Venus in Lev in a man and women


Venus in the Male and a woman is manifested in different ways. Read the characteristics of astrologers to figure it out better and understand the features of such people or yourself.

Venus in Lev in a man

Feelings for a woman in such a man flashed instantly. He is not from those who fall in love gradually. "Came, I saw, won," here is his motto for life in everything that concerns interaction with the opposite sex.

Venus in Lion in a woman

Characteristics of astrologers:

  1. Falls in love quickly, but truly love your choices is capable only after a long time when it knows her well and understand that they are really created for each other.
  2. In relations, still love the most of all. He is the same Egoist, believes that the world is spinning around him. And a woman will graciously substitute the cheek. It has a tendency to narcissism.
  3. In a collision with reality, psychological problems can begin, because others hardly wish to put it in the center of their universe. And he, as if a child, will demand attention, and not receiving it, will go away.
  4. It does not make critics, and any person who dared to express his opinion in his address instantly removes from his environment. There is no spots in the sun! Of course, the sun for himself is only he himself.

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Women chooses exactly those who emphasize his greatness and splendor. He needs the one who will serve him, forgetting about his own interests. Relationships for him are only another way to emphasize their own significance, quality indicator.

Venus in Lev in a man

What girls he chooses:

  1. Necessarily beautiful. The appearance of the elect for him means much. He wants her to want and other men to envy him and approved his choice. This desire is similar to the child's need to have the most beautiful and large typewriter.
  2. He also likes famous and talented young ladies. Often unconsciously, it reaches success in life just to get such a woman - a model, an actress or singer, for example. And if it will be with the title "Miss Universe" - generally perfect.
  3. It should look "expensive-rich" and prestigious. To emphasize the high status and position in society with all its views. The same should be her friends.
  4. It will be extremely critical to the elect. It will be roaringly ensuring that it does not lower the bar and in no case provoked the condemnation and disapproval of others.

Such a relationship to choosing a healthy companion is not called, so such a man should work out their injuries with a good psychologist. Although, on the other hand, they can be with a tremendous motivation to achieve success. That's just true happiness does not bring such success, alas.

Venus in Lion in a woman

Such a girl is passionate nature. Loves luxury and comfort, seeks to high social status. Like men and chooses the best of them, not paying attention to those who have not yet reached material well-being.

Venus in Lev

Characteristics of astrologers:

  1. Love is their main vital value. Rarely remain lonely, because constantly in finding a relationship. And they are looking for a patron man, because they themselves are helpless, often infantile. They need one who will take all responsibility for solving the problems and the content of the family on themselves. Often grow without fathers, so unconsciously tend to the Union by the type "Dad-daughter".
  2. She has excellent oratoric abilities. She can collect halls, if it becomes a matter of all her life. It personifies the image of a real woman, so it may well be a face and "guru" of women's trainings, she will be trusted, to go to her to become the same.
  3. Easy to rise, emotion man, spontaneity girl. Lives one afternoon, preferring to take care of the future a man. It believes that she was born only to carry love and joy into the world, and albeit a worldly concern to someone else.
  4. Intuition, in contrast to logic, it has been developed perfectly. Therefore, to make decisions, it is better to be guided by an internal voice, and not its rational part.
  5. He loves luxury, branded things. But even if they do not have the financial opportunity to buy them, it will look for a million. It impresses the expensive and status woman. He knows what is attractive, and willingly use its charms, breaking the hearts of men.
  6. Morality, traditions and social norms for her - empty sound. She got used to living according to his own rules, trusting only to her heart. Therefore, it can face condemnation to which she, actually, absolutely do not care. She knows exactly what will take everything that she needs.
  7. The universe often gives her power and huge financial capabilities that need to be implemented.
  8. To men, she presents a huge list of requirements, choosing only the best, successful and decent candidate. True, opinions often change, so it is absolutely not clear which type of Uhager will prefer in the end. But the fact that he will be generous, rich, loving and older than her, obviously.
  9. In the future, it becomes an excellent wife and an excellent mother if the husband fully frees her from responsibility and financial concerns, is implemented in his female destination.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Women with Venus in Lev are often infantile, they live their lives in a state of a child who is looking for dad. Therefore, they are often in relations with men older than themselves, which contain them financially, take full responsibility for the family and solve all the problems.
  • Men with Venus in Lev - Egocentrics and Narcissus. It is important for them that the whole world is spinning around them. When the surrounding refuse to recognize their greatness, they often go into depression.
  • And men, and women with such features it is important to grow up and understand that the world does not rotate only around their persons. It is necessary to get out of the state of the child, "rustle" to compensate for the negative features of its horoscope, live harmoniously and happily.

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