Prayer "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, sinning": the text is completely, how to read


I think that you need to contact the Lord every day. To do this, I advise you to read the prayer "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, sinning." Today I will tell you about the origin of this prayer and the rules of her reading.

The importance of prayer

To become closer to the Lord, it is necessary to pray to selflessly. This rule is well known to every priest. Moreover, a true Christian will also try to follow this rule. As he knows that prayer is a weapon. Of course, it is not at all about the weapon that is wounds a person or even takes away life. Quite the opposite. Hearing the words of the prayer, every Christian begins to feel much better.


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Stories are known when a person who read or heard the sacred text immediately recovered, all his heel left him immediately. That is why people sincerely believe that in heavy moments when faith weakens, it is necessary to renderate prayer.

However, spiritual mentors recommend that Jesus Christ prayed at such moments. The most effective and widely known is the prayer "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of mild, sinning." Its quite often use not only Orthodox, but also servants of the church. Moreover, priests insist that reading prayer is mandatory for every righteous. At the same time read it follows not only in moments of need.

The origin of prayer

Before learning in more detail the origin of the text of this prayer, it is necessary to mention one important detail. This prayer lies in one phrase. For most people who have not yet had time to join faith or have done it recently, such as it may seem very strange. Since in most cases people face the problem of making texts of prayers. After all, almost all of them are quite voluminous. That is why many have problems with their memorization. But not in the case when it comes to this prayer. After all, it consists of only one phrase, remembering which will not be much difficulty to anyone.

Previously, such prayers were called Monologistos. Translated from the Greek language, this means "Prayer, which is only one phrase." It is their most often used Egyptian monks. Studying the records of Blessed Augustine, it can be concluded that these monks prayed almost constantly. However, all the prayers that they pronounced were very brief.

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Perhaps it is for this reason that they did not experience difficulties in order to take prayers often enough. As you know, most Christians who were choking not so long ago, initially experience serious difficulties with reading prayers. Since the text of some of them is really difficult to remember. But sometimes the problem is not at all in the volume of text.

The fact is that most of the prayers used in Orthodoxy are written in the Old Slavonic language. For ordinary people who are not servants of the Church, he is incomprehensible. And this is quite logical, as the priests study it for several years and learn to correctly pronounce prayers. But with a prayer, which is in question in the article, things are much easier. Since there is a version of text in Russian. However, even if the Christian decides for himself to learn it in the original language, there will also be no problems with this.

Interestingly, no reliable data on how precisely and under circumstances was created by prayer could not be found. Since the sacred Scripture contains only a couple of lines regarding who exactly is the author of the prayer. Based on this information, it can be concluded that the prayer was transferred to people with one of the angels. And she was recorded by the famous reverend named Pakhomius. It is believed that it was he who became the man who reported to people so useful prayer.

Jesus Prayer: Why should it be to the Son of God?

This question is asked by many believers. Since there is a huge number of diverse prayers that are customary to read, referring directly to the Almighty. But in this case it comes exclusively about the prayer that his son is raised. And this is all completely not by chance. But to understand this, you need to go deep into history.


First, it was the Lord who expelled the first people from Paradise. It was done as a punishment for their sin. In the Bible, it is very well described. It says that Adam and Eve, who are the progenitors of all mankind, violated the ban and eaten the fruit that was running with the Tree of Life. Although the Most High warned them that the fruit concern is prohibited. Sin was performed due to the fact that the devil himself penetrates paradise. However, this does not diminish the sin, perfect by Adam and Eve.

Secondly, due to the sin of the progenitors of mankind, the entire human race was doomed to suffering and earthly life. In other words, each problem with which a person faces is a test sent by heaven. The essence of such a test is very simple. All tests are necessary in order to instruct a Christian to the true path and help him open a heart, believing in a single God. Only, provided that the test is adequately, a man's soul can be cleaned.

Thirdly, sin, perfect by the inhabitants of Paradise, was so great that he put an imprint absolutely on all people. That is why it is believed that a man is sinful since birth. For the same reason, the prayer of repentance should be ascended every day. The one who avoids this, considering himself the righteous, is actually in the power of the most dangerous sin - pride. As you know, this particular sin is for the Most High hated. It should be completely eradicated to get the forgiveness and mercy of heaven. But it is not easy to do this.

And although the Lord was very angry with the act of his creations, he still gave them a chance to get the atonement of sins. It was for this reason that Jesus Christ was born. If you recall the biblical prophecy, then it is not called it other than the Savior. After all, it is that he is. Jesus was born to save this world and teach people to humility. It is known a lot of prayers that were recorded precisely from the words of God's Son. Such prayers are especially revered and used in worship very often. It is believed that the Son of the Most High, being gracious and pious, in his own will decided to tell the world about those prayers that can save him from destruction.

Thus, it becomes clear why a prayer in which a person asks for pardon, it is necessary to take Jesus Christ. After all, it is he who is the Savior of the Souls and those who are able to squeeze any pain, get rid of all experiences.


In addition, we should not forget that the Son of Most Highs is more tolerant to people. During his lifetime, he became famous for helping sinners. Very often he talked with the harlons who were able to find strength to repent.

During such conversations, he did not just consult them, but gave calmness to the soul and talked about how to decline the mercy of heaven. He taught all the sinners to live on the commandments and to be sent by the righteous. Based on this, it can be concluded that it is Jesus Christ who takes prayers from any person. Even sinners can safely ask him help. And if they are worthy of people, it will necessarily receive it.

How to read prayer?

It is possible to read prayers, it is necessary to remember that there are certain rules and recommendations. They must be adhered to them.
  1. It is necessary to pray alone. The company in this case is completely inappropriate. Of course, this does not concern those cases when prayer is ascended in the church together with other Christians.
  2. The text of the prayer needs not to just memorize, but also understand its meaning. Because without this it will not be possible to reach the skies. After all, a person will simply mechanically utter text, absolutely not understanding it that is unacceptable.
  3. You need to read prayer in the room in which a person feels as calm as possible. This means that it is best to read prayers in my own room. But if there is no such possibility, then an absolutely any room will fit, while in which a person does not experience psychological discomfort.
  4. Reading a prayer, you must try to completely get rid of extra thoughts.

Pay attention to one important clarification. It is impossible to read prayer at the moment when a person is experiencing some negative emotion. For example, angry. Since in this case, prayer will not benefit. Moreover, a person may even unpain the Lord. That is why it is so important before reading the prayer to tune in to the desired way.


  1. This prayer was recorded by Rev. from the words of Angel, descending from heaven.
  2. Prayer is recommended to read as often as possible. Remember it will not be difficult even to a small child, since it is very short.
  3. Reading prayer, it is extremely important to understand its meaning, and not just to learn the necessary words.

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