Air magic: how to master if you can learn how to control the wind


The air is one of the four elements that are used in magic to commit rites and rituals. Air magic controls air streams and allows them to manage. Professional magicians and witches can cause and calm a storm with spells.

From childhood years, we remember that the fabulous story of Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City" opens the story about how the evil witch caused a hurricane of the terrible strength, which was taken by Ellie and the tire into the magical country. Moreover, the subordination of wind allows you to control the water and fiery elements.

Air element is the most unpredictable and unmanageable, only those who were born under the sign of the air can cope with it. However, persistent workouts will help the mastery of the elements and other signs of the zodiac. I managed to control the strength of the wind, although it was born under the auspices of the Earth. In the article, I will share uncomplicated exercises that will help to establish contact with the wind.

Magic air

Properties of air element

Without air there is no life on Earth, any living being instantly dies with a shortage of air. Without food and water you can hold out a few days, and an instant death occurs without air. Therefore, since anciential element, the divine status was attributed and worshiped as a deity.

The esoteric of the air element corresponds to the following characteristics:

  • The kingdom of thought;
  • Element of intelligence;
  • male element;
  • predictions;
  • knowledge;
  • freedom;
  • chaos.

The idea is preceded by action, so the air element is considered a powerful tool for changing reality. This element helps to argue, think, study. But the inept use of air element can destroy everything, including the unlucky magician.

The magic property of air is the connection of all elements among themselves. He is a carrier of ideas, thoughts, energies. With it, you can exercise any energy-information changes inside the magic structures.

Elfs and Sylves are connected with air elements.

Like any other element, the air can create and destroy. With it, you can reveal the mental abilities and properties in yourself. Air element helps magicians exercise astral travel, predict the future, penetrate into various spaces of the fine plan, work in multidimensional space.

To master the power of air and subordinate it to yourself, you need to be able to control the elemental - sylphs. It is they who are conductors to the world of elements. To establish contact with elementals, you need to expand consciousness.

The feature of the air element is its invisibility. Air can only be tactile.

The elements of air are inherent freedom, so it is difficult to manage at its discretion. To control the power of air, you need to master visualization and be able to create tedious images in your mind. Since the air element control is impossible in gross physical terms. Magician his thoughts create a new reality in the imagination, with the help of which the elements can master.

how to master air magic

Application in magic

Using air, you can solve any problems:
  • cleansing from damage, negative;
  • getting rid of longing, depression, unrequited love;
  • attracting love, finance, good luck, happiness;
  • elimination of any obstacles in its path;
  • and other.

Air helps to strengthen any spheres of vital activity - personal life, work, finance, health, self-knowledge, self-realization.

Since the distinctive feature of the air is permanent mobility, it is used in journey magic, and wherever the movement is necessary.

How to learn

How to master air magic, learn how to control the wind? This work requires extracts and patience. The air element is unpredictable and changeable, so you need to lead permanent observation. Record all changes in the diary associated with the change:

  • humidity;
  • air temperature;
  • wind directions;
  • Wind power, his gusts.

You need to conduct observations for at least a week. Next - you need to feel the air at the cellular level: each cell of our body contains airspace particle.

Acquaintance with the elements occurs as follows:

  • Connection - through breathing practices;
  • physical exercises;
  • Rituals and spells.

To connect to the elements, you need to learn to breathe correctly. Through breathing, the air is connected to our body, it becomes one with it. Try to use different types of breathing: slow, fast, delay in exhalation and inhalation. Fix your feelings.

To practice connecting to the wind, you need to choose an elevated place - a hill, a roof of the house. Practice is needed in the morning clock, face east. It is advisable to initiate in the summer so that you can scare your body as much as possible. The best day is windy.

The main exercise should align the breath. Take a deep breath and deep exhalation at regular intervals. Fix your feelings. On the breath, the wind energy fills the whole body, in exhalation - the negative and dark energies are leaving. With each breath, the wind energy is more and more fills the body, hands and legs are heavy.

Magic air learning

Then the magician pulls his hands in front of him and folds the palm of the palm way as if she keeps the invisible ball. With each breath, air through his fingers penetrates this ball and fills it with its energy. Thus, the enemy's energy concentrates in the ball.

When the ball becomes elastic and dense, you need to gradually compress your fingers and connect the palms with each other. At this moment, the wind energy penetrates the mage's hands and becomes part of it. It must be realized.

Then you can order the strength of the wind to fulfill the desire of the magician (actually performed). After that, the magician lets the wind strength back, thanking for help.


  1. If possible, remove all the clothes so that you can feel the movement of the air. If it is impossible, put on the free tunic or T-shirt.
  2. Close your eyes and concentrate on your feelings. It is necessary to try to feel the movement of air in space, as it penetrates the body into each cell.
  3. Then you need to take a deep breath and dramatically breathe air. Stay in the meditative condition and fix your inner sensations in consciousness.
  4. Imagine that your body has become light like a balloon. And so, it rises into the air and soar. Stay with this feeling until the inner voice serves the command to complete the meditation.

If the meditation does not work first time, do not be mistaken. From the second or third attempt will definitely work out.

Wind management

Find open space in a windy day. Stand straight, close your eyes and feel the wind energy. Mentally order him:

  • change direction of movement;
  • calm down;
  • blow stronger.

If the first time does not work, you need to repeat the exercise on other days. Fast results can achieve those who are born under the elements of air - Aquarius, twins, scales.

how to learn air magic

Symbolism of the element

In order to penetrate the essence of the air element as much as possible, the magicians use the appropriate symbolism:
  • fan;
  • Tarot Master Cards Swords (suit peaks in playing cards);
  • aromatic sticks, fimiams;
  • Rose of Wind;
  • Feathers birds (not domestic);
  • Bells.

You can also use the image of the sylves - elementary elementary elements.

Ritual to get rid of problems

This simple ritual can perform a novice magician. It is necessary to write down on small leaf leaves what you need to get rid of. After that, you should find a dry tree or bush. It is advisable to choose a windy day and an open area.

Leafs need to tie (firmly) to any branch and read the spell:

"The wind strength is spent, free from all problems. Like the wind is free, so I am free from (listing problems). How wind sheets will carry, so I will get rid of adversity. Amen."

Wait for a strong gust of wind. As soon as the sheets are torn and flew, leave this place. You need to leave without turning around, until the threshold is not talking to anyone and not to greet. To accomplish this condition of the ritual, you need to choose the right time when there is no risk to face the nose to the nose with a conversational neighbor. Perhaps early in the morning or at dawn.

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