How to win a man of Aquarius


Want to know how to win a man-of Aquarius? Read this article: in it I give recommendations, proven by me and my clients. Astrological advice has always been a great help in love, so use them and be happy.

10 important principles

Man Aquarius rarely dreaming about a serious relationship, so it is not an easy prey. But if you know all the tricks of interaction with this sign, the problem is simplified by several times. And even the most inveterate bachelor will not resist your charms, forgetting about the desire to remain independent and alone.

how to fall in love with a man of Aquarius

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Astrologers recommend:

  1. The most important thing - to be sincere and do not try to seem better than you really are. Aquarius is easy to recognize and manipulate all kinds of women's tricks. If you catch on the white lies, you will lose it forever. The more sincere with you, the more traction with it.
  2. Forget the feeling of possessiveness and attempt to tie the Aquarius to his right, once and for all. He'd always have to leave some space for the freedom and independence to its relations are not weighed. Do not force it, and do not try to control. At the slightest such attempt, he will run away, dropping his sneaker.
  3. Try it in the first place it does not seduce, but to become a good friend to him. Look for common interests and hobbies. You should always be fun with each other. Aquarius seeks not just the woman he loves, but also companion, a kindred spirit, a friend.
  4. Aquarius - the person unpredictable. From him you never know what to expect. These same people, like himself, the man runs. You must be a mystery to him, non-standard personality with original views on life. Connect your imagination and the imagination.
  5. A genuine interest in them, and be inquisitive. Do not be afraid to overdo it with curiosity. Aquarius also likes girls who are interested not only in person but also new knowledge that is constantly being improved and developed.
  6. Never limit his interaction with friends. This is an important part of his life, he will not exchange on the relationship with a woman. Strive to enter in his company and to find a common language with the people close to him.
  7. At the same time with his friends in any case can not flirt. Even innocent coquetry make Aquarius once and forever to say goodbye to you.
  8. In Aquarius, there are always some bright ideals over which you can not make fun and iron. He is deadly offended and tearing relationships with you in this case.
  9. Similarly, it is impossible to make fun of his loved ones and friends. It's not about evil sarcazme, but even about ordinary irony. You may not keep in mind anything bad, but Aquarius will already seek something offensive in your words.
  10. Aquarius can not be bored. Tired and monotonous life, gray boring weekdays are not for him. Your life should always be bright, creative, diverse and filled.

Read these recommendations and think about: Do you match the image of a woman who is suitable for water? If not, it is better to look for another candidate for the role of a life satellite, because you can't play an ideal wife all my life, because there is insincerity.

How to keep and marry

Now you know how to fall in love with a male Aquarius in yourself. But what to do next? After all, love can quickly go through, and sooner or later you will want to go to a new, more serious level of relationship.

How to win a man of Aquarius

So, the recommendations of astrologers:

  1. Do not be afraid to take the initiative. Aquarius do not like helpless princesses who are not able to descend from the tower. Therefore, openly talk about your feelings and plans.
  2. Constantly learn something new, and then share with a man with your discoveries, impressions, conclusions. Even if your interests do not coincide, he will understand that next to him is a person who is constantly developing. And this quality is most appreciated in women.
  3. Surprise it all the time. You must be different, to try on different images, show all the faces of your personality. Today you are a cute home girl, tomorrow is an experienced and sophisticated woman. Show your multi-mindedness, and he never bounces next to you.
  4. As soon as the Aquarius understands that the identity of a versatile, with a creative approach to everything, and not limiting his freedom, he may seriously think about marriage and love you firmly, for a long time and strongly. But do not forget that the interest of this man needs to be constantly warm.

Check the video on the topic:

How to get along together

If you all happened and your favorite Aquarius is already in love, you have a serious relationship, the next step is to live together. Read and follow the recommendations of astrologers so that the joint life does not kill your love.

How to like a man-aquarian

How to behave, staying together:

  1. Any conflict decide immediately and in no way blackmail to be aged outgrowth. This is not the man who will stop the woman if she collected things. If you leave once, it will put a fat cross on the relationship.
  2. Create houses comfort and unusual atmosphere. Come on creative things. Standard furniture and decor - not what you need.
  3. Aquarius above all appreciates calm and freedom. Therefore, do not limit it in communicating with friends and do not provoke conflicts from scratch. Always look for compromises - he willingly go to meet.
  4. Understand that if he chose you, it will not be enough. Therefore, try not to demonstrate jealousy if someone tries to hurt him. Attempts to ruinities in any case are useless, and you save your nerves.
  5. Strive to him not just his wife and mistress, but also a friend, like-minded. He is extremely important for his life companion to share his interests.


  • The key to the heart of Aquarius is sincerity. You must show yourself as you are, without embellishment and masks. That is what will conquer it.
  • Aquarius will never agree to lose freedom and independence, but it will be a faithful husband. Therefore, do not limit it and always leave a personal space.
  • A woman who is loved by the Aquarius is a creative, non-standard and multifaceted person, which is constantly surprised. And she is his friend and like-minded man.

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