How to fall in love with yourself and conquer a man's male


How to win a man and fall in love with him? Read the prominent recommendations of astrologers, follow them, and the guy you like will not have a chance to resist you.

Character of Men Virgin

This man is very demanding about both women and to themselves. At the same time, it is very modest in communication, rarely openly manifests the initiative. True intellectual, can conquer its vespelness and a versatile horizon.

how to fall in love with a man's male

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He thinks rational and has his own practical point of view. In the clouds never vitals and romantic gold appears. Choices chooses solely by the mind, but it rarely listens to the heart.

"Seven times death, once a rejection" is the main vital principle of the Virgin. He is Pedantic, moves to his goals consistently, step by step. It may be suspicious and closed, because of which it seems completely impregnable.

It is not easy to fall in love with himself, because it is very critical of women, looking at the unattainable ideal. He will be suspected without ending in insincerity, and this happens often because of his insecurity.

But if he realized how to fall in love with a male-male, and conquered his heart, he immediately takes the course only for a serious relationship. He chooses a girl for the night, but a companion with which he will spend the rest of his life.

What women like a virgin?

To understand how to fall in love with a male virgin in yourself, it is worth understanding which women in principle do you like and match this image.

how to fall in love with a man's male

What girls meet the requirements of a male virgin:

  1. The most important thing he appreciates in women is their sincerity. Therefore, in communication with it, you can not pretend and play. A frivolous coquetry will also rather pushing him than to attract.
  2. He avoids too emotional and active women, preferring more calm. He cannot tolerate the rapid clarification of relations, so his companion should always solve problems in relations without drama and scandals.
  3. It is attracted in women such features such as modesty, hard work, cleanliness, business, responsibility and rationalism regarding money.
  4. Virgo loves to save and save money. And in the girl wants the same. Lightenness in respect of spending and trangiousness, the desire to get expensive, irrational gifts will push him off.
  5. It repels lazy, irresponsible and selfish young ladies who behave defiantly. To such a passion, he will not be serious. If these features are characteristic of you, then do not even think about how to conquer a male-male, is simply impossible.

Virgo tolerate can not be women's whims. On the spoiled girl, he simply will not pay attention. He also does not like impatience and causing sexuality. He, first of all, tries to know the inner world of his chosen, so the external appeal is little concerned.

How to conquer and keep it

If such a man is suitable for you and you share his views, you can start conquering his heart.

how to win a man male

Astrologer recommendations:

  1. Will behave naturally and be yourself. It is necessary to look as modest as possible: no bright makeup and causing outfits. You should just look neat and carefully, make the impression of a healthy woman.
  2. The readiness and education of the chosen is very important for him. You have to show that they are constantly developing, you read a lot and learn, strive every day to become the best version of yourself.
  3. No need to persecute him and openly take the initiative. It is enough to show yourself an interesting interlocutor, show the rich inner world and the presence of erudition. Then the man will be interested and will take the first step.
  4. Get ready to check the checks that it will arrange you. It can be conflict provocations, sarcastic jokes or a statement of opposite to your opinion. Virgo will throw such a rod-provocation and will carefully observe your reaction. If you react calmly and not flare, consider that the check was passed.
  5. After falling in love with you, he will be perseverance to conquer your heart. Won will be logic: it will give arguments why you come to each other. But the bright romantic deeds should not be waiting. This is exactly the man who gives on March 8 not a bouquet of flowers, but a vacuum cleaner.
  6. He often meets on the Internet, so try to find out where he is registered and try to get to know the social network.
  7. In communication, avoid sudden statements and excessive activity. Keep calm in any situations and do not be bought on provocations. Emotional outbreaks of the virgin will be scared, and he will not want to develop your relationship.
  8. Show that you are rational about money, you know how to earn them and wisely spend that spontaneous emotional purchases are not about you. This quality of Virgo is particularly appreciated in women.
  9. Show that you know how to create comfort, give care, affection and love. Virgo wants to see a true woman who is capable of harmonizing the space around him, filling everything around with its soft calm energy.

He will do everything to ensure that his chosen is happy. This is a man who speaks little, but does a lot. The only thing that expensive impractical gifts and beautiful courtesies are not waiting for him. If you are satisfied with this approach to relationships, act.

Check the video on the topic:


  • Virgo is a practical nature and a girl looking for the same. Do not expect romance from him, and show that you are rational about money and prefer useful gifts expensive and meaningless bouquets.
  • Demonstrate the rich inner world, and not their sexuality. Virgo will try to figure it out first in your "stuffing", his appearance interests much less.
  • Be calm, relaxed and once again do not show emotions. Virgo does not like drama and does not accept the rapid clarification of relationships. Hysterics and scandals will be pushed out forever.

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