliminate the life of the enemies, will help to find and save love.
  • Indecisive weights This stone is also very shown. It should be especially used to women in a position for favorable pregnancy and lungs.
  • Scorpio The azure will help to show his skills and positive personality properties. Products with mineral allow you to balance the complex temper of the specified constellations, plus they will attract the necessary environment in their lives.
  • Sagittsev Sometimes too straightforward, so they simply need such a talisman. He will contribute to the mitigation of aggression, will reveal the heart of love, will provide family harmony and affect health well.
  • If you dream that the miracle happens, first trust in it. Alas, but not all zodiac constellations are capable of similar. For example, Capricorn Speakers desperate pragmatists for which miracles do not exist. Therefore, the stone and will not be able to show their power for them.
  • Aquarius Lazurit will bring perhaps the greatest benefit. Crystal will improve absolutely all spheres of the life of this constellation. He will teach not content with the fact that it is, protects against the negative, health heales.
  • Fish By nature, modest and quiet, they are recommended to buy a Lazzework to increase their self-esteem, as well as attract business luck. In addition, gem will accelerate for them a creerty from a cold, headaches, skin pathologies. True, you need to wear it carefully - from time to time it is shown to rest from the jewelry, so that the fish do not turn into melancholics.

Now you know the properties of a lazer's stone, who is suitable. Finally, I want to offer a video:

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