24 Lunar Day: Characteristics Twenty-Fourth Moon Days


It is almost the best time all month for cardinal change. New life starts better not from Monday, namely in the 24th day.

twenty fourth lunar day

Characteristics of the day and recommendations:

  1. You can overcome all sorts of fears. Especially if not so long ago you decided to take a step towards some global change. It is very important to go to these fears, and not to turn the path from the intended path. This is a kind of durability testing: to withstand - achieve tremendous success.
  2. This day personifies death, but not in its negative sense. This is a symbol of destruction and termination of the whole old, taking, unnecessary, destruction of the goods of the past, which prevented you move forward and develop. Cleaning and getting rid of all this rubbish, you discharge the space for a new, successful and happy life.
  3. The moon in this day gives people an incredibly huge amount of energy. And one who will be able to feel and use this stream will be on the crest of the wave. Unfortunately, not all people are able to cope with this task. They may feel inside the raging desire to do something and make rapid acts, which in the future are very sorry.
  4. It is a day of people of strong energy, those who have already worked on themselves, advanced along the path of self-knowledge and self-improvement. And those who are weaker in spirit can "cover". They are better to refrain from any active actions.

If you usually have a passive person, then dedicate the 24th day to sleep, relaxing, very relaxing rest. You can do yoga or stretching, stroll through the woods, touching the trees and feeling their energy. Believers should spend a day in prayers and appeal to God.

Love, relationship, marriage

24 Lunar day is one of the most powerful energy in the entire lunar month. First of all, the sexual attractiveness of people enhances, it can be even physically.

24 lunar day

Any date in these lunar days goes well and gives both partners with tremendous pleasure, regardless of where and how they spent time.

What can be done in the 24th day:

  • Discuss with partner plans for the future, common goals. Note a list of cases to achieve these goals.
  • Conduct time in a family circle, among the closest and most native people. It is important to experience only positive emotions, emit love and gratitude.
  • It has sex for both pleasure and conception of a child, because the probability of pregnancy increases several times.
  • It can be hard to worry about the 24th day of men who have long been lonely and do not have sexual contacts with women. The weaker their psyche, the higher the chances to turn into a potential rapist. In order not to rush on others and easier to survive the growth of energy, you need to transform sexual energy into creativity, work, achieving goals, severe physical work.

Astrologer Council: take care of the health of the physical body, as well as spiritual development.


In these lunar days, no disease is able to harm you seriously. Even if you feel some kind of malaise, just try not to think about it, and the ail will quickly pass. The body is located on its energy peak, so he himself easily copes with negative external influences.

The only organs that may be vulnerable is the liver, leather and intestines. Therefore, it is important to adhere to a reasonable diet so as not to load them. Refuse fat food, alcohol, try to eat right - suddenly it will go into a useful habit.

Astrologers recommend to visit the bath or sauna in these lunar days, go to the massage or to the spa. It will benefit and well-being and mood. It is also an ideal day for any kind of stretch marks - from yoga to banal stretching.

Sex on this lunar day will deliver a special pleasure to both partners, and men will also be very useful for health.

Business, work, money

Today you can safely take for some new tasks, because the 24th lunar day is the perfect period for undertakings. All that you would have conceived, will bring success, fame and wealth. Only at the same time it is important not just to set goals, but also actively act, reaching them. The result will then quickly and exceed all your expectations.

24 lunar day characteristic day

All related to money today brings you success and good luck. The energy of the day is very strong, and therefore you can easily find new ideas for business, successfully completing the transactions and earn, making money literally from the air.

This is a favorable period for any creative classes. All you create today will sell well and can bring you public recognition.

This is a great day for everything that is associated with construction, repair, restoration, so business owners with such areas of activity will be on the crest of the wave.

If you are on vacation or do not work, arrange your work therapy somewhere in the earth - sleep the garden, for example, or make general cleaning.

Haircut, painting, manicure

This is a favorable day for a haircut. Together with the hair you get rid of the accumulated negative energy. After visiting the hairdresser, you will feel more easily and freely than before. Just trust the hair with real professionals - no time for home procedures.

24 lunar days

Staining will be favorable if you choose a shade just darker than your natural color. But for the transformation into a blonde is not the most good day.

If you do a manicure, then you don't just saw and paint your nails, but also take care of the skin of the hands. Make a paraffin therapy procedure or just a bath with a sea salt to strengthen the nails.


If you do not have enough inspiration and it is impossible to activate the creative potential, carefully attribute to sleep in the 24th lunar days. They will help to tell you where you need to draw this inspiration, strength and energy that are necessary for the implementation of tasks set in front of them.

To expand sleep, it is not necessary to memorize the plot of dreams, you do not need to look for some signs or alarm. All that is required is to remember the feelings and emotions that you have experienced, walking along the kingdom of Morpheus.

Ritual for 24 lunar days

This is the day when the work and interaction with trees is shown. Great if pine grows near your home. You need to find a suitable tree and enter with it in contact: hug, talk, touch and feel outgoing energy.

Hit the tree and close your eyes. Feel how you merge into one unit, imagine that you become a pine. Feel the strength that comes from her, and fill yourself, your body. Ask about the execution of your desires.

For gardener and gardener

The activity of the moon on these days is increased, which also affects any gardening work. To the plants were healthy, and the harvest pleased you, follow the recommendations of the astrologers:
  • Take care of the vaccination of young plants, trimming trees and purifying fields from weeds.
  • On this day you can handle strawberries from pests.
  • Any soil processing is shown: loosening, junk, fertilizer, seed landing.
  • But there is no need to water the land, there is a risk of overdoing and to destroy young plants to destroy young plants, which water is not required today.

Check the video on the topic:


In these lunar days, it is awakened, activated and transformed in the human body. Powerful and strong male energy. This is the perfect time for dates, sex and child conception. Romantic relationships become warmer.


  • This is a good day to work with the body: from sports to psychological bodily practices. The ability to own your body helps curb male energy, allowing her to flow calmly, control it and direct where necessary.
  • People can feel the energy lift. The growing charge must be used and proceed with active actions in the sphere of life, which now suffers.
  • It is very important to listen to the voice of intuition and signals of your own body. With their help, the subconscious will try to give you some very important information.

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