What stones are suitable for women to women on a horoscope


Stone Taurus is not just a jewelry. This constellation must still be pleased, because his representatives are quite picky people. Having pleased them - a difficult task. At the same time, it is important that the talisman fills its owner with the necessary energy, did not enter into the dissonance with the elements of the Earth, attracted various benefits to life.

What minerals are able to fulfill the mission? Find out in the following material.

Stone Talisman for Tales

Brief characteristic of people-tales

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Tales from nature are endowed with a calm character, practicality, sevene logic and reliability. They are not inclined to make rapid acts.

At the same time, the pets of Venus are characterized by high performance, always do everything qualitatively and patiently await the desired result. Ready to listen to recommendations from the part, but the last word should remain behind them.

The calves are very friendly and friendly, condescendingly perceive the disadvantages of other people, especially their loved ones. In amur life, they are characterized by loyalty, are interested in creating one family to the end of life. Taurus highly appreciates family values, seeks to be surrounded by beautiful and expensive items.

This constellation perceives everything that is realistic. I will give preference to a narrow circle, but closest friends than mumbling, but superficial communication. Readiness will come to the aid of his close surrounding, what words are what.

It was an overview of the positive sides of the identity of Tales. But, of course, they have both negative aspects. For example, the taurus angry at risk is able to lose control over his emotions. In this case, others do not envy ...

Another negative quality of the sign of the sign is lazy. Calves are difficult to take active actions to achieve their goals. And sometimes they become real home tyranans.

Defeats are perceived and experienced very hard. Although externally, the Venusian Pet and does not apply, but inside it will be a negative emotion. If the calf is really bad, he really needs support from.

This constellation adores finances. With adverse aspects, the horoscope risks the scratch.

In the jewelry gives its preference precious minerals. Although it benefits from semi-precious gems too. The main task of stones for Tales is to attract material luck and help achieve their goals.

With the same, what gems are most suitable for representatives of constellations, let's understand further in the article.

Universal Taurus Stones by Zodiac Sign


Green emeralds personify wisdom. For the people of this constellation, they will contribute to the development of memory, they will teach philosophical thinking, eliminate the manifestations of melancholy and depression, and in general, improve the mood.

In addition, Emerald will save its owner (owner) from any bad effects from the outside. But it will be suitable only by those shoulders that have clean and noble thoughts. And if you are overcrowded to angrily, it is impossible to wear the stone, as it can harm.

Emerald - Taurus sign stone


For the wards of the goddess of love and beauty, Venus are characterized by a big landing: rarely think about spiritual issues. Sapphire will help to break away from the sinful land and turn to the improvement of his soul.

Also, the mineral will push the correct, weighted solutions, will send the efforts of Tales in the right direction. Plus, he will traine his feelings and protect against mumbling love intrigues.

Sapphire will be particularly benefited by those representatives of the sign that the Eastern Horoscope protrude with pigs and rats.

Jasper and Agat

The two gems will become reliable protection from all who abuses the kindness and sincerity of the complacent Taurus. Jasper scatters energy vampires, and also normalizes health.

Agat - contributes to the awakening of the sixth sense, will develop in people the sign of the ability to predict the future and the gift of eloquence.

  • Agathas of white and yellow shades will soften the knobs;
  • Green - will attract success in the business sector of life;
  • black - perform cash talismans;
  • Blue and striped agata - eliminate depression, improve the mood.

Adventurines and chrysoprases

Stones increase performance. At the same time, adventurines activate creative development, provoke the emergence of new ideas and ideas.

Also, the gem will take on the role of a talisman for people who own business. True, the calves should be careful when wearing an Avanturin: It is waging an awakening of Azart, can push the unjustified risk.

Chrysoprases for their part eliminate laziness and idleness. The desire to move in the calves to move on, embody your dreams in life, attract business luck. The greatest benefit will bring born in the years and dogs.

Pink quartz

Speaking about the ideal stones of a female Taurus, it is impossible not to mention the pink quartz. This gem is an excellent family talisman. It helps to improve relations between relatives and loved ones.

And those representatives of the beautiful gender who dream to quickly arrange a personal life, must be worn in decorations.

Pink Quartz - Love Amulet Taurus

Pink quartz will be useful and for men-tanks: healed from the pathologies of the eyes and the respiratory sphere. Most of all acts on the goats and monkeys born during the years.

Turquoise and Malachite

Both semi-precious green minerals are considered perfectly suitable for the constellations Taurus. Turquoise will help her owner by adding persistence and purposefulness to him, plus protects against unjustified risks. In addition, the blue gem attracts real love, provides family happiness.

Malachites are protected from any negative impacts and discontinuities. Eliminate bad thoughts from the head, make breaking up with past insults. Their lithotherapists are recommended to carry all those who have heart pathology.

Corals and Chalacedones

Coral - another stone talisman. It eliminates fatigue, stress, eliminates fears, panic attacks, depressive states, contributes to the increase in life tone.

Chalcedony also affects the emotional life sector: successfully copes with flashes of aggression. He also brings melancholic representatives of the sign from this negative state.


True, there is one "but" - most of all they are suitable for those born in the third decade (from 12 to 20 May). Birthdays of April, diamonds will not be much beneficial.

And for the first category - the body will lead to the tone, will give the energy charge. Also help get rid of nervous tension, negative emotions. Also diamonds attract financial well-being in the life of their owner, contribute to awakening in the calves of noble feelings.

The greatest benefit is brought to the light during the Tiger and Rooster on the Eastern Horoscope.

Grenades and Tophazy

Both of these minerals protrude overalls from a variety of pathologies. They are suitable for active representatives of the earthly constellation.

Topases of blue shades are successfully treated, raise the mood. But from wearing yellow stones it is better to refuse.

