What rules are the magic of money and how to attract finance


Money is, on the one hand, only a peculiar form of energy, and on the other - the ability to embody your dreams and desires in the material world. When money is missing, it is hardly possible to say that life has succeeded. After all, although it says that "for the money of happiness you will not buy," but for them you can buy a lot of things.

Money Magic: How does it work, what should you always have finance? Let's find out soon.

Money Magic: How Works

How to lure money in your life?

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The very first step from which should be started - make sure that you know how to "be friends" with an egregor of money. Then I will tell you how to check it out.

There are several rules for treating money energy, which actually make up the very magic of wealth. It should be remembered that the latter is distinguished by great challenge and demanding, it is necessary to be able to find a right approach.

Take advantage of the following simple rules, and you will never know the needs:

  1. To increase capital, it is necessary that a certain amount of money is constantly present in the wallet, albeit small. Do not leave it empty! At the same time, the currency should be faithful to you.
  2. Carefully monitor the external type of bill - you can not store them in crumpled form or needed. If you lose money, then be sure to raise it, even if it is small.
  3. It is possible to enhance the magic of well-being to take advantage of special talismans, for example, three Chinese coins with a hole through which the red ribbon passes.
  4. Do not lend your finances in cases where you probably know that they may not be returned.
  5. Paying goods in stores, let's face the front side up. And if they are folded, then the corners towards the seller.
  6. Do not skimp on the distribution of alms to those who need it. The main thing is not to do it with mercenary motives. If you have to help other people to the detriment of yourself, then say a phrase to yourself: "Do not ration the hand of the giving."
  7. In the days of large holidays, sanctify the bill of large nominal and keep it, without expuling and not spending, for a whole year. It will perform a kind of magnet to attract financial success in your life. At the end of twelve months, spend on your own needs, having pleased yourself with a pleasant gift.
  8. Do not blaze the neighbors of bread with salt - as a result of such actions, you risk passing your prosperity to another family.
  9. Wanting, in order to always lie in the dwelling, put the broom so that his handle was at the bottom.
  10. Do you dream to get a big salary? Ask about it during the medium.
  11. It is unacceptable to take money on the first day of the week and in the second, as well as in the fifth.
  12. If you have to lend or, on the contrary, give a debt, do it in the morning clock. Execution of similar actions in the evening will provoke a ruin.
  13. Every time, entering your home, pronounce such a plot: "I go home, and the money goes after me!"
  14. In the apartment, spread small coins in the angle, speaking: "May finance will always arrive in my abode!"
  15. Planned by different parts of the money are symbols of a secured person. But just like that you dream of becoming, isn't it?
  16. You need to put money on the smooth of the mirror (you can do overnight). The bills will affect the glass surface, and their quantity will grow.
  17. When the salary comes, you can not hurry to spend it in the same day. Leave the money to "lie" at least 24 hours and only then take by spending.
  18. Still try to make a bigger bill in the wallet. But if you wish, you can make a whole assortment of a currency that will enjoy your eyes.

Organize in the wallet cash assortment

Money magic and the power of numbers

There is a famous saying "on income and consumption". True, it can be parched by another expression "according to expenses and income."

If we consider both statements from the position of mysticism, both are entitled to life. Finance attracts to themselves and form new finances, so the surcharge "Money for money" is very believable.

But the presence of round sums is still not a guarantee of a hazardous existence. Just as moderate income does not always testify to poverty. It is known the art of earnings money signs, but there is a whole science about how they competently dispose of.

For some reason, as a rule, people are difficult to combine both methods at the same time, which often also provokes problems in the financial sector. But the skill of successful combination of the first and second items can actually make a man banker of his life!

How, speaking about monetary magic, not affect numbers? After all, it is in them quantitatively expressed the financial value of money. Further, I will reveal you the characteristics of each of the numbers, and you will learn, in what amounts the money is best stored, and in which they will quickly leave you.

Characteristics of numbers in financial magic

Unit and zero

Magic makes zero with a unit and two equivalent and equivalent numbers. Because of this, the unity in welfare does not mean anything - it represents the same as zero.


Figure 2 is a symbol of duality that signals poverty and savings. Associated with the energy of shortage, and in addition, he will tell about the sense of duty, to share and bring material sacrifices.

