The year of the rooster: what born, the characteristics of the sign


The year of the rooster is the time when people who love the truth are born. They are straightforward and not accept tricks. At the same time, these are dreamers who fantasize, visualize their goals, and then reach them. Read a detailed horoscope in this article.

What years is the birth:

Year of the rooster which year of birth

General characteristic of the sign

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People born in the year of the rooster are divided into two types. The first is fast, active people who are always in motion, love to chat and rapidly act. The second is more slow, contemplative, finely felt and leisurely.

The potential of the rooster is very high, but it is important for it to use it, to realize all his talents to make a bright bird to turn into a sullen corner.

A man under the sign of the rooster is an active dreamer with developed imagination. On the one hand, it is fine, because he is able to clearly understand and see what he wants. On the other hand, the world of dreams can captivate it too much, and active action for this will not follow.

He loves to be the center of attention, it is important for him to recognize. Praise is needed, like air, although without approving the surrounding it is quite confident in himself. This is a selfish personality, therefore, the feelings and interests of other people he often ignores, because of what can lose loved ones and relatives.

Straightline, can offend and hurt a sharp statement. But it does this not from anger, but from the misunderstanding of the emotions of others. Own experiences often hides, remaining for people eternally positive and active man.

But the rooster will always protect the weak. He does not tolerate injustice and all his life is actively fighting with its manifestations in the world around. This is a sort of true taste and a fighter for the truth. Often it becomes at the head of rallies and expresses a protest, challenging everything in the world, which dispels with his convictions.

Approval of others is extremely important for him. It does not admit that he is experiencing a huge fear of condemnation. She strives to make a favorable impression and like everyone around. This applies to communicating with the opposite sex. He often "hunts" for his prey is not from the Great Love, but for the sake of sports interest.

He loves to dream, build plans, make a desire and set goals. In fact, it rarely begins to fulfill it, without end, immersing in dreams. This is the main problem of the rooster. He can live all his life in the illusions, dreaming of success, glory and wealth, but without taking any active actions.

He loves to distribute advice even when they do not ask about them, because of this can be completely unbearable. This desire a roostech would be better to implement a more harmonious way - for example, become a teacher, coach or consultant.

Also, the rooster is important to analyze not only the behavior of others, but also its own. Realize mistakes and correct them, no one relying and not expecting that everything is permitted by itself.

Establishing classification

In classical astrology, the character of signs describe and depending on what element prevailed in the year of the birth of a person.

Year of the Rooster What Birthdays, Sign Characteristics


  • This is a person endowed with a high degree of responsibility, and very hardworking. Any business for which a metal rooster took up, he will certainly bring to the end. It will fulfill its duties flawlessly, overcomes all interfering circumstances and solve the concomitant problems.
  • Clearly knows what he wants, and consistently, step by step, performs his desires. Therefore, it can succeed in both the career and business. Able to handle money, competently disposed of them.
  • May be sharp in statements. His task in this world is to learn to find compromises in everything and constantly improve.
  • He loves public work and takes over with this related responsibility.
  • Very devoted to loved ones, you can always rely on it.


  • These are very eloquent people who have an innate gift of belief. Excellent speakers and interlocutors can find a common language with almost any person. In disputes overlook the winners due to the ability to be very convincingly conveying their point of view to the opponent.
  • Very energetic and hardworking, can work days and nights to achieve their goal. And they manage it, because by nature they are endowed with a huge margin of vitality.
  • Can get upset and worry on trifles, squanding their energy. Their lesson in this life is more calm and harmonious.
  • Very witty and enjoy authority in the circle of their loved ones.


  • Honest and reliable personalities on which you can always rely. In their actions are always guided only by good intentions.
  • This is a team team. Altogether work and act does not like, always seeks to find like-minded people and partners.
  • It puts very boldly, sometimes impolisible goals. Thanks to this, it becomes very successful, surprising everyone with its achievements.
  • Very versatile personality with many hobbies and interests. Improved endlessly, learns and sees in comprehending new knowledge of the meaning of life.
  • He loves to travel, so it does it for any possibility.
  • Thinking and sensitive to loved ones. It will always help, support and surrounds with his attention - it is worth only to ask.


  • Man with male leaders and organizer, as well as with a very strong power of will. Straightline, always openly talks about what he thinks. Strong and purposeful personality, which clearly knows what he wants from himself, people and life.
  • It is perfectly understood in finance and business, so in the material sphere of your life usually succeeds. It seeks what he wants, despite the circumstances and obstacles. Very persistent.
  • Tacty and diplomacy. Feels the needs and emotions of other people, Empath.


  • It is endowed with tremendous hardworking, so always quickly moves through the career ladder.
  • Perceptive, sees people through, it is impossible to drag anything from him.

Career and money

The roostech is extremely important to be in sight, therefore, he chooses the appropriate associated with public activities for himself. As a last resort, attense speeches in front of colleagues at work.

Year of Petush

He is talented, and his talents are vital to him to demonstrate, getting admiration and approval around.

Rooster capable of achieving a lot in life. But it will be successful only if it is able to show all the activity that is capable of. This is not the person who gets everything easily and without effort, good luck on his life path is still a little.

Very wasteful. Maybe for a long time and stubbornly sappes money, and then let them down in one moment, which in the future you have to regret. And fate constantly suits him financial tests for strength.

It is very important for a rooster not to advertise information about your money, not to praise career successes, no matter how much it wanted to do this. Do not share and information about financial difficulties, do not seek help, but try to solve problems yourself.

Life periods

Fate will be throughout life, then the case send a rooster test for strength. His life path is endless tests that he must pass with honor. This is an eternal series of falls and takeoffs, of which you need to make the right conclusions and go further.

His success mostly depends on the ability to believe in itself and his strength, as well as trust the universe and understand that everything in his life is in the best way, no matter how difficult it was to take.

He is able to go through a long way from bankruptcy to wealth, to lose everything and again rebel literally from the ashes. If he feels all the lessons, the old age will be happy.

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Positive qualities of people born in the year of the rooster:

  • Bright personality with wide views on life and thinking. Does not see any restrictions and obstacles. It is understood in the essence of objects and circumstances thoroughly, sees deeper than other people.
  • Constantly learns and expands its horizons, his life is the path of constant self-improvement and education.
  • Hardworking and reaches the goals, working until the latter. Maybe in a difficult situation, it will not be able to make it another person.
  • Optimistic. Despite the vital difficulties, always keeps a smile on his face, and in the shower - hope for the best. Dead and dare, never leaves before adverse circumstances.

Negative qualities:

  • Boastful May be involved in their merits, wanting to seem better than he really is.
  • She is inclined to give promises, which then does not fulfill.
  • Sometimes he needs to be alone and spend time wasted, just contemplating. Sometimes in this state stuck and becomes lazy, a lot of things idle that he is contraindicated.
  • Or goes to another extreme - working on wear, completely without letting himself rest. As a result, it can drain yourself and stay inaccessible for a long time, restoring.
  • It can be accomplished, be aggressive, capricious, touch people with sharp sarcastic jokes.

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