Make a desire: effective ways how to make it right


Each person has some desires and dreams. Surely everyone would have dreamed of having a magic wand, to be able to, when needed, cause Gina or a gold fish. It turns out that you can do without all this, if you know how to make a desire correctly. I suggest you clarify the question in the following material.

How to carry out the desired?

How to make a desire

On New Year's Eve, in the magical days of the shield, on a birthday and just daily, when we dream, invent many big and little desires. And really want all of them to become reality, even the most unrealistic at first glance.

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In fact, there is nothing impossible in the world. The main thing, to want to be very much and be able to formulate your desirable. Let's learn to do so that all our "want" became a reality.

Rules for the preparation of the desired

  • When "Wishlist" is formulated, you cannot use the "not" part. Because it is lost and it turns out exactly what we do not want.

Example . Replace the expression: "I don't want to hurt" on "I want to be healthy (healthy)."

  • It is extremely important to consider the implementation of your idea in practice to the smallest details. In fact, it is 80 percent of the success of execution.

Example . You dream of round-the-world travel across the ocean. But the wording "I want to get into the round-the-world cruise" is incorrect. After all, according to the result, you can be on the ship, but as a service personnel, for example, a cleaner.

So, express the desired otherwise: "I want to go in a world journey to rest ...". Be sure to complement the phrase with other details, because the more there will be, the better.

  • If you are already deciding to make a desire, you will need solid and unconditional faith into result. In general, it is the faith that is the main driving force in any magical actions. Without her nothing will work. Therefore, thinking of a desire, eliminate even the shadow of doubts about his capabilities.

It is more correct - to make the desired and let go of the situation, allowing it from a subtle plan to move into the physical world.

  • All desires are formulated exclusively in the present time, and not in the past or future.
  • If your desire concerns the topic of money, you must specify what you need them. Money is just an interim target, as this is a kind of energy form, they cannot be the end result. Think over what needs you want to spend the received finances.
  • It is advisable to record your desire on a sheet of paper.
  • Take a visualization. Try in maximum paints to represent how your desire is fulfilled and you can enjoy it in practice.

It is important to learn how to feel emotions, as if everything was already really happening. For example, imagine the interior of your new apartment, the design of the car, or as you walk along the coast of the ocean, breathing with clean air. It will very much accelerate the process of incarnation of the desired in life.

Learn to visualize correctly

  • Read the leaf with your desire as often as possible mentally either out loud. Additionally, you can use affirmation proposals. For them, only present is suitable for them.

Example: "I possess the same thing that", "I can something and that" and so on.

  • Do not specify the Universe, exactly how to realize your desire. Believe me, it is much clearer, as it will be better specifically in your situation.

Example. Replace the phrase "The husband gives me a new car" on "I get a new car as a gift."

  • Of course, it is important to observe rationality even in your dreams. Ask what you really can get in your life and in the very near future. Otherwise, the performance of some "Dream" will have to wait for years, or even decades.

How to make wishes to different zodiac signs

To enhance the efficiency of the process to get the result even easier and faster, you need to take into account the element to which your zodiac constellation belongs.

  • Fire element (represented by the constellations of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius). Your main assistant is the power of fire. Therefore, when you make something, be sure to light the candle and simulate in its flame.

Do you dream to eliminate anything from your life? Write it on a piece of paper and burn. The ashes can be thrown into the window or washed into the sewer.

On the contrary, do you want to attract something? Then write the desired on paper and read more often with the candlelight. After the realization of the conceived, it is possible to burn a leaf and be sure to express your sincere thanks to the highest forces for their help.

  • Water element (It includes the constellation of cancer, scorpion and fish). Your main assistant is water. Therefore, astrologists are advised to think what you are dreaming, being near the reservoirs, looking at the place of this water.

Write down the desire on the paper sheet, then make a boat out of it and let the flow.

  • Earth element (It includes the signs of the Taurus, Virgin and Capricorn). Your best helpers are finance and food. Guess the desire to the coin and wear it with yourself until everything is embodied in life. During this period, it is unacceptable to think about someone's money. You can also chew something in the process of riddling.
  • Aerial Element ( represented by the constellations of twins, scales and aquarius). A fun company and clouds will help you. Therefore, it is better to conceive the desired surrounded by close people. You can, of course, do it alone, especially if the desired is purely personal character.

And it is also recommended to conceive what you dream to get, on the lap of nature, enjoying the view of the sky and clouds.

Clouds will help you!

How to make a desire: continuation

What is still worth paying attention to the process of thinking of desires?

The following rules are unusually important, since the final result largely depends on them.

