How to win a man of cancer


Want to know how to conquer a man of cancer and live a long luck with him? Then read this article - in it I share recommendations, tested by time for me and my clients who successfully married. Using these tips, you will choose an unmistakable strategy of seduction and in love.


Cancer is a man with a pronounced female start. This does not mean that he is weak and feminine. It's just more sensitive, endowed with good intuition and usually has many girlfriends.

how to conquer a man of cancer,

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What features of character are peculiar to:

  1. This is an emotional and sensual person, very open. He does not hesitate to show emotions, and be in his society - she is solid pleasure. At the same time, he strives for peace and equilibrium, using magnificent intuition for this.
  2. Cancer mood is rather changeable. Joy is replaced by irritability so quickly that others do not always be able to adapt to it. He is not able to control their emotional outbreaks, and he will not strive for this, preferring to live all his feelings "in the moment."
  3. This is an intellectual, an interesting interlocutor, with whom there will always be a topic for conversation. A good intelligence in combination with responsibility and perseverance helps cancer to achieve their goals, build a successful career and improve their status. This is the man who can be a lieutenant from Lieutenant.
  4. Male crayfish are two types. The first is very calm, have a sober view of life, confident in themselves, practical and enjoying the economy, build life. This is the perfect option for marriage.
  5. The second type is the Men-Egoists, stuck on themselves and with a burden of sophisticated things and lifestyle. Most often, they do not seek the family, preferring with his head to go into creativity.
  6. Despite the presence of a female start, crayfish - paved hearts. Their mysterious character like women who are trying to become closer to them. But only the chosen cancer let in his heart and make his wife. The relationship is entering, exclusively experiencing deep, reverent feelings for the elect.

How to become the one whom he will allocate from the crowd? Recommendations below.

How to conquer a cancer man?

Before you come up with a strategy to conquer such a gathering production, try to figure out which women, actually, a cancer man attracts. Find out what it has expectations in relation to the elect and family. And then act.

How to like a man's cancer

What to do and how to behave to attract his attention and stand out from the crowd of other women:

  1. He is looking for a woman rational, calm, reliable, with "male", logical type of thinking. It may be less sensitive than he himself, and this harmonizes relationships. It is important for him to be calm at home, and his woman created the comfort and the notorious rear.
  2. He loves active women, himself rarely manifests the initiative and often waiting for it from a woman. There is nothing galloping to make the first step itself. Cancer will appreciate it and allocate you among all.
  3. Very often, he stretches to women older than themselves, more experienced, wise and sophisticated. Paradox, but cancer needs to conquer the woman, he does not want to choose himself, secretly dreaming, which will choose him. Get ready to kill dragons yourself.
  4. Cancer is very valuable by his parents, it is holy for him. And it is impossible to try. It is impossible to limit it while pasting with relatives. Well, and be prepared that you will find yourself far from the first place at the same time. Also, it will be necessary to obedient to the advice and instructions of the mother-in-law.
  5. Also, cancer can remember all his life about his first unrequited love. There is no real danger for you - it will love you, but it will not prevent him from indulgent to memories. Again, as in the case of parents, it is impossible to make fun and discuss.
  6. Man-cancer injury, he has a subtle mental organization. Therefore, you will have to think twice before saying something. He can be silent about his resentment, but never forget about them, so be alert.
  7. Cancer does not endure scandals and noisy clarification of relationships, calm and silence of the house, a cozy and reliable rear, a happy wise woman - everything he needs. If you comply with this image, it will make everything for you and grow in a very successful man.

As you see, the character of cancer is not the easiest. Therefore, before you begin to conquer it, first think if you are ready to put up with some restrictive moments, and only then proceed to active actions.

Check the video on the topic:

Lifehaki for communication

There are certain acupunctions that will help to draw attention to men-cancer. Use them, and he will stop noticing other women, only you will be the object of his dreams.

How to attract cancer

Astrologov tips:

  1. Before talking, find out what cancer is wondering. If this is a football, deal with the rules of the game, the history of victories and defeat the favorite team. And then in a conversation suggest your knowledge, pretend also with a fan. Similarly, it is worth it with other interests. Divide them, become like-minded.
  2. Come to him and speak the first. Even if it is a banal "Hi", cancer will appreciate it. He was ordered by the princesses who repeat the "man should", and his attention will intrigue, will show that you are not like that.
  3. Cancer prefers a serious relationship. Therefore, immediately show him that you are not a frivolous girl and are not looking for an adventure for one night. It is worth talking about family talking about family, children, pronounce what you see your relationship.


  • The initiative is the best weapon in the conquest of the heart of a male cancer. He prefers practical and active girls who are not afraid to take the first step.
  • This is a practical ideal husband, so for his heart it is worth fighting. But be prepared to put up with some moments. For example, with its huge affection for parents and sensitivity.
  • Become a like-minded person - start wondering what he is interested in. This is your winning ticket.

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