Grenades will ensure the purification of the body, will be favorable on the blood formation processes.

Suspension with blue topaz

Lazurites and lunar stones

Lazurites are very interesting gems occurring in blue, purple or blue shades. They strengthen friendly connections, set up their owner for success, normalize relations in the business industry.

The lunar stone will become an excellent love mascot. It is shown to wear both sexes for both sexes to meet their soul mate.


Gem is more responsible for the business sphere of life. Crystal improves intelligence, makes the calf more eloquent. If Venus Pet will use decorations with this mineral, he will improve his business connections, will gain success in any of the business areas.

Also, crystals of a mining crystal will be very positively in the state of health, eliminate the effects of stress, fatigue.

What stones are suitable for women to the horoscope

To find out the perfect stone mascot for a woman, it is necessary to carefully carefully examine her character. Girls described constellation distinguishes incredible tenderness and sensuality. They act as remarkable hostesses that value the warmth and comfort of their native focus.

But they can also do a great career. They always think with caution all their steps, and the trusted tasks are performed on "excellent."

The following minerals are remarkably suitable for the beautiful half of the sign:

  • Turquoise. The stone of a beautiful blue shade advised to use very young features. Turquoise will help bring the girl a big and bright feeling to life, protects from frivolousness and deceptions. But green turquoise can safely wear adult women. In this case, it symbolizes motherhood, health and family well-being.
  • Kakholong . Very similar to pearls, but in fact relates to agates. Kakholong is the gem of the mother, it facilitates the upbringing of babies, plus attracts well-being and money to the house.
  • Opal . Speaking about the suitable Stone of the Women-Taurus on a horoscope, you can not forget about the opal. He is another love mineral. Contributes to attracting love, relieves from disappointments on a personal front. And the business of the sign will be able to be able to find mutual understanding with their boss and customers using the energy of the opal.
  • Pink Quartz . Another of the minerals of love magic. Most of all will suit the Telchikham, which appeared on the world in the last month of spring. Also, gem will improve intellectual abilities, suitable for scientific employees of this sign of the zodiac.
  • Aquamarine . Performs an excellent love amulet who makes the Girl of the constellation more sensual. Plus improves friendly and business types of ties.
  • Tourmaline . It has favorably affects health, it is capable of maintaining an attractive appearance until old age. Jewelry with tourmalines should be acquired by those representatives of the sign that practice some kind of creativity. In this case, the pebbles will develop a fantasy, will constantly throw new and new ideas.

Stones for women-Taurus by date of birth should be changed to the alloy, which contains copper. From the most suitable metals they call gold (the exception is turquoise, she is more suitable for rim from silver).

Stones for female tales

If the constellations are dreaming of attracting love to her life, they should buy a pendant in the form of a flower or a gentle ring with a corresponding stone. Family ladies must stop their choice on a row or bracelet with minerals.

And being in an interesting position, the female Taurus must acquire a clean stone and wear it under his heart.

Talismans for male half sign

Selection of stone for strong representatives of constellations should be carried out with special care. It is important that the products focus on the status of their host. Taurus - obviously not the constellation, which will agree to wearing cheap crafts.

Such a man seeks to take a stable position in society and gain financial success. It is distinguished by the tranquility, a pronounced business vest, albeit with great stubbornness on the other side. It is important that the mineral satisfies all its needs.

Based on which astrologers made up a list of amulets for a man-Taurus:

  • Black Agatha . We will be removed from different pathologies, nervous overvoltage. More agate attracts business success, improves the material scope of life. Allows you to be a versatile person, without betting exclusively on my career. In the case when the Taurus is forced to constantly communicate with people, he should buy decorations with kakholongami - white agate.
  • Emeramda . Minerals increase communication skills, make more easy to establish contacts in business life and with relatives. Plus contribute to the strengthening of creativity, eliminate melancholy, as well as manifestations of greed and mercantility.
  • Amazonites . Will be a real find for not too decisive tales. The stone will fill them with faith in its own strength, facilitates the decision-making process, will attract monetary success. Young guys with amazonites will make more courageous, help them find a couple.
  • Sardonixes or Orange Onyxes . Gems will facilitate the conviction of the representatives of the Earth constellations around others. They will be perfect for timid shoes, who are difficult to speak with women. Regular wearing of such an amulet will attract this feeling.
  • Zircon . The younger family of a diamond will help in unraveling cunning intrigues and confront deception.

Strong half of the constellation can wear minerals in key chains, cufflinks, handles and rings. It is important to give your preference to untreated stones - more positive energy has been collected in them. Periodically, it is necessary to clean your amulet, for which the spring water is used.

Talismans for men-carts

Forbidden gems

Now let's talk and those stones, we can not wear this constellation. These are any minerals belonging to the fire elements. First of all, Amber - he is able to attract diseases of illness, difficulties and drive them into depression into the life. Make more aggressive, incredulous.

In the case when the product with Amber was presented to you, try to get rid of it sooner. Ideally, find a person to whom it is suitable, and give the mineral to him.

In addition to amber, it is not recommended to wear accessories with the following stones:

  • Pearls - will attract the disease, makes calves more aggressive and suspicious;
  • Obsidians - sign people are distinguished by self-sufficiency, and products with gems will make them rummage from side aside without aware of their true vocation;
  • Amethysts - will strengthen the already having laziness, plus they will drive the illusions into the world, which for practical caller means a total damage;
  • pyrites - push to the adoption of rash solutions, which in the future will call regret;
  • Heliotrops - capable of determining the quality of "mumble", incapable of defending their interests and opinions;
  • Gagaty - destroy the vital harmony of Venus's pet. Make a good-natured person with a real sociopath.

Now you know which of the precious and semi-precious minerals are suitable, and which there are no cheerful calves.

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