27 Lunar Day: Characteristics Twenty Seventh Moon Days


Today it is worth aware of education, learning, spiritual practitioners and self-knowledge. Energy of the day is impregnated by divine knowledge, access to which every person is capable of getting.

twenty-seventh lunar day

Characteristics and features of 27 lunar days:

  1. Mind and intuition will finally be able to negotiate, and these days they work for the benefit of complete unity. That is why on the 27th day, people take the only right solutions, and mistakes are unlikely.
  2. This is a great period for establishing related links, communicating with people experienced, wise who is much older than you and can give valuable advice, look at the situation disturbing you somewhat differently.
  3. This is not theory day, but practices. Any information that comes to you today is not random. It should be not just heard, but also apply. Then she will bring maximum benefit.
  4. If you have any problems in life, today you need to try to look at them with a new one, fresh look, search the solution paths that you have not previously used. Look for a non-standard approach - it develops in you an entrepreneurial, creative veil, which is always useful in life.

Today you can understand better yourself, find your destination, vocation, overlay and discover new sources of spiritual knowledge, to significantly move along the path of self-knowledge and self-improvement.

Love, relationship, marriage

27 Lunar day is ideal for making a date. People very acutely feel the need for romance, so you can get a lot of positive emotions. You are able to learn more today about your second half, to get closer if you turn on the intuition and fuse the voice of the mind.

27 Lunar day

It is very important in these lunar days to afford to relax, do not provoke conflicts and simply accept your beloved person as it is, along with all the shortcomings, to feel unconditional love for him.

If you are in a quarrel, find the opportunity to make up, and the lover will go to meet, and you can make relationships happier and harmonious. But the wedding play astrologers do not recommend, because the feelings in such a marriage will be held very quickly.

It is worth visiting their parents, other relatives, chat with them and spend the evening in a warm atmosphere among members of a kind.


If today is getting sick, the ride will quickly pass without any negative consequences for the body. The energy potential is at a high level, so you are able to quickly defeat the ailment even without drugs and continue to fully live in beautiful well-being.

Unwanted any procedures related to bleeding, including operations, various sorts of surgical interventions in the human body. The shins will be a weak place, they need to be protected from the load.

It is impossible to take medicines and any other substances obtained by a chemical way. The same rule concerns alcohol, harmful food - they need to be excluded. If you get sick, use the means of traditional medicine and homeopathy.

Business, work, money

Today is the day when the most good results can be obtained by working in a team. It is a productive cooperation with people will affect your career and the income level is the strongest, so use this opportunity.

27 lunar day characteristic day

This is a favorable business day, especially a lot of good luck will send you the stars in the first half of the lunar day. Therefore, negotiations and transactions are better to transfer at this time. Closer to the end of the day, energy will go to the decline, and you will experience not the most pleasant emotions, so in the evening it is better to engage in routine and work with documents.

You can get additional profits from transactions, negotiations and contracts that have passed earlier.

Astrologers recommend returning debts in the 27th day.

Haircut, painting, manicure

Boldly sign up for the hairdresser: any manipulations with hair will bring good luck. You can make any haircut or change the image, painting the lap in a new color. The more non-standard solution you choose, the more positive changes will come in your life.

It is very important to sit in a chair to the master with a positive inner settling - try to feel the joyful anticipation from changing the image, feel like with each sliced ​​strand you become a happier person.

With nails, any manipulations are also allowed. Try everything that only comes to mind. It will not be superfluous to make a careful procedure to improve the condition of the skin of the hands.


In the 27 lunar days, the intuition in humans and the ability to predicate the coming events are exacerbated to the limit that it cannot but affect dreams. Your energy field seems like a source of knowledge from higher strength, so dreams can be things and bring with them very important information for you.

Dreams can be so shocking that they will make you remove pink glasses and look at the world without illusions. It will be clear what you have long refused to admit.

27 Moonday

It is possible that messages from the world of Morpheus will be encrypted, so you will also have to change the sleep correctly. It is better to rely on it not to predict dreams, but on your own inner voice, he will not deceive and tell us the right answer.

Ritual for 27 lunar days

Ritual of the day - unwind the ball of problems. This is the perfect day in order to deal with all things that are upset you, limit, absorb your energy and interfere with moving forward.

Imagine an image of a problem that torments you lately, which you can not solve for a long time, and hurt it. Mentally take the image in your hands and visualize how it turns into a ball. Try it to clearly see and feel: what is it color, size, from which yarn, what to the touch.

Mentally begin to unravel the tangle, releasing the end of the thread into a black funnel, which absorbs this thread and takes it with you. When you finish, feel that, together with the thread in a black hole, the reason for the problem is: the event, an act or the circumstance from which it all began.

The ritual can be repeated several times until you work all the problems that exciting you.

For gardener and gardener

Your intuition today works as never better. Therefore, you should not read the lunar calendars and choose something to do in the garden today or garden. Just listen to yourself, and the answer will come from the depths of the subconscious.

You can approach the beds and mentally asking each plant, what it needs what he wants. Imagine how you send your love that fills each cell by force and potential for growth.

Listen to the responses of intuition and proceed to that work, the response to which will come.

Check the video on the topic:


Esoterics and magicians consider the 27th lunar day during the day of receiving sacred knowledge, because access to their source opens not only enlightened, but also ordinary people. Therefore, every person may feel that he has escalated intuition, there were some kind of premonitions. Dreams often have things and come true during this period.


  • Astrologers recommend to in contact with water as much as possible to charge the energy of this element, get new forces and restore the energy potential. The ideal option is to swim in a waterfall or with your head to immerse yourself in the mountain lake. If there are no such features, at least take a bath with salt and aromatic oils.
  • Also, this is the perfect day to go on a journey, to defeat your old fear (for example, jump with a parachute, if you are afraid of height) or decide on some adventurous event, participation in which will make you get out of the comfort zone.
  • Fate will be favorable to those who do in these lunar days by charity and creates good deeds. Any help to people will return to you repeatedly increased by blessing, because on this day the BoMrang law works as ever better.

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