Magic words: how to change its reality with it


Speech is a very powerful tool that we use daily. Not everyone knows, but words are able to strongly affect our life, changing it in one or another side. Want to learn how to use this art? I suggest you learn more about what the magic of words is and how we independently create a reality, filled with pain and suffering, instead of the world of happiness and good.

How words affect our life

Two ways of thinking radically changing your life

You can talk about two main types of thinking, using which, or enjoy your life, using all its benefits, or constantly in a state of sorrow and are forced to suffer.
  1. First thinking (most popular today). Referred to as the "world of pain and suffering." According to him, a person does not realize his divine nature, trying to blame those who surround people in his problems and failures. Thanks to its actions, he renounces responsibility to the surrounding reality.

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As you know, all thoughts are material, so thinking about the bad, we automatically attract it bad in your life. Constantly staying in reality in which other people always undermine us, we all wish evil, brazenly deceive and use, we are in the world of pain and suffering.

  1. Second thinking called the "world of love and justice". Here, a person is already at the conscious level, aware of all the divine laws of the world and adheres to them. In such a reality, people are aware of themselves as a divine manifestation, which means entirely and fully responsible for everything that happens to them.

This is such a reality in which all people rejoice, enjoy their lives and create such a world as they wish to see him.

How to be in the "World of Love and Justice"? This will require an increase in their awareness, as well as very large selectivity in words and expressions.

If you dream about improving the quality of your life, be sure to eliminate the following phrases varieties from your daily use:


Have you been very surprised, admired and expressed their emotions with this word form? At that time, it was automatically blocked for themselves the possibility of implementing a similar in their lives.

Alternatively, use magic words: cool, cool, cool, that's yes. They do not carry ambiguous meaning.

How is it possible?

Varcerates such a phrase, expressing its strong outrage to the surrounding reality, you immediately find yourself in the same situation. So that you can check the meaning of your phrase almost.

It is unrealistic beautiful

These words you install the framework for your world, in which no circumstances may occur.

don't speak wrong words


The most popular word today. Many people consciously either unconsciously with the help of it are trying to manipulate others. You may have repeatedly come across the phrase "to be due everything around."

For the most purpose, the word "must" does not carry any good value. The very state of "debt" is similar to this word with negative energy. It is important for you to realize that you do not need anything by default. And all your actions should come not from a sense of debt, but from sincere motives to do it.

Reasonable alternative: instead of expression "I have to go and buy products" Use the installation "I want to go and buy products."

No choice

"I have no choice, I must first cope with the tasks before going to walk."

In fact, you can hardly argue with a similar proposal. In fact, we always have the right to choose. Just common sense tells us that going to walk is unreasonable and will not give the desired result than if we first fulfill all the necessary work.

No one behind us behind your back with a stick and does not make it makes reports or do other necessary actions. But we independently conduct an analysis of the situation, we make a forecast of the consequences, we compare the probable options for the development of the future and, already pushing out of this, we act in any other way.

Accordingly, in a similar position, it would be better to say: "A more reasonable decision is to cope with the work, but only then go for a walk."

I can not

Remember how many times you have pronounced this phrase. But she did not always correspond to the truth. "I can't go any more step, I can not more communicate with this person, I can not write a single row ..." How often do we use in our daily life this is a negative word that is very poorly affected by us.

It is true that there is no word "I can not", but there is a word "I don't want." Therefore, engage in our development, self-improvement and will be able to do everything, in the unreality of what you insistently convinced themselves.

A reasonable alternative: to replace the phrase "I can't draw" the phrase "I am poorly drawn, but I study and be sure to improve my skills."


"I never become a famous fashion model! I have too low growth / big hips, small breasts and so on. " Once and for all, exclude the expressions of such a format from your consultation. Remember that in our world it is possible absolutely everything, most importantly, believing in it!

As an example, you can bring the famous climb on Everest on May 21, 2013, which made a climbing from India Aruna Sinha. Everything would be nothing, but only the situation was that the girl had no one leg (she tragically lost her, falling under the train). But this did not prevent the purposeful Huzzle to conquer the largest peak of the world.

Remember that in the life of each of us can occur "impossible" in all the laws of the physics of the event, if we have enough moral forces and faith in our success.

So I will replace the phrase on: "It is likely that I will be able to conquer the model world if I do enough energy for this?"

Motivational expression


Smart British have long come up with the saying "Never Say Never", that is, "never say never." And were very right on this. "I will never learn to dance" - a common complaint of many people.

Even if your grace is very similar to bearish, and every smooth movement is given with great difficulty - this is not a reason to despair at all. You have such a day today. But, starting to act, improve ourselves, develop, regularly practicing, you will suck the right skills to perfection. All time and patience is needed.

So, replace the phrase "Never" on "While I am not a very good dancer, but I will definitely learn to dance beautifully!"


It is difficult to find a person who at least once in life even in a comic form did not threaten someone to kill. "Once again you will slam the door so much, and I will kill you!", Or "Once again, your dog will nagged under my window, and I will kill you!" And further in the same spirit.

Being in a state of emotional arousal, many people do not control their own speech. We say words, but at the same time do not even think what true meaning they carry in themselves. In fact, they are another way of manifesting their aggression, resentment or disappointment.

You need to try to control your emotions and speech. And every time I want to say: "I will kill you, you're late to our meeting," make yourself say: "You see, I upset because I have to wait for you for so long. Why do you admit regular late findings? "

Believe me, spoken by a calm tone, with confidence these words will have a much stronger impact on your protege.

Finally, I want to wish you to live happily, always to stay in a state of awareness and create such a world, what you want yourself! And also - not to believe that in our life there is something impossible!

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