Demon Crossroads: Supernatural, Ritual Call


Crossroads of roads from ancient times were considered a venue for the cluster of the dark power. Especially if they were near the places of abandoned burials or cemeteries. Mages and sorcerents say that there is a demon crossroad, which has supernatural abilities and can perform any desires.

Let's talk about this in detail: at what intersection lives, how to call, what can I ask about? I will not tell about your personal experience call, because it is forbidden. Just tell you how to make a call.

Demon Crossroads

Symbolism of intersection

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Most of the magical rites are carried out or completed at the intersections, they also leave otkup forces. Outows feared once again to stand at the crossroads of the roads, knowing what mighty force there lives.

Over time, the innermost knowledge has lost their importance, and modern people have no idea about the power of the intersection. But it does not protect them from trouble, which they can stick to their heads.

Sacred intersection value as follows:

  • In the center of the crossing converges the past and the future;
  • At the crossroads, you can free yourself from negative or attract happiness;
  • In the intersections dwells unclean power.

What can not be done at the crossroads:

  • spit;
  • yawn, not covering the mouth;
  • recalculate money;
  • leave their own things;
  • Eating ice cream or other food.

Passing through the intersection, you can lose health, happiness, good luck, vitality.

And the most important rule: at the intersections never turn back, even if it is clearly heard that someone calls. If you turn around, you will not see anyone: because the demons were called, and they are invisible.

What happens if a person turns to the crossing at the crossroads? He will bring home to demons, and does not seem little. The whole house will be a knuckle, if not worse. What if turned around at the crossroads? You need to go into any establishment of a style of a store or cafe to leave there demons. Immediately go home can not.

But all intersections have a powerful magical force. For example, the recently laid asphalt road does not have any force, as well as the troughted hiking crossroads. But if the three footpaths running hundreds of legs intersect, then this place can be considered strong.

If the crossroads over a hundred years, the powerful spirits live on it.

It is also necessary to take into account where the road crossroads lead. If they can come to the cemetery or church, then the intersection is inhabited by spirits and demons. If the road leads to the market, then at such an intersection you need to do rites for money and profit.

how to call a demon crossroad

Why unclean power in the intersections

Not every intersection is a focus of dark power: only old. Recently created crossings have not yet absorbed the negative, so unattractive for demons and demons.

However, if a tragic event occurred at the new intersection, unclean power immediately sett. This is explained by the fact that evil spirits feeds on negative emotions. Demons love the place where people died. And not just died, but experienced pain, fear and horror.

Check out the video with the challenge of the Demon Crossroads from Supernatural:

Challenge Demon Crossroads

There is a special ritual of black magic, with the help of which you can call a demon and ask him 3 questions. But before gaming at the crossroads of the roads to call an infernal entity, it is necessary to realize that it is deadly. If you are not afraid of mortal danger, then go to experience your destiny.

How to cause a demone crossroads? So that contact with the demon has passed without excesses, you need to prepare in advance and take into account the following:

  • You can set exactly 3 questions - no more and no less;
  • The daisms of demons do not bother;
  • During contact, it is impossible to stuff, slow, forget the words - it may not end well;
  • If other questions arose in the course of the conversation instead of the prepared, you can safely ask them - but not more than three.

Inexperienced magicians can have encouraging when calling an infernal entity: to forget what they wanted to ask. Therefore, all questions are recommended to learn by heart and try to defeat the fear at the sight of monsters.

But there is both the reverse side of the process: the more fear of the person, the better the demon is materialized. This is explained by the fact that demonic creatures consist of fear and horror, so emotions make up their "flesh".

You can and need to be afraid of a demon, but not to succumb to the panic and not act chaotically. If the magician does not control its state, it can die when contact with the Helloist. Conscious actions in the state of fear - this is exactly what is necessary when contacting inferno.

Demon intersection supernatural


Call spend on the cemetery at night. It is necessary to count 13 graves from the entrance gate, and the next hiking intersection is the desired call location. The crossroads are looking in advance, say something special. It is necessary in order not to divert in the ghostly light of the moon at night.

The ritual is carried out in full moon. But before this is necessary post for 9 days. It is forbidden to have fun, use potent substances, compose. It is necessary to minimize communication with people and more indulge in reflections than conversations.

During the post is prohibited:

  • There are meat products;
  • there are dairy products;
  • There are sweets;
  • use spices and taste amplifiers;
  • drink alcoholic beverages and stimulants;
  • smoking cigarettes and hookah;
  • Have intimate contacts.

During the post, it is necessary to outset the stake from the aspen. But no one should see what you do and what is the count. It is impossible to tell anyone that you are going to meet with an infernal essence, everything is stored in strict mystery. Also, it is impossible to tell what happened during the ritual is also a forbidden topic. If you break the vow of silence, the daemon will deal with you the most fierce way.

You need to come to the call exactly at midnight, but it is better to come to the cemetery in advance. This is necessary in order to be able to cope with the growing fear before the challenge of the demon. Exactly at midnight, head to the marked place, draw a spacious circle aspen collected. The circle should be done wide, so that the demon cannot reach you with your hand.

What appearance will be the demon? This will mostly depend on your thoughts. If you try to give it a certain appearance, for example, human, then he will appear. If the appearance does not provide in advance, anything can appear, and even an incredible form.

Stand in the center of the circle and start calling the demon, repeating the following Latin words many times:

Demon Crossroads: Supernatural, Ritual Call 456_4

It sounds like this: Eufas Metakhim, Frigihavi At Apallawi.

When the figure is somehow materialized and give yourself to know, ask questions. After receiving the answers, immediately say goodbye to the essence. You need to order to leave the earth and go to hell.

When the demon will leave, you will feel it. Before his departure, the daemon may try to scare you strongly, making disgusting sounds. Try not to respond to it, because the energy of fear feeds the demon - why do you need it?

Leave from the cemetery quickly and without looking back. It is impossible to look around in any way, it can cost life. Wash your face and hands at home, soak the clothes in which we went to the cemetery, and go to bed. You can not talk to anyone.

Try to forget about your campaign on the cemetery and about a meeting with the demon, it is impossible to tell about it. If you are started to pursue nightmares, you will have to ask for help from Christian Egregar.

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