Psalm 33: Text of prayer in Russian, how to read


I have long been studying the Psalms, which remain unknown to many Christians. They are read in churches not so often. It is for this reason that many of my parishioners do not even suspect that there is a psalm 33. But this prayer, as I think is very important. The history of her writing is also very interesting. Today I will tell you in detail and explain how to read this Psalm correctly.

What is psalms

Absolutely all the psalms are collected in the book called Psaltry. For any Christian, this book is very important. It contains a huge number of prayers designed to help a person reach heaven to heaven. But sometimes to do it is quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that the righteouss need not always in the help of heaven. Sometimes sinners are treated with the Most High Prayer.

Psalm 33: Text of prayer in Russian, how to read 4545_1

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The clergymen insist that, even stuck, a person has the full right to try to redeem his sin. As an example, they lead the history of King David. More than 80 psalms were written and are now widely known. Some of them are actively used in worship, so they are especially well known to parishioners.

Who is the author of Psalm?

The texts that are contained in the psaltyr were written by different people. They all, of course, are outstanding personalities who were distinguished by special love for the Lord. Moreover, they also actively preached the Orthodox religion, tried to put true sinners on the path. To glorify the Most High, they used the texts of prayers written by itself. Currently, these texts continue to use righteous Christians who wish to prove their devotion and endless love Creator.

To speak exactly about Psalm at number 33, then its author, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, is the king of David. However, this prayer was written not during the reign of this monarch, but a little earlier. It is noteworthy that it is he who is one of the most famous authors. In addition to David, the famous creators of Psalms are:

  • Moses;
  • ASAF;
  • Eman;
  • ETM;
  • Solomon.

Please note that the latter comes from Son David. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the Father was able to instill his love for the Lord and taught faith.

History of Psalm

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Each prayer has a certain history. But especially interesting are the stories of those psalms, who came out from under the feather of King David. As you know, this man lived very difficult, albeit a long life. He became famous as a sinner, a fair monarch, righteous and a skillful fighter. Of course, it may seem that it is impossible. After all, many questions arise in the head when mentioning the fact that he was a righteous and sinner. It seems that it is simply impossible. However, it was all that was.

Well known is the fact of the fall of David and the way he tried to hide perfect sin from people. Ultimately, this man still found spiritual forces in order to repent in perfect gentlement. In many ways, precisely thanks to this, he managed to get the forgiveness of heaven.

Of course, it is impossible not to mention how much effort put David to have a heaven over him. But after receiving such a welcome forgiveness, he completely changed his life and became the righteous. Moreover, it served as a good lesson for him, and to protect other people from such mistakes, he began to actively enlighten the masses and preach religion.

Psalm 33: Text of prayer in Russian, how to read 4545_2

As for the history of writing Psalm "Bless the Lord for any time," she is quite interesting. Immediately it is necessary to note the fact that he was written in those years when David had not yet ascended the throne. In those years, he faithfully served as another ruler - Saul. One day, when the threat of war over Israel, David made an act that saved all its inhabitants. Having learned about the approach of the enemy army, he immediately smacked that it would be possible to finish the battle, shedding the blood of only one person.

A rumors came to the young man that the ruler of Avimilekh is a man's man-tempered and loves all sorts of disputes. That is why young David decided to play on his irrepressive feeling of excitement. He suggested a monarch to put up against him the most powerful warrior of the Empire. At the same time, he gave the floor that in the event of a defeat, all Israel will submit to the new ruler.

The king could not abandon such a tempting supply. As soon as the messenger told him about it, he decided to give consent and sent to Goliath's duel. After some time, he learned that his candidate lost the battle. And since Avimilyh was a man of a word, he hurried to lead his army and no longer attacked the neighboring state.

After this incident, which soon became known to every resident of the country, David woke up with the subsidiary of Saul. It would seem that after that his life should be improved. After all, he also became anointed Lord. The Palace visited Samuel's prophet and told everyone that this young man in the future would be the next monarch. That's just this news did not at least delight the king Saul. He was very envious and believed that the people love this shepherd much more. Consequently, he himself can lose his throne at any time.

To allow such an envious monarch could not. That is why he began to take her anger on the young man, and once he even tried to kill. He was not even stopped by the fact that David was her daughter's husband. To escape from the irregular anger of the ruler, the young man was forced to flee from the kingdom. He hid in the territory of the Philistines, who once tried to conquer Israel. When it became known that the hero was hiding here, who defeated the Goliath himself, the young man was caught and decided to take to the king. Since he had long dreamed of watching a man who was so hither to literally circle him around his finger.

David understood that it was impossible to allow the ruler to find out. After all, this could turn into a great trouble. And then a stunning thought came to his head. He estimated the soul and began to crawl on the floor, let alone. Looking at this squeezed, Avimilekh was very warm. He considered that the subjects simply mock them. And so he drove unfortunate, and those who led him seriously punished.

Send from the Palace, David immediately began to praise the Lord. He did not attribute an extra merit, but only acknowledged that he was fooling the enemy with God's mercy. To thank God, he wrote 33 psalm and began to praise his power.

Psalm 33: Text of prayer in Russian, how to read 4545_3

Until now, specialists engaged in learning the texts of prayers will argue about what caused Psalm. It was even put forward by a hypothesis, according to which the Psalm was written much later after the incident. And the reason was the shame that was tested by the author, going outside. After all, he was surrounded by children, but not to give himself, he was forced to continue to depict the squeezed. Children, envying him, began to laugh and insult someone who was considered crazy. In proof of this theory, scientists lead several lines from the Psalm.

However, the priests themselves adhere to a perfect other opinion. They argue that the reason for writing Psalm was exclusively the desire of David to glorify the Lord. Selecting the words of prayer, he was not at all guided by the desire to somehow punish children or pour forgiveness for anger, tested from what was laughed at him. There are no reasonable and weighty arguments in favor of the theory described above, therefore it cannot be considered fair.

How to read Psalm right?

The main difference between the Psalm from prayer is that it is pronounced Narasphev. Therefore, some people have difficulty reading Psalms. However, the priests do not consider such a problem. Since it is permissible to read the psalms and not at least if a person has not yet learned to do it.

The main requirements are:

  • purity of thoughts;
  • peace of mind;
  • The desire to praise the Lord and thank him.

In addition, it is extremely important that the person reading the Psalm has been sincere. It is impossible to try to hide from the Lord some kind of controversy. Also, the church imposes a ban on reading any prayer texts in those moments when a person is experiencing any negative emotions. It is believed that in this case the prayer will not be heard and the human dialogue with the Almighty will not take place.

Of course, it is best to read prayer in those moments when this feels a special need. After all, this was the authors of Psalms. They wrote them in those moments when they particularly felt the need to talk with the Creator. In this case, the Orthodox Christian will not make absolutely no mistakes. He will tell him the heart, how to get a prayer correctly to get the answer.


  1. The author of Psalm 33 is King David.
  2. This prayer was written in those years when he was in the service of the King Saul and was married to his daughter.
  3. After David managed to avoid an unpleasant meeting with the enemy ruler, he decided to praise God.

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