Monkey Year: What born, sign characteristics


In the year of monkeys are born very optimistic and enterprising people. They are able to think non-standard, give a good advice and help a person disinterestedly. People love them for a wonderful sense of humor and easy character. Read the article more detailed description of this sign of the Eastern Horoscope.

What years is the birth:

Year of Monkey What Birthdays

General characteristic of the sign

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The most resourceful and enterprising personalities who do not leave any life circumstances are monkey. They carry joy with them, so they easily find friends and like-minded people.

Capable to quickly recover after life losses and crises are constantly developing and improving. Thanks to the rings to knowledge easily adapt to external circumstances.

This is a person thinking without stereotypes and restrictions. Independent personality since childhood, which will defend its point of view to the latter. Personal freedom is the main vital value of the monkey, from which it will never refuse.

Often achieves success in career or business due to the desire to do everything perfect and constantly develop their professional qualities. It is always one step in front of colleagues and competitors, it benefits your work, her merit will never remain unnoticed.

The character of the monkey is pretty pissing and unpredictable. You never know what to expect from her. The universe in response to this sends the monkey the same non-standard circumstances in the life that she constantly have to overcome.

It is very important to people born in the year of the monkey, to remain honest with them and surrounding, smallerly sick. It is the delicacy, hypocrisy and the desire to embellish can bring many problems and destroy their lives.

It is almost impossible to solve the true intentions of the monkey, she hides them very carefully. Rarely truly gets closer to people, preferring their plans to keep with you.

Always in the center of the company, in the thick of events. It is not able to carry out a large amount of time alone, it is extremely important for it to communicate with people and actively live. Privacy makes a monkey unhappy, she is very social.

It is also important for her to feel that it is she controls the situation, circumstances and their own life. Always keeps his hand on the pulse, not allowing events to develop by itself. And she is perfect for the owner of the situation.

Characteristics of the element sign

In accordance with the canons of classical oriental astrology, the character of the monkey can be classified in five elements.

Year of Monkey What Birthdays, Sign Characteristics


  • This is a man with a huge power of will. Puts the goal and moves to it, not paying attention to the obstacles. This is an infinitely purposeful personality.
  • Rather loner, prefers not to work in the team, but to rely only on yourself.
  • Very confident in herself, wise and endowed with great vanity, which sometimes interferes. But thanks to these qualities, it is not afraid of work, even the hardest.
  • It is well understood in finances and is constantly engaged in financial education, therefore, the relationship with money is beautiful. Able to create savings, manage them competently and multiply.
  • Although she loves loneliness, never refuses to spend time on a noisy party or participate in some mass event.


  • This is a man of discipline. It clearly knows what he wants, puts the right goals and goes to them consistently without spraying his attention to less valuable things. Able to concentrate and focus on the main thing.
  • It does not make criticism, very sensitive to someone else's negative opinion about it. But at the same time, people feel good, understands and takes their weaknesses, so condescending to the disadvantages of others. It helps her build good both friendly and love relationships.
  • Prefers not to devote anyone to their affairs, it is not divided by plans. But like-minded people finds no difficulty.


  • They are also appreciated by the bosses, and colleagues for their responsibility and a skillful approach to business.
  • It is important for them in the center of events, be aware of all cases and constantly improve. Therefore, they browse the news, study and use the surveyed skills. Learning ability is very high.
  • Have excellent fantasy and well-developed imagination. They know how to set goals and achieve them, but this quality is often not used, jumping from one thing to another.
  • He loves to travel and easily makes new acquaintances, immediately gaining confidence in the surrounding people.


  • Curious, fond of, cheerful and energetic personality. This is a person who is open to new ideas and opportunities. He is in a hurry to live - takes an active part in everything that surrounds it.
  • A diversified developed personality with many interests. True, in pursuit of new knowledge often sprayed, forgetting about important matters.
  • Loves to argue and stubbornly defend your point of view, even if not right. May give other people.
  • Attractive for the opposite sex, but at the same time faithful to its choice. If the relationship begins, then it is for a long time.


  • This is a person with high moral qualities. She is smart, loves to read and infinitely comprehends new knowledge.
  • Very appreciate calm and seeks him. Prefers to engage in work related to finance. Easily manages money and earns them, she has a high chance to become a rich man.
  • Less sociable than other representatives of the sign. Gnown and caring, for which they love and respect others.

Career and money

For monkeys to build a good career is usually not much labor. An interesting point: the actual status of it may be below the true value that she carries. For example, it may occupy the position of the usual assistant, but at the same time be the only employee in the company who trusts the head.

Monkey Sign Characteristics

The monkey is much more important to realize and feel their influence, and the name of the position does not play.

She cannot tolerate routine labor, it is important for her that work is diverse, the tasks constantly changed. Thanks to a non-standard approach to solving problems, tricks, dexterity, insight and charm, achieves everything that wishes.

She is ideal for work large companies. Those in which you want to show intelligence, be aware of everything that happens. It can successfully follow the career staircase in sales, in diplomacy or politics.

Loves to learn and constantly increases your professional level, it is easily learned by a new one, therefore it is capable of performing any tasks, even if at first does not know at all, from which side you can approach them.

It is very important for her to go to his true purpose, find a vocation. Then she will easily achieve fame, success, wealth and public recognition.

Missing a monkey does not like. It is always given to your business, completely plunging into it, without sorry forces, time and other resources. It is important for it to be useful, necessary. Its activity should be aimed at improving the quality of life of other people.

The monkey can organize his time, she is all clear, planned. During the day, it is capable of performing a large number of tasks and is easily taken for several cases at the same time, in each getting an excellent result.

Intuitively understands how to handle money. Therefore, it earns them and wisely spends. She does not have to deny himself in something, sees the goal and reaches it, always coming up with ways to get extra money.

Life periods

The first half of the life of the monkey is usually very happy. But the second will depend on what karmic seeds she planted. If you followed my purpose, I learned to take and love myself, the residue of life will spend in harmony and happiness.

If he suppressed his desires, did not develop and lived not his life, then a very troubled period comes, accompanied by a constant collapse of the plans. In this case, it can meet one hundred and old age.

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The positive qualities of monkeys can be attributed:

  • These are eternal students who experience a constant desire to receive new knowledge. Intellectuals with excellent memory and a huge horizon.
  • Thanks to excellent education, they are easily moving through a career ladder.
  • Create events that have occurred long ago with accuracy, up to the smallest details.
  • Attractive and like people. It is not angry for a long time and quickly cools after the offense applied to her.

Negative qualities include:

  • The monkey loves everything to embellish, often lying, it happens hypocritical, vain.
  • Because of his rectinity, people often offend people, because he does not pick up words, expressing his point of view.
  • If confident in impunity, it will easily go to some dishonest act. It is among the monkeys most of the criminals.

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