26 Moon day: Characteristics Twenty-sixth lunar days


26 lunar day shows passive energy, refers to the elements of the Earth. From his happy gems called: aurapigiments, yellow jade, greedyites and chrysoprases. Successful shades of twenty-sixth lunar days protrude: blue, sea wave and laasers. Several day characters are known: Frog, swamp, outer and quagm. Angel of the Day - Fargas.

Symbol of this day - Toad

General characteristics of 26 lunar days

From the position of mystics, the toad personifies the source of wisdom, just like the snake. However, do not hope that the 26 moon day will be easy and will bring you quick benefit, because this will not happen.

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In case you lose control of the situation, you can be trapped in your pride. It is impossible to take an example from Narcissus, to admire themselves and work performed: it is very easy to seduce and intercept yourself.

The main task of this day is as follows: Take yourself in hand and not enter on provocations. To facilitate its position, astrologers recommend that the maximum of their moral and physical forces are revealed.

It facilitates the situation of a calm perception of what is happening, even somewhat indifferent. Do not forget about the slicke of humor, which is always vital, is a weapon from any jokes and troubles.

You can configure unexpected incidents: today promises to be rich on them. And even if you are a calm person by nature, risk to give in to emotions and get out of myself. The fact is that today the emotional state is strongly influenced by different energy flows, it is possible that it will be problematic to cope with them.

This is the greatest mission of the current day - to control your emotional sphere. Once when I go on your own experiences, risks subsequently be tightened in the tunnel of the negative. No wonder after all, one of the symbols of the day - swamp, you will start to drown in the quagmire of your negative sides, and get out of it will be very difficult.

Love, relationship, marriage

The number is not too suitable in order to go under the crown: according to the result, a cruel deception is not excluded. Astrologers are not recommended to prescribe for today even 2 days of the celebration of the wedding, since otherwise scandals, conflicts, fights and other manifestations of negative aspects of human nature are possible.


Do exercise regularly? 26 Lunar day Characteristic of the day talks about the need to rest now or at least significantly reduce the load. The field of health in this period is in the risk area, even a minor event can exacerbate chronic pathologies, plus the various injuries are not excluded.

But what about himself is exactly not necessary to refuse, so it is in massage sessions and various cosmetology procedures. They promise to bring a wonderful result.

Treat yourself to a massage session

Business, work money

For the business sphere of life, 26 lunar days are filled with danger. Watch now with any financial manipulations, do not contract, transactions and do not perform other trading operations. Astrologers warn of failure in any business concerning business sphere. Even if at first glance, the illusion will be created that everything develops favorably.

The number of conflicts increases at work, and even very serious. If there is an opportunity today, do not come to the office, work at home, be sure to use it. If not, at least try to perform not too serious and responsible tasks.

In 26 lunar days, ambitiousness awakens, it is possible that it wants to argue, to prove its position to others. Show prudence, give up the arrogance, otherwise they threaten big losses.

Haircut, painting, manicure

In the guidance of beauty you need to be careful. Experts of astrology advise to refrain from visiting the beauty studio. Unless, of course, do not want to suffer physically or survive a depressive state. And besides, the decreasing phase of the moon contributes to the slowdown in the growth of hairs.

Changing the color of the curls is allowed, however, only subject to the application of the natural coloring base and the choice of shades approximated to the natural color. Thanks to which a personal chance will grow and communicative skills will improve.

For manicure and pedicure, the number is neutral.


In the images of the night Gree 26 of the Moon Night, the reverse side of the person of man is hidden - that sphere of the unconscious, which concerns negative habits and addictions.

Dreams in 26 lunar day

On the night gender it becomes clear to whom the individual will turn into, if it does not understand to cope with its own shortcomings.

Ritual for 26 lunar days

Now it is recommended to deal with the analysis of your personal achievements. Take a couple of minutes today in order to honestly look at your life from the outside, perform analysis of your success and failures.

In this case, be careful when getting too much praise on the current number. It is possible that it is just someone's artful provocation. Much more effective personally do "analysis of their flight." So you will be able to say goodbye to the illusion and realize how to achieve real (not invented as a) success in the future.

For gardener and gardener

Twenty-six day cycle of the moon is completely imbued with passive energy. During this time period, the life force in plants fall from the top to the roots. To crop comes time to rest. Than we can deal with gardeners and gardeners?

  • go buy special tools and other items to facilitate works;
  • spend working, the upper part engages crop cutting, grafting and the like;
  • successfully pass a battle with garden pests, as well as pathologies, destroy culture;
  • More would be nice to start to clean up the leaves. At the same time it is important that they are preserved in your area: place them around the trees so that they assume the role of a natural base for its further development;
  • illustrated work on the prevention of excessive drying of the soil.


Even if today was calm, without emotional outbursts and arguments, it is possible that in the evening you will experience some trouble in my soul. It signals something important.

It is necessary to analyze the actions of past lunar days to determine the cause of this. Perhaps someone has been unjustly offended you, perhaps you brought someone to negative emotions, or simply were too critical of himself.

Learn from the mistakes committed and do not repeat them in the future. Not take any life situation as a lesson, trying to learn from them as "excellent". After all, very soon, Ms. Fortuna will put a fair mark in your "diary".

Trends in the twenty-sixth day of the lunar prohibit revelry, parties, as well as places with large concentrations of people. What to do - the whole day sitting behind the seven locks? Not at all, extremes never bring anything good. Just remember the rule of the golden mean, and listen to the voice of your heart.

Ask for help from the elements of day data - the earth, And can do it literally. To this end, go to the nature, walk across the carpet underfoot green travitsy dial little land pouch. Excellent tree will be planted, and later to provide him his care (remember be sure to place the landing).

walk barefoot on the ground

There is no need to dive into the swamp in search of a magic jabka, because the symbols of the day and will find you, if necessary. Even on the contrary - avoid communications now with them, and not only in the literal sense of the word, but also in metaphorical. Try to bypass the tenth road any swamps and quags.

From the universe of 26 lunar days, you can expect peculiar tests for strength. It is important to exercise maximum sincerity, to refuse evil intentions, and be solely "on the light side." If you are still far from ideal, then at least start spiritually self-improvement.

The recheccation of any information obtained today is extremely important. But even if find out what you were deceived, do not arrange disassembly, it is better to release the situation. Remember that any malicious action will certainly return to its sender, which, however, the same thing happens with good deeds. This is a wonderful reason to add pluses in Karma, engaged in the performance of good deeds for those around people - both their relatives and loved ones and strangers.

And finally, I advise you the following video:

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