Venus in twins in men and women


Venus in the twins in a man or a woman gives rise to people with a very ambiguous character. Read the article to better understand yourself or learn to find the right approach to such personalities.

general characteristics

If Venus in the Natal Map of Man is in the constellation of twins, this indicates the presence of certain character traits characteristic of both men and women.

Venus in the twins in a woman

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What is characteristic of such people:

  1. Love and relationships they consider not through the prism of feelings. In the choice of partner, it is not relying on sensations or intuition, but only to the mind. Do not hurry to fall in love, make the choice consciously, including logic and analyzing each situation worried with a potential partner.
  2. Very windy, do not be tied to anything. All their lives are in search of bright impressions, so they often do not bring things to the end, jumping on something new that has become more interested. This rule concerns and relationships - they rarely plant the family, preferring to twist light novels.
  3. Unobtrusive, easily belong to people. They can quickly find friends and like-minded people, and then as quickly and without regrets to part with them. This is often people without their own housing, "roll-field", travelers.
  4. Even if they are tied relations with the opposite sex, the partner is always kept at a distance, respect the distance and do not let anyone in their heart.
  5. They will never be confident in them. Today they are recognized to you in love quite sincerely, and tomorrow turn out to be completely indifferent. Such behavior can not be angry.
  6. Very jealously refer to their personal space, do not tolerate frames and restrictions. If someone tries to infringe their freedom and independence, it will very quickly regret.

These are also calculating people who are looking for benefits. They realize that they are very attractive, and use this quality to get from other people the desired. In achieving goals, it can literally go through the heads, without worrying about the feelings, interests and needs of others.

Venus in the twins in a woman

This girl is very windy in a relationship with men. As a rule, it does not feel deep feelings, it is not capable of attaching to his chosen one. But at the same time, communication with the opposite floor adores, she gladly flirts, Kakenets and seduces, collecting collections of broken hearts.

Venus in the twins in a man

What still says astrologers about such women:

  1. She realizes that attractive, and uses it not only in personal, but also for business purposes. First of all, it is determined to receive benefits from men, and herself to experience sincere response feelings is often not capable.
  2. It is these girls in relationships most often change, experiencing a lack of emotions to their partner. She always needs new feelings, impressions, communication with new people.
  3. But it happens that she falls in love. Prefers men with a sense of humor, sociable, active and those who do not focus on issues easily relate to life. She is also like this: light, cheerful, although in his irresponsibility can remind a child.

People seem very open and sincere, but it is only a mask. In fact, she hides a lot, this is a man "to himself on the mind."

Venus in the twins in a man

He gives the impression of a very windy man. Women seemed very indifferent, detached, cold. But this awareness comes already after a while, because at the beginning of communication, he behaves quite consistently and friendly.

Venus in Gemini

What the astrologers say about such men:

  1. He is actively flirting with women - both in personal relationships and in business, friendly. And just as looking for the benefit in communicating with the opposite sex, without doing anything just like that.
  2. The relationship is suitable very superficially, it is often not able to seriously attach only one woman, rarely experiencing strong, deep feelings and sincere love.
  3. More importantly, he is constantly in the center of female attention and produce a pleasant impression on everyone. It is important to him a variety, so he often changes the partner, constantly trying new options for communication and relationships. Experimentals with their own behavior and is glad to watch how people react to it.
  4. For long-term relationships, only with the woman who will be a very multifaceted person, unpredictable. She should play different roles every day, to open up for him from the new side, to amaze and give different emotions, not allowing him to bother.
  5. It does not endure obsessive or, on the contrary, very cold and detached girls, such he simply avoids.
  6. Even if he chose his wife and created a family, it is quite possible that it will change with time when he wants new bright emotions and impressions.
  7. The concrete type of women who attracts it does not exist. He likes completely different girls, in each he sees his highlight, every try to seduce and solve. Related middle, who does not think about other people's feelings.

To suffer cannot solve other people's problems, so it is useless to wait for help. Survives next to him only the responsible and independent person, who herself can cope with difficulties and will not rely on him.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Venus in the twins gives a person an appeal, which he often uses for his own purposes, is not particularly experiencing for feelings of others.
  • Such a person is rarely falling in love with a real one, because with one partner begins to quickly bored and goes to find new emotions.
  • Free-biv and independent. Unfortunately, it will discern with each who will try to limit or suffer into something.
  • In a relationship, it can change if the partner cannot constantly give new emotions and sensations.

The behavior resembles an irresponsible child who prefers to play, and not think about the future. This is often infantile and unsuitable for the life of the personality, the eternal looking prospectors. They can live in illusions and see the world in pink glasses, and every collision with reality turns out to be very painful for them.

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