  • It is impossible to desire bad to other people. It is important that only a positive meaning in your dreams. So that they do not harm anyone from others. Remember that absolutely everything we send to the universe is necessarily returning.

Example . If you want to take a higher position, do not think about fired the person who is on it now. Formulate the desired abstract, and who knows, perhaps you will be offered to work in a new organization with the best prospects?

Watch out for the realism of your desired. When you, for example, have an increase in 160 centimeters, then naively rely on the career of a professional basketball player.

  • Discard the transition to personality. It is important that the molded concerned exclusively of your person. We have no right to influence someone else's fate (the exception is only the closest people and then only with their knowledge).

Example. Replace the phrase: "I want to fall in love with me (for example, your colleague) on" I meet my soul mate. "

Or "I want Alexander Viktorovich to raise me in positions" on "I ranked a new position."

Do not bind to specific features, because you do not know where the dream come to your life faster!

  • Remove the entourage. The process of creating desires is very creative. Pay attention not only to its internal state, but also appearance. Not the best idea - writing your perfect life, sitting in a fearful bathrobe or drank slippers.

Also be sure to buy for this new, beautiful notebook and a well-writer handle.

Fight a beautiful notebook

  • Think over the consequences. Think about how your life change when the desire becomes reality? Do you really want this? Learn to think over the development of the situation much forward.
  • Doubt! The biggest mistake in the process of creating desires is doubts. Drink them away by a big broom, believe in what you get, what do you ask for! And even better - imagine that they already got it.
  • Chat less. It is impossible to tell anyone about the desired until it is accomplished! People often even unconsciously smooth out, all spoiling. Well, or at least they will laugh at you, if something goes not according to plan.
  • Positive mood. It is necessary to make something necessary, exclusively in the good location of the Spirit. Do not do this if you are in the depressed emotionally state, they are very tired or feel bad.

The fact is that the desired need energy for incarnation in life. And the smaller you have it, the longer you have to wait for the results.

  • Learn to let go. Invented, what to make, wrote on a piece, read? Now forget about him! Otherwise, if you constantly mentally return to your desire, it will be near you, and you need to send it to the universe.

How is the fulfillment of wants?

The desired may come to life with the help of different ways, for example, you meet the right person, it will be subject to objects or an inscription, which will push to the right thoughts.

Sometimes interesting and amazing events occur, which are usually called miracles.

And perhaps you will just be squeezed, and you "catch" a grand idea that can lead to great success. The most important thing in this case is not to miss it, in time to grab and get active.

As a rule, people at the level of intuition feel whether they are moving in the right direction or not. With the help of internal sensations, the soul is trying to prompt which of the clays to pay their attention, and for what even you do not need and take.

What prevents from getting what I want?

Sometimes it happens that a person correctly formulated his dream, wrote her, visualized, but for some reason nothing happens ... What is the hindrance to the realization of desires?

  1. Insufficient faith in their own strength.
  2. There is no readiness to solve new tasks that would help embody the conceived in life.
  3. Unwillingness to eliminate outdated and no longer necessary stereotypes.
  4. Laziness and reluctance to take any active actions to change their position.
  5. Misunderstanding of your self-recognition.
  6. Fear before change, which will attract the implementation of the desired.
  7. Neon understanding of your true internal resources.
  8. Belief in your own inflatingness.
  9. The fear of mastering a new model of behavior.
  10. Fear to start living in a new way.
  11. The desire to stick to the outdated, ineffective image of his personality.
  12. Unwillingness to take responsibility for their life entirely and completely on itself.
  13. Inability to recognize the fact that no one else can affect our life as we ourselves.

Frame from the film

When another system will not work

  1. The types of desires are not fulfilled in the category "Miracles" (resurrect someone from the dead, add a few centimeters of growth, to change the floor on the biological level, learn to fly, live 1000 years and the like).
  2. Conscious desires to cause damage to moral or physical health to other people can be realized, but only in the future you will suffer from our actions.
  3. Also, those of the desires in which you set a goal are not embodied in your life - to get a certain amount of money, but do not refer to what they need them. If you want to fix your financial situation, install, what do you need cash in general or a specific amount? What are the need do you use it?
  4. The last category of impossible Wishlists - those who come into conflict with your karmic debts that your life mission you are working. In general, there is no man himself, but only the highest strength, can it be possible to have something else.

In conclusion

You can sum up the results of this article:

  • always build the wording only in the present time;
  • Do not wish the evil to others;
  • Release your desire to the universe;
  • Write in detail;
  • Be prepared to do something to change the situation;
  • And infinitely believe in the result!

And be careful with your desires, because they have a property sometimes speeches!

If you have your own developments, I propose to tell about them in the comments under the article.

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