Magic Properties Kamenova Obsidian


Stone Obsidian - even its very name is already imbued with an atmosphere of something unearthly, magical. There are many legends about its origin, each of which is sheaven with a halo of mystery. Let's find out what mystical abilities has a mysterious mineral and who is best to wear decorations with him.

Stones obsidian photos

Stone historical information

In each of the worlds of the world, their legends are known about the occurrence of obsidian. For example, in the Transcaucasia, people are convinced that somehow the devil himself was very angry with people, and then from the depths of hell to the ground flows lava.

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She instilled a panic horror in people, they sincerely believed that in this way Satan seeks to leave earthly subsoil. However, his attempts each time were not crowned with success, and traces of claws left for them on the surface of the Earth, and became black pebbles.

American people believed that obsidian is tears of women who mourning their spouses. This happened due to the fact that men refused to voluntarily go into the slavery of the colonists and brought off the scores with life, rushing in Zhero Volcano. And tears who are splashed by their wives, with time became sad black ingots, the color of which symbolizes death and parting.

Residents of ancient Egypt have deliberates to the kingdom of the dead. It was required to put it in the tombs when the person was embarrassed and buried.

In fact, the historical origin of the gem described as follows: Obsidian is formed from a magmatic rock, which in the process of frost becomes solid dark ingots. In fact, this is another kind of volcanic glass.

The name of the stone comes from the Greek word "Obscis", we translate as a "sight". In ancient times, people used such a breed when creating mirror surfaces.

Of course, the Mineral Mineral simply could not do this through the influence of mysticism without one legend. She tells how the stone spread among people.

According to her, the Ancient Roman warrior Obsidia fell in love with the coal-black gem, and so strongly that he brought him to the Roman Empire. In honor of his primer storing stone and received such a name.

Whatever it was, to date, decorations with mysterious obsidians are attracted to themselves due to the special, incredibly attractive energy. That is why in the jewelry industry such products are very popular.

Mineral field

This volcanic breed is found in places where they are active or already extinct volcanoes. In particular, they are rich: Ethiopia, Turkey, United States. But the most deposits have Mexico.

The most beautiful variations of stone samples are found in California (Mississippi River). The mineral discovered there is different from its analogues, it has less transparency than obsidians from other states.

As for the Russian Federation, here the locations of the gem are located in the region of Transcaucasia, Siberia, as well as in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Earrings with obsidian photo

Color versions

Obsidians are found in nature in three major colors - black, gray and reddish-drone.

In addition, you can call another three variations of mixed coloring of the mineral:

  • Snow Obsidians - such stones have black and small white spots, very similar with snowflakes;
  • Peanuts - in the pebbles there are splashes resembling peanut nuts;
  • Rainbow - can vary from red, blue, green to blue shades. The illusion is created that the gem is overflowed with all the colors of the rainbow. Rainbow obsidians on their cut resemble the bottled oil. Stones of this type are elite, since in nature they are not too much.

Therapeutic properties of the obsidian stone

More than our distant rapids believed that precious and semi-precious minerals are able to heal from various diseases. Therefore, they were attributed to extensive healing abilities. It is not surprising that the mysterious obsidian has not been an exception to this rule.

The Lekari of the past agreed that the stone helps to cope with the cold faster. To this end, he was advised to wear in the form of necklaces, pendants, suspension or bracelets and rings.

In addition, the gesture was attributed to a number of healing abilities:

  • believed that he successfully eliminates gastrointestinal pathology;
  • they were treated renal failure;
  • led blood pressure to the norm;
  • used to eliminate rheumatism;
  • used to make a person more balanced mentally;
  • eliminated them pathologies arising due to supercooling.

In addition to all of the above, natural obsidians are able to heal their owners from various mental disorders. For example, decorations with such stones will get rid of nervous disorders, depressive states, fears and phobias.

Also, with the help of the black volcanic rock, it is real once and forever to drive badly obsessive thoughts from my head, often visiting you. Gem will replace everything bad on good.

Decorations with black stones

You can use the strength of stone and in preventive purposes. In particular, it is recommended that wearing flue made from Obsidian. Clear can be replaced with necklaces, beads or simple keychains.

Magic Properties of Stone Obsidian

People knew about the magical force of the hardened volcanic breed for a long time. Historical documents are talking about the use of obsidians around the world in the process of conducting various ritual actions. But where did such a popularity of this gem originated? Perhaps he really has outstanding abilities if many people were able to notice them?

