Rat Year: What born, sign characteristics


The Chinese believe that people born in the year of the rat, the most attractive of all others. In the characteristic of the sign it is indicated that they personify good luck and wealth. Read the article that will help to better understand such people.

What years is the birth:

Rat Year What Birthdays

General characteristic of the sign

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Rats are smart, able to strategically think, predicting the actions of others who surround a few steps forward, know how to convince and benefit almost in an empty place.

Year Rat Characteristics Sign

These are passionate and active nature, which throughout the life remains a high level of energy. Born to act, so often achieved goals, even if they are very bold.

Easily find a common language with people. Create to give care, love and tenderness, so they stretch to them, seek to be friends. Rats are striving for the family and usually create very strong and happy marriages.

The disadvantages include excessively nervousness, imperisibility, experiences on trifles, distrust of people and suspicion, as well as the desire to constantly control everything.

Really look at the world and do not wait for the gifts of fate, but despite this, the Universe constantly presents them pleasant surprises. It is the rats more often than others won the lottery, get gifts and sudden bonuses.

Characteristics of the element sign

Depending on how the element prevailed at the time of the birth of the rat, its character traits may differ.

Year of rat.


  • These are honest and ambitious people. I got used to everything with our own difficulty. Maybe long and persistently engage in monotonous work without the slightest signs of fatigue. Due to this, almost always achieve the goals.
  • They have a congenital sense of taste, they are able to create their own individual style in clothes, design of their home and other things. Intuitively create comfort, and the space of their house is always filled with love.
  • They know how to earn money, so wise money, so they rarely experience financial problems.
  • Very devoted to loved ones. If you conquer their trust, get a very devoted and faithful friend, a reliable partner who will always be near and will give a huge care.
  • The disadvantages include principle and categorical. Metal rats are not ready to give up and take someone else's opinion, they are difficult to convince, even when they are objective not right.
  • In marriage is usually happy, their relationship is strong and last long. Choosing a partner, understand that it is for life.
  • Often suppress your creative potential, because of what many possibilities can miss.


  • These are inborn diplomats and people with a huge gift of convictions, so they are easily negotiating.
  • They have an excellent intuition, they are able to predict the coming events, therefore are excellent strategists if they develop this ability.
  • Empaths, firmly feel the mood of other people, but at the same time they often adapt to other people's interests, forgetting about their own desires.
  • In the family is happy if the partner chooses correctly, relying not only for feelings, but also on the argument of reason.


  • These are artistic and creative people who can create real masterpieces and bring something new to the world of art.
  • Confident and have very clear logical thinking.
  • Do not like noisy parties and entertainment events, they are more like a quiet, calm, home holiday. They may not leave the house and feel comfortable.
  • They have perfectly developed imagination, sense of humor and intelligence. Journey love, but not long, because in a week they begin to miss the homely hearth.
  • They have a property to complicate that he often bothers them in life.
  • Advanced, think decisions, and not problems, do not mind managing the initiative and direct their inept energy into solving their tasks. It is very important for them to learn how to control their energy potential without spraying forces on everything.


  • These are decisive and very wise people who love trying all new. Very energetic.
  • Adorable adventures, they like to risk, because of what they often put their welfare.
  • Straight and initiative. It is rather their advantages, because thanks to such qualities, fire rats achieve success. But there are pitfalls - sometimes they prefer to let go of the situation and stop controlling it, which is why the result is unpredictable.
  • It is very important to learn to control their speech, and send energy only on the processes of creation and creativity.


  • These are the most practical and prudent rats. They are distinguished by high endurance, workable and appreciate discipline above all.
  • But they can install the framework that interfere with developing and improving.
  • Responsible and conscientious, because of which their efforts are always noticeable and rewarded to dignity.
  • Sometimes there are slow, afraid to take the initiative and make important decisions.
  • Do not want to give up, often do not trust people, because of what they suffer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rat - Nature contradiction. Her advantages and disadvantages can be different faces of the same quality. Her personality depends on how happy it is. For example, in the prosperity and well-being of the rat, honest, in poverty and need - becomes a cunning and dodgy, can brush.


  1. Eastern astrologers note the honesty of rats. But this concerns not all the signs of the sign, but only those people who live in harmony. Honest such a person will be on its territory, where it is he sets the rules.
  2. The rat is a good player who can calculate all the moves on many steps forward. It has been developed responsible for its own future, it rarely complains of circumstances, understanding that he creates the surrounding validity of only their own efforts.
  3. These people are able to look at the situation on the part of an impartial look and give valuable comments that will help to correct all flaws and disadvantages.


  1. Schitra rat and it happens that prefers to receive the desired non-hard work, but manipulation or tricks. Therefore, it can walk through the heads, seeking their goals than spoils the karma and brings harm to people around.
  2. It is among the people of this sign that you can most often find personalities parasitizing on loved ones. If there is an opportunity to live at the expense of other people, without applying your own efforts, they will be happy to do it.
  3. Laziness is the strongest "appearance" rat, which prevents them from living happily and safely.
  4. Very knowledge for material things, so often neglects spiritual development. It is more important for her, and not to be, to put dust into the eyes, bring, give out the desired for the actual.

Career and money

Rats are true careerists. They are clearly and confidently move on the service staircase upwards. It is very important for them to constantly grow and develop, work occupies a very important part of their lives.

They do not have sharp ups, everything happens gradually. "Slowly, but true" - the life of a rat, which loves to work and achieve his goals. As a rule, they conquer the authority of colleagues and the location of the authorities. But in business and entrepreneurship they are rare, not wanting to risk and lose familiar stability.

Rats are reasonably referring to money: they can save and multiply accumulation. They are brewing, clearly plan budget. But often in many ways refuse, preferring to save, and not earn more.

The state is usually narrowing to old age, slow and incidentally, using only the methods proven over the years.

Life periods

Childhood and nature of rats pass, as a rule, easy and careless. This period of your life they remember as one of the happiest. At this time, they are on the wave of good luck, they are considered to be the dashes of fate and incredible weass.

After the period of adults and rats "mature" will be held, very stormy, saturated with a variety of events, begins. They have to regret often from the consequences of rapid decisions. There may be an undivided love or relationship, for which they all put on the map - and lose.

The propensity of rats to self-sacrifice harms them very much. Their life path is a series of unsuccessful novels and special relationships.

In old age comes a calmer period. If the rat was born in winter, then the retirement will have accumulations, real estate, which will allow not to take care of livelihoods. Another will be less lucky - debts may remain, and will have to continue to cope with a variety of financial problems.

Check the video on the topic:


  • The main advantages of people born in the year of the rat: activity, dedication, trick, practicality and acute mind.
  • Disadvantages: a tendency to neurosis and greed.
  • Able to bring good luck not only in their own life, but also to all those who are near them.

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