It is not recommended to debor the sums of two hundred, two thousand, twenty thousand and so on. You will be likely to never see them likely to ever probably. It is more correct to add a unit to them (give twenty-one, two hundred and in such a spirit).

You need to try that your salary does not intersect with the number 2, if possible, avoid the above numerical expressions. Let them add though ruble.

Two - not the number of savings


Troika is distinguished by dynamism and openness. In all cases, he will tell about the big financial potential and finding an additional income source.

On the other hand, the number 3 relates more to the movement of the cash flow, that is, to the cost of expenses, and not savings. It is because of this, the following amounts are unfair: three hundred, three thousand, thirty thousand and so on.


The personification of the stability of material status, the average level of wealth, wages, pensions, savings for "black day". The fourthkend carries the energy of predictability in the money, reliability, and therefore, can act as a guarantee of a good future. Which, however, earned with your own effort.

Therefore, it is very recommended to perform savings with a number of four (four hundred, four thousand, forty thousand and in the same spirit). You can really be able to collect something decent and will not part with the money of the previously established period.

The salary associated with Number 4 is paid in a timely manner, however, its increase will be foreseen very soon.

Do you dream to achieve full money well-being? Then it's just perfect if finances come to you from 4 sources.


In the event that the number 3 is suitable to be accepted for new financial ventures, 4 - to preserve the currency, then 5 will indicate that it is time to put your blood earned on what you need. The five in the same time motivates to spend, buy, but promises that in the future the capital will increase.

For example, the fact that production in the Russian Federation has developed five-year plans, which is not a fiction, but acts as an economically typical world practice.

Therefore, it becomes clear that long to store the amount in five hundred, five thousand, fifty thousand and so on you will not be able. Do not delay such numeric values. But they will be entertained with great pleasure. And they are also allowed to risk, because sometimes in the result you can swam.

5000 will also spend fast


Figure 6 is responsible for common sense and in general for counting the money. Therefore, as soon as it occurs in the financial horizon, get ready to tighten the belt at most. As a rule, money in such amounts is spent on ordinary expenses, for example, to food, repair the necessary, loan payment and in the same trends.

Sixer is associated with the concepts of service, work in the morning to night, a stable monthly salary. Six people will work together and earn, but precisely at the expense of their work, and not by receiving the manna heavenly.


Pay special attention to the given number. A part of mystics gives it a bad characteristic and even refers to the category of hazardous numbers. The seven is a figure of good luck and help over. But, alas, the material sphere of life prefers the trend of stability, and not just the gifts of Fortune.

And with Number 7 it is impossible to build a stable and reliable financial life. What is there to talk about the energy of wealth?

Based on this, the storage of money in sums is extremely not advised: seven hundred, seven thousand, seventy thousand and so on. They will disappear very quickly and will not be able to make you happy. The only exception to the rules are crazy money, which rail to the casino. But do not forget that "777" will bring a profit only to owners of a similar institution, and not players.


The number 8 is constantly in a state of movement: finance, property, economic situation ... It symbolizes cash receipts from several sources, which may differ even in their idea.

The eight is not in vain called the number of luxury, but also moderate expenses, and even - permanent financial changes.

In the case when the material side of your life is controlled by this number, the situation will develop in two ways:

  1. You will turn into this Financial Guru.
  2. You will find, but also lose a lot.

Whatever it was, never forget that our life is just a collective game. Yes, it will use the rates and works according to a certain rules. It replaces the winner in it, although the situation can change dramatically extremely quickly. But the main meaning of life is still imprisoned in spiritual development, and not the desire to turn into a millionaire.


Speaking about 9, I would like to note that it is not very connected with money. And even more so - will indicate their lack, loss of interest in material. It is distinguished by the energy of the result, achievements, situations in which we are not talking about wealth. Gives people wisdom, learning not to think only about wealth.

Her main goal is to push a person to come to a new stage of its development. And if a balloon shows, he will receive the same response from the universe until he changes his own thinking.

It is unlikely that you can collect the amount of nine hundred, nine or ninety thousand. If they operate in a business life, the initiative is lost and the desire to earn. Take it into the calculation if you worry about your material well-being.

In conclusion

Finally, I want to add a few words:

  • Remember that money loves those who love them, and this is true!
  • Show attentiveness and care in financial matters.
  • Monetary egregor works in its laws and does not tolerate a dismissive attitude towards himself.
  • Therefore, if you want to get rich, follow the recommendations listed above.

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