For example, the ancient Sumerians created the legend that the energy of three celestial bodies, Saturn and Uranus, and uranium, is connected in stone, which provides such a powerful impact. In addition, this breed was taken as a basis for creating mirrors, as well as magic balls, at which they subsequently tried to see the coming.

What other paranormal properties are characteristic of obsidian?

  • The stone has such a powerful energy that allows you to implement the most courageous dreams in life. The constant wearing of products with it will help to achieve goals set in front of them. Of course, if you are still doing something else, and not just sit and expect.
  • Mineral will benefit those who are engaged in research work. It will help them to cope with obstacles and increase the concentration of attention. In general, obsidian impact energetic, active and purposeful personalities.
  • The amulet with stone will help to protect against negative energy, protects against any trouble. He, like the mirror, will reflect the bad impact. Special benefits will bring kids, which are more than adults, susceptible to exposure to the outside.
  • If you are regularly engaged in meditative practitioners, you will also benefit from jewelry with black gems. In this case, he will eliminate extra thoughts from the head.
  • There is an opinion that obsidians are closely related to parallel worlds and allow you to see the events of the future. Provided constant contact with it to actually become more concentrated and attentive, therefore, to obtain the possibility of predicting the actions of others.
  • But if your life reigns the stability that you are absolutely satisfied, refuse to help this mineral. The stone risks to attract serious changes to which you can not be ready.

It is more correct to place obsidian in silver. In this case, its mystical abilities will be fully completely. Although the use of pure pieces of rocks, not framed by any of the metals and is permissible.

In jewelry stores are offered for sale various jewelry options: Obsidian bracelets, necklaces, seelings, rings and so on. Each of the products can turn into your talisman.

And if you do not want other people to notice the presence of a stone on you, use the miniature drop-like pendants on the laces - they are easy if necessary to strain under clothing.

Please note that the strength of the stone does not affect its size. Even the little catcher will have the same impact as massive beads.

Best Wear Obsidian in Silver

Who is suitable for the zodiac sign

Which zodiac constellations should seek help to mysterious mineral? And who better be careful and abandon obsidian ornaments?

  • Aries We should not wear products with a stone all the time, you can use its strength, but only limited. It is due to the fact that the Aries under the action of gems becomes too aggressive, stubborn and selfish. As an amulet will help solve cash issues and improve their career.
  • Tales As a rule, not too friends with obsidians, they can also wear them all the time. Although the stone and I like the skill of the representatives of this sign to achieve its goals, on the other hand, the Taurus is difficult to change, and this does not converge with the essence of Obsidian.
  • Twins Extracted maximum benefit from gems. Thanks to them, changeable personalities will become more confident in themselves, eliminate indecision characteristic for them and begin to change their lives for the better. The only constellation that can wear an amulet with a stone constantly.
  • Raki. - Lithotherapeuts do not advise them to wear this gem. The fact is that cancers are in their nature with caution, logicality, they always carefully analyze the situation and think about their own actions in it. Obsidian hypertrophies listed qualities and risks turning the lunar crayfish in paranoids!
  • Lions - The kings of the zodiac with the help of a mineral will acquire the necessary prudence, eliminate excessive quick temper, will become more relaxed and focused. Lions permissible permanent wearing ornaments with black breed.
  • Virgin - They should be very careful to handle the stone. On the one hand, he will increase their faith in itself, contributes to the arrangement of personal life. But on the other, it will increase such a negative quality of the Virgin, like imperidity and divorce from real life.
  • scales - These obsidians affect neutrally - do not bring much harm, but do not fully disclose their strength. Impossible weights to enter into a full effect with gem.
  • Scorpions, Using products with mineral, will become more calm and less susceptible stress. In addition, the mineral helps them to establish a personal life. However, Scorpio is unacceptable to carry it all the time - otherwise it will quickly turn into a self-ledged egoist.
  • Sagittsev will receive support from amazing gems in the form of stimulating intellectual activity. In most cases, the stone does not affect the Sagittarius negatively.
  • Capricorn Will be able to strengthen their positive qualities with obsidian decorations, as well as minimize negative. Plus, their life will come positive changes. Capricorps are well compatible with the energy of the mineral.
  • Aquarius Also easy to make friends with a stone. It helps them to show hidden paranormal abilities, and will also provide support in almost all matters.
  • Fish It is permissible to use mineral, but occasionally. The last zodiacal constellation is indecisive, the strength of the stone will help become more confident in themselves, but if we carry it too long, then the fish will become restless and disturbing.

Now you know how healing and mystical properties have a stone obsidian, who suits. In conclusion, I want to offer you to familiarize yourself with the thematic video material:

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