23 Lunar Day: Characteristics Twenty-Third Moon Days


This is an incredibly powerful day in its energy. But the energy that comes to people from the moon, although very powerful, but not always positive. It can be aggressive, heavy, and it affects the behavior of almost every person.

twenty-third lunar day

Characteristics and features of the day:

  1. There may be a feeling that people do not just provoke conflicts unconsciously, but as if they were specifically looking for negative emotions. They can aggressively respond to your even the most harmless phrases. Therefore, it is so important to carefully think about every word.
  2. And you too can feel the desire to quarrel, heat, sharply express your point of view, without thinking about the feelings of the opponent. It is necessary to keep yourself and learn to keep inner calm. Remember that you are our thoughts and feelings you create the reality surrounding you, therefore - smaller negative.
  3. Energy vampires are activated, feeling incredible vibration of energies. They will try with all their forces to drain energy "donors" - bright and positive people who will be next to them.

Astrologer Council: Be on the alert and do not let the negative beat you. You are warned about the influence of the moon, and therefore armed.

Love, relationship, marriage

On dates on this day it is better not to go. This is especially true of couples who are already together and are in conflict. The meeting can only aggravate the situation, and in the future you will find yourself no capable of solving the problem.

23 lunar day

This is a dangerous day: people who are capable of physical or moral violence are activated. Therefore, you can seriously suffer, if you enter the open quarrel. To avoid such situations, you need to control emotions, practicing humility and refrain from sexual contacts.

Instincts can play with you a cruel joke, which is why astrologists persistently recommend abandoning sex in 23 lunar days. Ideally, if your sexual energy you sublimated in creativity or solve the tasks important for you.

Particularly difficult may be the second half of the day. People during this period are filled with envy, jealousy, offended by trifles and express their claims due to deceived expectations.

Try to do not frank anyone. Do not share your thoughts and feelings, because there is a big risk to face perfect misunderstanding of your views.

This day is the time of the loss of spiritual equilibrium, you can knock out from the rut any small accident. Try not to succumb to the provocations of circumstances, control yourself, and, perhaps, save yourself from all kinds of trouble.

Nobody wants to put up on this day, to compromise, but aggression is even debugging.

An interesting point: if you make a divorce in these lunar days, then in the future you get married with a former spouse.

Astrologer Council: say goodbye to people, after communicating with which you feel bad and tense. With those who criticize, does not believe in you and inspires all sorts of complexes.


Astrologers recommend to forget about intimate relationships on this day. If usually sex adds energies, today, on the contrary, it takes it very much. But for sports, the lunar days fit perfectly.

What is possible, and what can not be done:

  • You can not allow yourself bright negative emotions, overeat and drink alcohol.
  • You can not cut your nails.
  • It is not recommended to make operations and any other medical manipulations associated with bloodletting.
  • Ideally, if you can rest, restore the strength and bring the energy balance to normal. Take care of exercises for posture and spine, strengthen the muscular corset.

Astrologers recommend to starve and carry out clearative procedures for the restoration of the energy potential of the mental body.

Business, work, money

The 23rd lunar days are categorically not suitable for any cases that relate to money, career and business. The moon is in an unfavorable position for the financial sector, so it is better not to do anything important at all, but to engage in routine classes.

23 lunar day characteristic day

Any negotiations and transactions will be unsuccessful. They will not bring benefits, but add problems quite. Paints are especially thickened in the second half of the lunar day.

The surrounding will want to check how goodbye you are fulfilling your obligations, so make sure to work flawlessly. Otherwise, either a colleague, or the authorities will definitely find what to find fault.

It is advisable to abandon any cases and revise your goals, ideas. Think right if you go, do you need any adjustments in the business, which can be done to increase the career ladder.

This is the perfect period for the breaking of business relationships that have lost the relevance. Also on this day, you can close an unprofitable company, then you free up space for a successful new business.

Haircut, painting, manicure

The haircut on this day can harm the health, both physical and mental, so the hair is better not to touch, but to transfer a visit to the hairdresser for another day.

It is possible to paint hair, but only if you completely trust the person who will do it, because its energy state will be transmitted to you.

During manicure, the length of the nails can be reduced to a maximum of a millimeter, not more, and it is not worth painting.


The negative energy accumulated to the 23rd lunar days will try to find an output in your dreams. Therefore, nightmares can dream, real horrors that will leave behind an unpleasant precipitate. But you should not give it too much importance - it is just unloading the subconscious from bad emotions.

23 lunar days

If you express a dream correctly, you can better know and understand yourself. You are aware of which negative feelings have long suppressed in themselves, and understand, in which direction to move for spiritual development and improve your life.

These dreams are a signal about the existence of an internal unresolved conflict for which you need to take first, so do not ignore these signs to solve the problem once and forever.

Ritual for 23 lunar days

This is the day of knowledge of his karmic tasks. Time when you are able to determine what prevents you from moving forward and enjoy life. Astrologers recommend any rituals and practices aimed at purifying mental body, generic meditation and dynamic.

As an example, I can offer a practice aimed at cleansing and sanctifying the house. This ritual can be carried out using fire (candles), aromatic oils and salts. It is enough just to light the candle and go through all the corners, reading positive affirmations.

This will help get rid of the accumulated negative energy and fill the space of positive, light, clean and light energy of love.

For gardener and gardener

Earth on this day receives a huge amount of lunar energy, so plants are drinking with useful substances, and in the future they will bring good fruits. It is recommended to plant new trees and terrestrial cultures during this period, landscaping the territory on which earthworks are conducted, as well as to care for the ground part of any plants.

Check the video on the topic:


The 23rd day is one of the most severe in the middle of the lunar days. Therefore, they will have to control themselves with all their forces, their thoughts and emotions, so as not to harm or others.


  • If someone hurt you or offended, do not take to heart. In people now they say powerful negative energy vibrations, they may not understand what they do. So be indulgent, because you know the truth.
  • No matter how much you want to stay at home and calmly experience the severity of the day alone with me, it is impossible to remain passive. This is the time for active actions, but it is important inside to maintain a complete calm.
  • This is the perfect period for confession, repentance, forgiveness and cleansing spiritual practices. If it turns out, go to church or lock.

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