Challenge FAGOT: how to do, the features of the ritual


If urgently need to see a person who has not yet filed news about himself, or to invite a friend who was offended by a friend, resort to the help of a ledge of Fagota's winds. The challenge of Fagot is so popular with the magicians that they enjoy them in all suitable cases. In my practice, this call works in a day, or even after a few hours.

Fagot does not apply to love spells, as sometimes they speak, but can contribute to the challenge of a loved one. Consider how to do this rite.

Challenge Fagot.

Who is such a baroon

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This is a demon of hurricanes, vortices, winds, tornado, storms. Sometimes it is called the crossroads demon. However, in contrast to other hellish brethren, Phagot has assisted to people. They are treated in different situations. Previously, the sailors asked him to send a passing wind or, on the contrary, stop the thunderstorm or storm.

However, the demonic nature of the Fagota can manifest itself and not the most favorable way if a person is able to upset him with something. This must be considered when conducting a call.

How to spend ritual

So that the call has passed successfully, you need to create the necessary conditions for the winds demon - to open the vents or windows to be a small draft. If there is no wind, you can make an artificial: turn on the fan. Only the air jet does not need to be directed to the candles so that they do not go out.

If the ritual is held on the street, then you need to choose the place-thought out from all sides. It is desirable that the venue of the ritual is on the hill (for example, on the roof of the house).

If the ritual is carried out indoors, then the candles light up. If you go to open space, the candle does not ignite - it will all go out. At home you need to curtain the mirror surfaces (in the room) and remove the church attributes.

Fagot call man

They light a thin wax (not church) candle, and read spell. It is advisable to have a photo called and put it so that the flames from the flame cover face.

If the photo is not, you need to imagine its image so that the demon is clear to those who bring. Instead of the photo card, you can write the full name of the person and symbolically depict the figure. This composition is put instead of photography so that the flames of candles covered the written name.

So that Bassoon quickly execute a request, you need to read a plot of 9 times and wait until the candle goes out. It will take 30-40 minutes. Therefore, do not take thick candles, so as not to sit on them a couple of hours.

The time of the call and the days of the week do not matter.

It is desirable that no one was either all slept. There should be no pets in the room (the demons can install them), the phone needs to be disabled. Take care that no one suddenly went into your room.

If, during the ritual, the candle will suddenly begin to fluff, should stop the challenge: the demon is not in the spirit.

Challenge FAGOT: how to do, the features of the ritual 455_3

There are several options for the ritual, they differ in the number of conspiracy:

  • read 3 days in a row 7 times;
  • Read 7 days in a row 3 times.

If the magician has a good connection with the Spirit of Wind, then just one day of reading.

It is not recommended to abuse the possibilities of the demon and constantly ask him to bring the same person: he will cease to respond to requests.

After the last reading of the conspiracy, it is necessary to include the demon to the crossroads. This is a cluster of vodka and a handful of coins (odd number). The bottle put on the ground, the coins throw with his right hand through the left shoulder with the word "paid".

They leave the intersection without turning around. It is impossible to turn around before the threshold of your home. These are not empty words: there were a rumor when the intersection was given to the house of the devil.

challenge a baroon how to do

The result of the call

What does a person feel who is affected by the Spirit of Fagot? He begins to constantly think about who calls him losing peace. A person as if the magnet pulls to the called, he calms down only when he dials the phone number or arrives at the call address.

Since this rite does not apply to love magic, then there will be no romantic feelings. A few hours after the rite, he will start looking for meetings with you. And here much depends on where the called, where it works, etc. If there is no obstacles, it will appear immediately.

If it is far away, there may be difficulties in communication. Nevertheless, a person will still find a way to contact and give themselves to know, because the demon will not leave him alone.

The rite helps well with quarrels when one of the partners avoids meetings with another: does not answer calls, went to another city and disappeared. Fagot will not give him peace until he comes to contact. Reviews about the challenge of Fagot, mostly positive. But the result of the rite depends only on who conducts it: whether it will fulfill all the conditions.

Challenge Fagot Reviews

Negative result

In which cases may be a negative result? If the conditions of the rite have not been observed. This is the first. There are also other reasons:

  • The rite was carried out for the sake of interest;
  • distrust demon;
  • Forgot to make bumps;
  • Illuminated requirements for the demon.

Some people think that magical rituals are entertainment and junning. But the consequences of such a relationship may be impossible:

  • loneliness;
  • childlessness;
  • loss of work;
  • Quarrel with neighbors.

Therefore, make a challenge for the sake of interest. You do not need to make this challenge if a person fell out of the visibility zone for just a couple of days. The demon can punish joker and entertainment lovers very seriously.

Is it dangerous to spend a ritual indoors, where are you sleeping? Danger, so it is desirable to go outside. When the demons encourage, the portal opens in the lower world, through which other demons and entities will receive. There is no guarantee that they will not stay in the apartment for permanent residence.

Cancel them will be problematic: you need to be able to close the portals. Therefore, newcomers in magic are better to call demons outside the house. You can also order this ritual from a professional magician, paying the desired amount of money: He will do everything instead of you.

Before work with infernal entities, it is necessary to put protection that will protect the magician from the negative impact of demons and the inhabitants of the lower world. This is usually a pentagram that can be made in the form of a snag or draw on a round mirror.

Pentagram at all times saved from demonic forces: they become humble and obedient. But it is not recommended to put charms with the appeal to the Christian Holy or Archangelam: the demon will not come to call. Especially, it is not recommended to call for a demon with a cross on a chain.

After completing the rite, it is desirable to clean the room with fire with a fire or lay down incense or smoke of endless herbs: St. John's wort, sage, wormwood, Issop. Aromapalkas with the smell of sandal or aroma lamp are suitable. You can read prayers, closer the room with a bell, sprinkle with holy water or infusion of dill (or other herb).

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