Year of the Snake: What was born in the sign of the characteristic


People born in the Year of the Snake - what are they? This multi-faceted personality, unpredictable and incredibly attractive. I always turn to the eastern horoscope to understand how best to communicate with a person of a certain sign, and it helps to build a relationship with them correctly. Sharing knowledge with you in this article.

What years is the birth:

Year of the Snake which was born

General characteristic of the sign

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This is perhaps the luckiest sign of the entire eastern horoscope. Snakes luck in any business, for which they are taken. They feel understood and appreciated, so get more opportunities.

Mysterious and extraordinary personalities, snakes are often the subject of discussion. People try to imitate them, but that almost no one fails. Their fear, envy them, admire them. But love is rare, because the snakes and do not feel much sympathy for people.

They are skilled manipulators. People perceive as a source of resources and use at their discretion.

Throughout life many times can "change the skin", trying different images, partners, place of residence. Possess mystical powers, which often are afraid, they do not understand and try to suppress in themselves.

Wise, beautiful Snakes also possess high intelligence, so often turn to them for advice and help. Able to store another's secrets but the secrets of other people can use to blackmail or other personal benefits.

Characteristics of the rudiments of the mark

Depending on whether, under the protection of a disaster hit Snake at birth, its traits can vary.

Year of the Snake which was born in the sign of the characteristic


  • This is a very private people who do not like to someone close and are afraid to let others into your heart. Therefore, often alone and prefer to work too is collective, for example, choose a remote operation.
  • They are very independent, "canny". They are hard to spot, so quiet they behave. They do not like to stand out, always preferring to keep a low profile.
  • In this case, the metal Snakes well oriented in any circumstances. They are able to quickly find a solution to a complex problem, because they prefer not to complain, but to act.
  • The universe constantly sends them favorable opportunities for development and growth. And the snakes on full use these chances, take care of the case with the presence inherent only to them.
  • Caught to handle money, so over the years they can not just led the capital, but also to increase it. They appreciate comfort and love luxury, which is constantly surrounding.
  • They appreciate art and understand it, especially love music, these are regulars of concerts and organ halls.
  • They have little friends, but these are exclusively faithful and devotional people, for whom the snake will sacrifice many. She is generously sharing with close people and manifests the maximum of her generosity.


  • This is a X-ray man. She is perfectly disassembled in people, it is impossible to hide anything. The ability to see others through helping the snake is skillfully manipulate them and use in achieving their own goals.
  • She has many interests, she is constantly developing and improving, does not like to stand still. This is a man of progress for which it is important to constantly become better, and degradation for him is like death. An eternal student, experiencing a craving for knowledge, learns all his conscious life.
  • She has excellent memory and intuition. These qualities of the snake can be implemented in entrepreneurship and financial affairs.
  • To loved people and to the family is usually very tied, although it may not show it. Her favorite friends and partner may not even be aware of all her feelings for them.
  • He has a mystical warehouse of the mind, has obvious abilities for foreseen and psychic, but often does not realize this. Or realizes, but scared and prefers not to use it.
  • It is very sensitive and inclined to give in to emotions, it is not always able to control their feelings, which greatly prevents her in life.
  • Unpredictable and mysterious, its actions are difficult to foresee and predict, so those surrounding often do not understand what can be expected from such a snake. Its actions often do not fit into any laws of logic and common sense.


  • Such a person has a very calm and balanced character. This is a harmonious, solid person, which is responsible for their lives. In failures will never be to blame circumstances, but will be a reason for yourself.
  • The most sociable and communicable all snakes. It has a good sense of humor. She has many friends and like-minded people with which she will acquire, engaged in their hobbies and hobbies.
  • It can easily organize fascinating leisure, constantly looking for new ways of entertainment. Disconnect does not like her.
  • Appreciates stability, so most often lives all his life in one place, without changing work, friends and partner.
  • Loves art, often collects antiques, paintings, antique items. And talented itself, but does not often implement their creative abilities.


  • This is a person with an incredibly complex character, which is difficult to understand even the most close people.
  • Vainzlavna and can show aggression to people who do not share her views and aspirations. But at the same time very energetic, is in constant motion. Born to fly, not crawling.
  • She has many ambitious plans for life, a sea of ​​self confidence and a high level of intelligence. She will not like to be in the shade, she is a clear leader and has the talent of the speaker.
  • I know how to convince, so she is well referred to negotiating. Easily copes even with the most stubborn opponents, artificially manipulating their weaknesses and needs.
  • Maybe sharp in statements, so often offends people. But nevertheless, she admire her, he is respected.


  • It is an honest, sincere, friendly and open person, who lives in full harmony with him.
  • Responsibly refers to work, but she lacks ambition and ambitions, so rarely gets to leadership positions. Career for her is not the main thing, it can calmly cancel the case for the sake of meeting with friends or a unhurried walk alone.
  • Do not like to risk, as stability prefers. Therefore, rarely becomes an entrepreneur. Prefers hard to work for small money and stability. At the same time, even on a small salary, it will be worried about to live well, because it can save, spend and multiply money.

Career and money

Professional success of the snake gets easier than other signs of the Eastern Horoscope. It is a universal worker who can be realized in almost any field of activity. Therefore, she does not have to look for himself for a long time. Having matured, she finds a warm place for himself and may remain on it forever.

Year of the Snake

Business or work on hiring, or freelance - roles does not play. The main thing is that what the snake does, she liked, then she takes off to the top of success and prove to himself, which is capable of much. It is helped to be implemented by such qualities as insight, well-developed intuition, diplomaticity and ability to finely manipulate people.

She knows its price and can clearly call it, so her work is always well paid. She will not go to a hard work, where they will pay a penny. And in principle in finance, she is always lucky. It is worth only to put a material goal, as opportunities are instantly attracted.

Check the video on the topic:

Life periods

The first half of the life of the snake passes in relative peace. Events unfold clearly and consistently, on the planned plan, goals are achieved by playing. But then something unpredictable can happen then, and in the adulthood, the snake will capture the whirlpool of events, not always positive.

To avoid a similar problem, you need to learn from the small years to take responsibility for life in your hands, try to control emotions and work on our spiritual development so that the inner state remains calm. Only then the old age of the snake will meet in serenity and well-being.


As with any other sign, the snake has both their advantages and disadvantages. Each trait of character is eventually going to an attractive image of a bright and interesting "snake" personality.

Positive qualities of the snake:

  • It is not afraid to work, hardworking and responsibly fulfills its duties. The only thing that she refuses is from risk-related activities.
  • A very wise personality, knows how to delve into the very essence of a person, events or situations and see the depth in them.
  • Demanding on myself and constantly improving, not adhering to overlooking anything.

Negative qualities of the snake:

  • Often goes to extremes, not wanting to see the golden middle.
  • If you contact it for help, it may include a "lifeguard" and strangle your care in such a quantity, which person is not required at all. In such cases, it becomes literally obsessed.
  • It is inclined to deceive, it is stubborn and overly emotional, easily and quickly explodes on trifles.

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